Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/266

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260 Klaeber Glossary: "let it be between you"). Cf. Maldon 60: us sceal ord and ecg <zr geseman, / grimm guftplega, &r we gafol syllon. b) geweorfian with infinitive. 25 (In consequence of the confusion of tongues, Gen. xi) ne meahte hie gewurfian weall stcenenne / up forfi timbran, Gen. 1691. (Note 1694 ff.: was ofter[r]e ceghwilc warden / mczgbur h fremde, sififiun Metod tobrced / purh hismihtaspedmonna sprace.) Toller's rendering (Ags. Dictionary, s.v. tohladan), "they could not combine to carry on the building of the wall" is a great improvement upon that of Grein, "nicht werden mocht' es ihnen, etc. " c) With genitive of the thing. pa hie nanre sibbe ne gewearft, Oros. 204.23. swipe hrcedlice pczs pe hie pees geworden hafde, OE. Chron. A.D. 918 (B,C,Dj); 'very soon after they had agreed thereon.' . . . pa senatores, pact synd peodwitan, pczt dceghwamlice smeadon . . . embe ealles folces pearfe and heora reed cyfidon pam casere, and him gewearfi anes, JElir. Lib. lud. Epilogus, Grein 263.26. Cf. German ems werden^ d) With a pat-clause. hie gewearfi pat hie wolden to Romanum fripes wilnian, Oros. 178.7 ( = petendam esse a Romanis pacem decreverunt.) 27 hie ealle gewearfi him betweonum pcet hie wolden Romanum geswican, Oros. 234.13 ( = cum defectionem meditarentur) . Similarly, ib. 280.20. 26 Cf. Gothic wair }>an with dative and infinitive, as in war]) . . . galetyan imma, Luke 6.6 (see Streitberg, 318; Sturtevant, Mod. Lang Notes xxxii, 141 ff.); also OE. becuman with infinitive (see Callaway, The Infinitive in Anglo- Saxon, p. 8). 26 This eins is presumably to be explained as gen. sing. An unequivocal Middle Low German example dating from A.D. 1416 has been noticed in Liib- ben's Mittelniederdeutsche Grammatik etc., p. 172: Item so is de gemeyne selscopp ens geworden, dat de vastelauendes schaffere up scolen sluten den kelre des myddages to teynen, etc. Two instances are given in Schiller-Liibben's Dictionary, s.v. gewerden, viz. : des ne kunde die rod nicht ens gewerden, Brem. G.Q. 89; en konden sey des gheldes nicht eyns gewerden, Seib. Urk. 540, 115. Some Middle Dutch examples may be found in Verwijs-Verdam's Dictionary, s.v. gewerden; e g., Of zijs nyet eens ghewerden en consten, zo zoudt de raet vander stat scheyden, R.v. Utr. 1,198,42. (Dutch eens worden.) 27 Cf., e.g., Blickl. Horn. 151.1: ])ohton }xet hie woldan ofslean "da apostolas;

Boeth. 102.10: fia fiohte he fiat he wolde gesecan helle godu.