Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/268

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262 Klaeber (The Genitive Case in Ags. Poetry, p. 43): "this had happened to the friend of the Scyldings" is certainly antiquated. Hu geweard pe pees . . . , fiat fiu sabeorgas secan wol- des . . . ? Andr. 307. Rendered very acceptably by Sweet: "what made you think of ... (determine to ...)?" Krapp explains geweorfian as "occur, befall." gif ftas geweorpe gesipcundne mannan ofer pis gemot, pat he unrihthcemed genime ofer cyngces bebod, Wihtraed Laws 5 ; 'if a man of the rank of a gesi(5 takes it into his head . . . ' Lieber- mann, who operates with the meaning 'happen,' feels con- strained to propose two emendations, viz. fiat and gesipcunde(?) . geweard him and pam folce on Lindesige anes, pcet hi hine horsian woldan (D, E: sceoldori), OE. Chron. A.D. 1014(C). 29 f ) With prepositions (ymb, wifi, to) . sceolde unc Adame yfele gewurfian / ymb pcet heofonrice, peer ic ahte minra handa geweald, Gen. B 387; 'we two, I and Adam, would ill agree as to, i.e. fight about, the kingdom . . . ' pa gewearfi pam hlaforde and pam hyrigmannum wifi anum peninge? 1 Supplement to ^Elfric's Homilies (ed. Napier), Arch, cii, 31 = Thorpe's Anal. Ags. 73.29 ( = Mat. xx 2: conven- tione autem facta cum operariis ex denario diurno); hu la, ne gewearfi unc to anum peninge? ib., = Anal. Ags. 74.21 ( = Mat. xx 13: nonne ex denario convenisti mecum?) Middle English (Cf. the OE. examples quoted above under d.) pa ne mihtte heom iwurfie, / wha pis lond scolde a^en, / and to-wende mid alle / a muchelere wrafifie, Lajam. 29427. Ofte heo 29 Cf. Wurdan ]>a ealle swa anrcsde mid ]>am cynge Ipat hy woldan Godwines fyrde gesecan, OE. Chron. A.D. 1052 (D); >a war on ealle on annysse mid >am apostolum, ^Elfr. Horn. I 316.3. 30 Cf. the expression of the corresponding active (causative) idea: On >(zm dagum . . . wceron twegen cyningas ymb }>(et rice winnende . . . >a sendon hie to Philippuse, ond badon >&t he hie ymb Ipat rice gesemde. 31 Perhaps both wifi and to should be credited here with the definite function of denoting the price, as in hwi ne sealdeheo >as sealfe wi> ]>rim hundred penegon, John 12.5 ; hu ne becypafi hig twegen spearwan to peninge? Mat. 10.29. Cf . Dial. Greg. 63.25, Ms.C: bebohte his hors to twelf mancussum, MS.H: gesealde his hors wid twelf mancosum. Luther's rendering of Mat. XX 2 is: da er mit den Arbei-

tern eins ward um einen Groschen.