Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 4).djvu/581

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Portraits of Celebrities at Different Times of their Lives.


Born 1825.

Age 20.
From a Photo. by Rustumjee Jamsetjee, Poona.

M R. NAOROJI, the first Indian Member of Parliament, was born in India, and brought up by his mother; his father, a Parsee priest, dying when he was five years old. He was educated in the Elphinstone Institution, where he had a brilliant career, ending in his appointment as Professor of Mathematics. In 1855 he came to this country as a partner in the firm of Cama and Co.—the first Indian house of business opened in England. He has always taken an active interest in social questions, especially in India, and his book on "The Poverty of India" is a standard work. His return to the House of Commons as member for Central Finsbury at the recent election has been received in India with wide-spread enthusiasm.

Age 41.
From a Photograph.
Age 66.
From a Photo. by F. Baum.