Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications/Annex G: Bibliography

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Annex G: Bibliography

Bennett, L (2012) The potential effect of making journals free after a six month embargo, ALSPS and the Publishers Association

Birrell, D et al, (2009) Online Catalogue and Repository Interoperability Study (OCRIS),

Bjork, B-C et al, (2010) ‘Open Access to the Scientific Journal Literature: Situation 2009’, PLoSOne, 5(6)

Boshoff, N (2009), “South–South research collaboration of countries in the Southern Development Community (SADC)” Scientometrics 84(2) pp. 481–50

Brand, A (2012) ‘Beyond Mandate and Repository, toward sustainable faculty selfarchiving’, Learned Publishing, 25(1)

Centro ASK, Università Bocconi, (2011) PEER Economics Report

Cox, J et al (2010) Payment Methods for Online Journals Agreement: Models for redistribution of costs

Dallmeier--Tiessen,S et al (2010) First results of the SOAP Project: Open Access Publishing in 2010

David Willetts (2012), Public Access to Publicly-Funded Research, Speech to the Publishers Association, 2 May

Davis, P, (2011) ‘Open access, readership, citations: a randomized controlled trial of scientific journal publishing’, FASEB Journal, 25, pp 2129-2134

Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (2011), Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth Cm8329

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2011) SET Statistics 2011

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2011) BIS Economics Paper No. 15, Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth,

Elsevier (2011), International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base 2011:report for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills,

Erway, R (2012) Lasting Impact: Sustainability of Disciplinary Repositories, OCLC

Fang Wu et al (2007), ‘Novelty and Collective Attention’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105, 17599

Gonçalves, B.,et al (2011) ’ Modeling users' activity on twitter networks: validation of Dunbar's number’, PLoSOne, vol 6 (8),

Hargreaves, I (2011), Digital Opportunity: A Review of Intellectual Property and Growth, Intellectual Property Office

Hall, S (2010): A commentary on ‘The economic implications of alternative publishing models’, Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation, 28:1, 73-84

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee (2011) Peer review in scientific publications, HC 856,

Houghton, J et al (2009) Economic implications of alternative scholarly publishing models: exploring the costs and benefits, JISC

Laakso et al, (2011),‘The development of OA journal publishing 1993-2009’, PLoS ONE 6(6)

McDonald, D et al (2012)The Value and Benefits of Text Mining, JISC Research Information Network (2006) Public Access to Digital Content, RIN

Mark Ware Consulting Ltd (2009), Access by UK small and medium-sized enterprises to professional and academic information, Publishing Research Consortium Mark Ware Consulting Ltd (2010), Submission Fees: a tool in the transition to open access? , Knowledge Exchange,

Morris, S et al (2009) ‘Learned society members and open access’ Learned Publishing 22 (3)

National Science Board (2012), Science and Engineering Indicators 2012. National Science Foundation,

National Science and Technology Council (2012), Interagency Public Access Co-ordination: a report to Congress on the coordination of policies related to the dissemination and long-term stewardship of the results of federally-funded scientific research

Nicholas, D. (2009). ‘The information-seeking behaviour of the virtual scholar: from use to users’. Serials 21(2)

Office for Public Management, (2012) Benefits of open access to scholarly research for VCS organisations, JISC, forthcoming.

Pinfield, S et al (2012) ‘Open access central funds in UK universities’, Learned Publishing 21 (2)

Reilly, S et al (2011) Report On Integration of Data and Publications, Report for Opportunities for Data Exchange Project

Research Information Network (2006) Public access to licensed journals held in academic libraries, RIN .

Research Information Network (2008 (1)) Activities, costs and funding flows in the scholarly communications system in the UK, RIN

Research Information Network (2008 (2)) Activities, costs and funding flows in the scholarly communications system in the UK, RIN

Research Information Network (2009), Communicating Knowledge: how and why UK researchers publish and disseminate their findings, RIN

Research Information Network (2010 (1)), One Year On: Evaluating the initial impact of the Scottish Higher Education Digital Library, RIN

Research Information Network (2010(2)), Trends in the finances of UK higher education libraries, 1999-2009, RIN

Research Information Network (2010(3), If You Build it, Will They Come? How Researchers Perceive and Use Web 2.0 , RIN

Research Information Network (2010 (4)) Making sense of research funding in UK higher education, RIN

Research Information Network (2011 ) E-journals: their use, value and impact: final report, RIN.

Research Information Network et al, (2010 ) E-only Scholarly Journals: overcoming the barriers, RIN, Publishing Research Consortium, JISC and Research Libraries UK

Research Information Network et al (2011) Heading for the Open Road: costs and benefits of transitions in scholarly communications. RIN, PRC, Wellcome Trust, RLUK and JISC,

Rightscom (2012) Benefits of Open Access to Scholarly Research Outputs to the Public Sector, Report for the Open Access Implementation Group,

Rowlands, I et al (2012) , PEER usage study findings, presented at PEER End of Project Results Conference, Brussels, 29 May 2012

Royal Society, (2010), The Scientific Century: securing our future prosperity

Shotton, D, (2012) ‘The Five Stars of Online Journal Articles – a Framework for Article Evaluation’, D-Lib Magazine, 18 (1/2),

Solomon, D, et al ‘A study of Open Access Journals using article processing charges’. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, forthcoming

Swan, A (2010) Modelling Scholarly Communications Options: Costs and Benefits, JISC Tenopir, C., et al (2009) Wu. “Electronic Journals and Changes in Scholarly Article Seeking and Reading Patterns.” Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, vol. 61,5

Tenopir, C., et al (2012), UK Scholarly Reading and the Value of Library Resources, JISC Collections

Thorn, S et al (2009) ‘Learned Societies and open access: key results from surveys of bioscience societies and researchers’ Serials 22(1)

UUK and RIN (2009), Paying for Open Access Publication Charges

Waltham, M (2009), The Future of Scholarly Journals Publishing Among Social Science and Humanities Associations,

Weinberger, D (2007) Everything is Miscellaneous: the Power of the New Digital Disorder

Wilson, T (2012) A Review of Business–University Collaboration