American Medical Biographies/List of Works Chiefly Consulted

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American Medical Biographies (1920)
List of Works Chiefly Consulted
1819587American Medical Biographies — List of Works Chiefly Consulted1920
Table of contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
List of Works Chiefly Consulted

  • Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portsmouth, N. H.
    Portsmouth. 1825.
  • Alabama Student, An, and other biolographical essays. William Osler, M.D.
    New York. 1908.
  • Albany, Annals of the medical society of the county of, 1806–1851. Sylvester D. Willard, M.D.
    Albany, N. Y. 1864.
  • Alden, Ebenezer, M.D. Early history of the medical profession in the county of Norfolk, Massachusetts. An address. 1853. (Boston Med. & Surg. Jour. 1853. xlix, 149.)
  • ………………Historical Sketch of the origin and progress of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Annual Discourse, 1838, Medical Communications. Vol. vi. Allen, William, D.D. The American biographical dictionary.
    Boston. 1857.
  • Allibone, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors.
    Philadelphia. 1908. 5 vols.
  • Amherst College, Biographical record of the alumni of, 1821–1871. W. L. Montague.
    1883. 2 vols.
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston. Memoirs. 1783–1908.
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings of the.
    Boston. 1848–1915. 50 vols.
  • American encyclopaedia and dictionary of ophthalmology. Edited by Casey Wood, M.D.
    New York. 1916–1919. 13 vols.
  • Appleton's Cyclopædia of American Biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske.
    New York. 1887–1889. 6 vols.
    Ditto. vol. viii. 1918.
  • Armstrong, J. M. Biographical encyclopedia of Kentucky.
    Cincinnati, O.
  • Ashe, Samuel A'C. Biographical history of North Carolina.
    Greensboro, N. C. 1907. 2 vols.
  • Atkinson, G. W., and Gibbens, A. F. Prominent men of West Virginia.
    Wheeling, W. Va. 1890.
  • Atkinson, W. B., M.D. The Physicians and Surgeons of the United States.
    Philadelphia. 1878–1880.
  • Baas, J. H., M.D. Outlines of the history of medicine and the medical profession. 1889. Translated and edited by H. E. Handerson, M.D.
    New York. 1910.
  • Bacon, F. Some account of the medical profession in New Haven, Conn. (In history of the city of New Haven to the present time. Edited by E. E. Atwater, New York, 1887.)
  • Baltimore, Medical annals of. John R. Quinan, M.D. From 1608–1880.
    Baltimore, Md. 1884.
  • Bartram, John, and Humphry Marshall, Memorials of. William Darlington, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1849.
  • Beath, Robert B. History of the Grand Army of the Republic. New York. 1889.
  • Beck, John B., M.D. An historical sketch of the state of medicine in the American colonies.
    Second Edition.
    Albany, N. Y. 1850.
  • Berkshire, Medicine in. Andrew Murray Smith, M.D. (Berkshire Historical and Scientific Society, vol. i.)
    Pittsfield, Mass. 1890.
  • Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.
    Philadelphia. 1849.
  • Blaisdell, Frank, M.D. One hundred years of New Hampshire surgery, 1800–1900.
    Goffstown, N. H. 1907.
  • Boston City Hospital, History of the.
    Boston, Mass. 1906.
  • Bosworth, F. H., M.D. The doctor in old New York. (Half Moon Series II, No. viii.)
    New York. 1898.
  • Bowditch, N. I., M.D. History of the Massachusetts General Hospital.
    Boston. 1851.
  • Bradford, T. L., M.D. History of Homœopathy.
    New York. 1905.
  • Brant and Fuller. Cyclopedia of representative men of the Carolinas.
    1892. 2 vols.
  • Bronson, Henry, M.D. Medical history and biography.
    New Haven, Conn. 1872–78.
  • Brooklyn (N. Y.), History of the medical profession of the County of Kings and the city of.
    New York. 1884.
  • Brown, Harvey E. The medical department of the United States Army from 1775 to 1873.
    Washington, D. C. 1873.
  • Browning, William, M.D. Some of our medical explorers and adventurers.
    Brooklyn, N. Y. 1918.
    (Repr. from New York Med. Record, Oct. 28, 1918).
  • Busey, Samuel C., M.D. Personal reminiscences and recollections.
    Washington, D. C. 1895.
  • Canada, The medical profession in Upper, 1783–1850; An historical narrative including some brief biographies. William Canniff, M.D.
    Toronto, Ont. 1894.
  • Canadian biography, Cyclopedia of. Geo. Mac-lean Rose. Series II.
    Toronto, Ont. 1888.
  • Canadian men and women of the time. Henry J. Morgan.
    Toronto, Ont. 1912.
  • Canadians, Sketches of celebrated. Henry J. Morgan.
    Quebec, P. Q. 1862.
  • Canniff, William, M.D. The medical profession in Upper Canada, 1783–1850.
    Toronto, Ont. 1894.
  • Carlisle, Frederick. Biographical sketches of the early explorers and pioneers of Detroit, Mich.
  • Carolinas, Cyclopedia of representative men of the. Brant and Fuller. 1892. 2 vols.
  • Carson, Joseph, M.D. History of the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania.
    Philadelphia. 1869.
  • Catalogues of the various medical schools and colleges of the United States and Canada, from the earliest times to the year 1919.
  • Century cyclopedia of names. Edited by Benjamin E. Smith, A.M. New York. 1902.
  • Chicago, A group of distinguished physicians and surgeons of. F. M. Sperry, M.D.
    Chicago. 1904.
  • Chicago, Early medical. J. Nevins Hyde, M.D.
    Chicago. 1879.
  • Claiborne, John H., M.D. Seventy-five years in Old Virginia.
    New York. 1904.
  • Clarke, E. H., M.D., and others. Century of American Medicine, 1776–1876.
    Philadelphia. 1876.
  • Cleave, E. Biographical cyclopædia of homœopathic physicians and surgeons.
    Philadelphia. 1873.
  • ………………Biographical cyclopaedia of the state of Ohio.
    Philadelphia. 1875.
  • College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, History of the. J. Shrady, M.D.
    Chicago. 1912. 2 vols.
  • College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Transactions of the.
  • Connecticut and Rhode Island, Biographical encyclopedia of, of the nineteenth century.
    New York. 1881.
  • Connecticut, Early medicine and early medical men in. Gurdon W. Russell, M.D.
    Hartford, Conn. 1892.
  • Cordell, Eugene F., M.D. Historical sketch of the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, 1807–1890.
    Baltimore, Md. 1891.
  • ………………The medical annals of Maryland, 1799–1899.
    Baltimore, Md. 1903.
  • Daniel Drake and his followers. Otto Juettner, M.D.
    Cincinnati, O. 1909.
  • Darlington, William, M.D. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall.
    Philadelphia. 1849.
  • Dartmouth College, Historical sketch of, Charles Franklin Emerson, Hanover, N. H. 1910–1911. In general catalogue of Dartmouth college and the associated schools, 1769–1910.
  • Delaware, Biographical history of. John T. Scharf.
    Philadelphia. 1888. 2 vols.
  • Detroit (Mich.), Biographical sketches of early pioneers of. Frederick Carlisle.
    Detroit, Mich. 1890.
  • Dexter, Franklin B. Yale University, Biographical sketches of the graduates, with annals of the college history.
    New York. 1913. 7 vols.
  • Dictionary of American Biography. Francis S. Drake.
    Boston, 1872.
  • Dictionary of National Biography. Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. London. 1908– 1912. 25 vols. with 2 supplements; 1 vol. epitome.
  • Doctor's who's who, The. Edited by Charles W. Moulton.
    New York and Chicago. 1906.
  • Eliot, John, D.D. A biographical dictionary of the first settlers in New England.
    Salem, Mass. 1809.
  • Emerson, Charles Franklin, Historical sketch of Dartmouth College.
    Hanover, N. H. 1910–1911. (In General Catalogue of College.)
  • Emmet, Thomas Addis, M.D. Incidents of my life.
    New York. 1911.
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Eleventh Edition.
    New York. 1911.
  • Encyclopedia of contemporary biography of New York.
    New York. 1883.
  • Farmer, John. A genealogical register of the first settlers of New England.
    Lancaster, Mass. 1829.
  • Felter, H. W., M.D. History of the Eclectic Medical Institute.
    Cincinnati, O. 1902.
  • Forster, Edward J., M.D. Medical biographical data. Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Manuscript. (Doctors' Self-told Tales.)
    Boston. 1892–1894.
  • Francis, Samuel Willard, M.D. Biographical sketches of distinguished living New York surgeons.
    New York. 1866.
  • ………………Biographical sketches of distinguished living New York physicians. New York. 1867.
  • Frank, Louis F., M.D. Medical history of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1834–1914.
    Milwaukee, Wis. 1915.
  • Fuller. (Joint author.) Cyclopedia of representative men of the Carolinas. Brant and Fuller.
    1892. 2 vols.
  • Garrison, Fielding H., M.D. An introduction to the history of medicine. Second edition.
    Philadelphia. 1917.
  • Georgia, Men of mark in. Edited by W. J. Northen.
    Atlanta, Ga. 6 vols.
  • Gibbens, A. F. (joint author). Prominent men of West Virginia. G. W. Atkinson and A. F. Gibbens.
    Wheeling, W. Va. 1890.
  • Gould, George M., M.D. History of Jefferson Medical College.
    Philadelphia. 1904. 2 vols.
  • Greely, A. W. Handbook of polar discoveries.
    Boston. 1906.
  • Green, Charles M., M.D. The early physicians of Medford (Massachusetts).
    Boston. 1898.
  • Green, Edwin L. A history of the University of South Carolina.
    Columbia, S. C. 1916.
  • Green, John Orne, M.D. Autobiography. Old Residents' Historical Association.
    Lowell, Mass. 1886. vol. iii, No. 3.
  • Green, Samuel A., M.D. An account of the physicians and dentists of Groton (Mass.).
    Groton, Mass. 1890.
  • ………………History of medicine in Massachusetts. A centennial address.
    Boston. 1881.
    (Repr. from Communications Mass. Medical Society. 1881. vol. xii, 543.)
  • Greenley, T. B., M.D. Some reminiscences in the lives and characters of the old-time physicians of Louisville, Ky.
  • Gross, Samuel D., M.D. Autobiography: with sketches of his contempararies.
    Philadelphia. 1887. 2 vols.
  • ………………Lives of eminent American physicians and surgeons of the nineteenth century.
    Philadelphia. 1861.
  • ………………Report on Kentucky surgery.
    Louisville, Ky. 1853.
  • Groton (Massachusetts), An account of the physicians and dentists of. Samuel A. Green, M.D.
    Groton, Mass. 1890.
  • Handerson, H. E., M.D. Translator and editor of Bass's Outlines of the history of medicine and the medical profession.
    New York. 1910.
  • Harrington, Thomas F., M.D. History of Harvard Medical School.
    New York. 1905. 3 vols.
  • Harshberger, John W. The botanists of Philadelphia and their work.
    Philadelphia. 1899.
  • Harvard College, Necrology of the alumni of. Joseph Palmer.
    Boston. 1864.
  • Harvard Graduates' Magazine.
    Boston. 1892–1919. 28 vols.
  • Harvard Medical Alumni Association, Bulletins of.
    Boston, Mass. 1891–1906. 22 vols.
  • Harvard Medical School, History of. Thomas F. Harrington, M.D.
    New York. 1905. 3 vols.
  • Harvard Medical School, History of. Edited by Harold C. Ernst, M.D.
    Cambridge, Mass. 1906.
  • Harvard University, Biographical sketches of graduates of. John Langdon Sibley.
    Cambridge, Mass. 1873–1885. 3 vols.
  • Heath, William, Major-General, Memoirs of.
    Boston. 1798.
  • Henry, F. P., M.D. Standard history of the medical profession of Philadelphia.
    Chicago. 1897.
  • Herringshaw, Thomas W. Herringshaw's encyclopædia of American biography of the nineteenth century.
    Chicago. 1898.
  • ………………National library of American biography.
    Chicago. 1909–1914. 5 vols.
  • Hill, Gardner Caleb, M.D. History of the healing art.
    Keene, N. H. 1904.
  • History of dental surgery. Edited by C. R. E. Koch.
    Chicago. 1909. 2 vols.
  • History of the Grand Army of the Republic. Beath, Robert B.
    New York. 1889.
  • Histories of various states, districts, counties, cities and towns in the United States and Canada.
  • Hodges, R. M., M.D. A narrative of events connected with the introduction of surgical anaesthesia.
    Boston. 1891.
  • Holland, James W., M.D. History of Jefferson Medical College. (In Gen. Alumni Cat.)
    Philadelphia. 1917.
  • Howard University, District of Columbia, History of the medical department of. Edited by D. S. Lamb, M.D.
    Washington, D. C. 1900.
  • Hubbell, Alvin A., M.D. The Development of Ophthalmology in America, 1800–1870.
    Chicago, Ill. 1908.
  • Hurd, Henry M., M.D., and others. The institutional care of the insane in the United States and Canada.
    Baltimore, Md. 1916–1917. 4 vols.
  • Hutchinson, Thomas, Collection of original papers. Massachusetts Historical Society files.
  • Hyde, J. Nevins, M.D. Early medical Chicago.
    Chicago. 1879.
  • Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's office. Edited by J. S. Billings, M.D.
    Washington, D. C., 1880–1895, 16 vols.
    Second Series, 1896–1916, 21 vols.
  • Index Medicus. Edited by Fielding H. Garrison, M.D.
    Washington, D. C. 1879–1919.
  • Indiana, State of, A medical history of the. G. W. H. Kemper, M.D.
    Chicago. 1911.
  • Jacobi, Mary Putnam. Woman's Work in America in Medicine.
    New York. 1891.
  • Jefferson Medical College, History of. George M. Gould, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1904. 2 vols.
  • Jefferson Medical College, History of. James W. Holland, M.D. (In Gen. Alumni Cat.)
    Philadelphia. 1917.
  • Johns Hopkins Hospital, Bulletins of.
    Baltimore, Md. 1890–1919. 30 vols.
  • Jones, W. W. Medical and surgical reminiscences of the Maumee Valley.
    Toledo, O. 1892.
  • Jordan, David Starr. Leading American men of science.
    New York. 1910.
  • Juettner, Otto, M.D. Daniel Drake and his followers.
    Cincinnati, O. 1909.
  • Kelly, Howard A., M.D. Cyclopedia of American medical biography, from 1610 to 1910.
    Philadelphia. 1912. 2 vols.
  • ………………Some American medical botanists.
    Troy, N. Y. 1914.
  • Kemper, G. W. H., M.D. A medical history of the state of Indiana.
    Chicago, Ill. 1911.
  • Kentucky, Biographical encyclopedia of. J. M. Armstrong.
    Cincinnati, O.
  • Kentucky, Lexington and Transylvania Universities, Brief Sketch of the history of. Robert Peter, M.D. 1854.
  • Kentucky, Some of the medical pioneers of. Edited by J. N. McCormack, M.D.
    Ky. Med. Jour., 1917, vol. xv.
  • Kentucky surgery, Report on. Samuel D. Gross, M.D.
    Louisville, Ky. 1853.
  • King, William H., M.D. History of Homœopathy.
    New York. 1905. 4 vols.
  • Kingsley, William L. Yale college.
    New York. 1879. 2 vols.
  • Koch, C. R. E. History of Dental Surgery.
    Chicago. 1909. 2 vols.
  • Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States. Edited by J. H. Brown.
    Boston. 1900. 7 vols.
  • LeConte, Joseph, M.D. Autobiography.
    Philadelphia. 1903.
  • Leonard, J. W. Men of America.
    New York. 1908.
  • Levick, James J., M.D. The early physicians of Philadelphia and its vicinity.
    Philadelphia. 1886.
  • Lexington, Kentucky, and Transylvania universities, Brief sketch of the history of. Robert Peter, M.D. 1854.
  • Long, John Wesley, M.D. Early history of the North Carolina Medical Society.
  • Loring, George B., M.D. Medical profession in Massachusetts during the Revolutionary war.
    Boston, Mass. 1875.
    (Boston Med. & Surg. Jour. 1875. Vol. xcii, 704–715.)
  • Louisville, Ky., Some reminiscences in the lives and characters of the old-time physicians of. T. B. Greenley, M.D.
  • Lowell (Massachusetts), Reminiscences of the early physicians, of, and vicinity. D. N. Patterson, M.D.
    Lowell, Mass. 1883.
  • ………………A necrology of the physicians of, and vicinity.
    Lowell, Mass. 1899.
  • Magazine of western history.
    Cleveland, O. 1886. 14 vols.
  • Maine, Biographical encyclopedia of, of the nineteenth century.
    Boston. 1885.
  • Marshall, Humphry, John Bartram and, Memorials of. William Darlington, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1849.
  • Maryland, The medical annals of, 1799–1899. Eugene F. Cordell, M.D.
    Baltimore, Md. 1903.
  • Maryland School of Medicine, Historical sketch of the, 1807–1890. Eugene F. Cordell, M.D.
    Baltimore, Md. 1891.
  • Massachusetts, Biographical encyclopedia of, of the nineteenth century.
    New York. 1879.
  • Massachusetts, A history of medicine in. A centennial address. Samuel A. Green, M.D.
    Boston. 1881.
    (Repr. from Communications Mass. Med. Soc., 1881, vol. xii, 543.)
  • Massachusetts General Hospital, History of the. N. I. Bowditch, M.D.
    Boston. 1851.
  • Massachusetts, Medical profession in, during the Revolutionary war. George B. Loring, M.D.
    Boston. 1875.
    (Boston Med. & Surg. Jour., vol. xcii, 704–715.)
  • Maumee Valley, Medical and surgical reminiscences of the. W. W. Jones.
    Toledo, O. 1892.
  • McDowell, Ephraim, Biography of, with life sketches of prominent men of the medical profession. M. T. Valentine.
    New York. 1897.
  • Medford (Massachusetts), The early physicians of. Charles M. Green, M.D.
    Boston. 1898.
  • Medical directories of the United States and Canada. American Medical Association.
    Chicago, Ill., and R. L. Polk & Co., Detroit, Mich.
  • Medical journals and periodicals of the United States and Canada from earliest times to 1919.
  • Medical papers, obituaries, memorials and biographical notices of physicians of the United States. Bound pamphlets.
    Boston Medical Library, Boston, Mass.
  • Meigler, Mlle. le Dr. M. J., Les femmes médecines professeurs de chirurgie à l'étranger.
    Chicago, Ill.
  • Michigan, Biographical cyclopedia of.
    New York and Detroit, Mich. 1900.
  • Michigan, History of the University of.
    Ann Arbor, Mich. 1906.
  • Michigan, Representative men in.
    Cincinnati, O. 1878. 4 vols.
  • Milwaukee (Wisconsin), The medical history of, 1834–1914. Louis F. Frank, M.D.
    Milwaukee, Wis. 1915.
  • Missouri, One hundred years of medicine and surgery in.
    St. Louis, Mo. 1900.
  • Montague, W. L., Biographical record of the alumni of Amherst college, 1821–1871.
    1883. 2 vols.
  • Montgomery, Thomas H. History of the University of Pennsylvania to A. D. 1770.
    Philadelphia. 1900.
  • Morgan, Henry J. Canadian men and women of the time.
    Toronto, Ont. 1912.
  • ………………Sketches of celebrated Canadians.
    Quebec, P. Q. 1862.
  • Morton, T. G., M.D., and Woodbury, F., M.D. History of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1751–1895.
    Philadelphia. 1895.
  • Mumford, James G., M.D., A narrative of medicine in America.
    Philadelphia. 1903.
  • ………………Surgical Memoirs and other essays.
    New York. 1908.
  • National cyclopedia of American biography.
    New York. 1893–1918. 16 vols.
  • Nelson's perpetual loose-leaf encyclopedia.
    New York. 1916. 12 vols.
  • New American encyclopædia. D. Appleton & Co.
    New York. 1866. 16 vols.
  • New England, A biographical dictionary of the first settlers in. John Eliot, D.D.
    Salem, Mass. 1809.
  • New England, A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of. James Savage.
    Boston, Mass. 1860–1864. 4 vols.
  • New England, A genealogical register of the first settlers of. John Farmer.
    Lancaster, Mass. 1829.
  • New England historic and genealogical register.
    Boston, Mass. 1847–1917. 71 vols.
  • New Hampshire, Notes on the medical profession of. I. A. Watson, M.D.
    (In State builders by George F. Willey.)
    Manchester, N. H., 1903, vol. l.
  • New Hampshire surgery, One hundred years of, 1800–1900. Frank Blaisdell, M.D.
    Goffstown, N. H. 1907.
  • New Haven, Conn., Some account of the medical profession in. F. Bacon.
    (In history of the city of New Haven to the present time. Edited by Edward E. Atwater, New York, 1887.)
  • New international year book.
    Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. 1913–1918.
  • New Jersey, History of medicine in, and its medical men to 1800. Stephen Wickes, M.D.
    Newark, N. J. 1879.
  • New York, The doctor in old. F. H. Bosworth, M.D.
    (Half Moon Series, II, No. viii.)
    New York. 1898.
  • New York, Encyclopedia of contemporary biography of.
    New York. 1883.
  • New York, History of the medical department of the University of the city of. (In catalogue of graduates and officers.)
    New York. 1872.
  • New York, History of the medical society of the state of.
    Albany, N. Y. 1857.
  • New York, History of the medical society of the state of. James J. Walsh, M.D.
    Brooklyn, N. Y. 1907.
  • New York physicians, Biographical sketches of distinguished living. S. W. Francis, M.D.
    New York. 1867.
  • New York surgeons, Biographical sketches of distinguished living. S. W. Francis, M.D.
    New York. 1866.
  • Norfolk county, Massachusetts, The early history of the medical profession in. An address. Ebenezer Alden, M.D.
    (Boston Med. & Surg. Jour., 1853, xlix, 149.)
  • Norris, George W., M.D. Early history of medicine in Philadelphia. Published by his son, William Fisher Norris, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1886.
  • North Carolina, Biographical history of. Samuel A'C. Ashe.
    Greensboro, N. C. 1907. 2 vols.
  • North Carolina Medical Society, Early history of the. John Wesley Long, M.D. 1917.
  • Oberlitzer, Ellis P. Literary history of Philadelphia.
    Philadelphia. 1906.
  • Ohio, The biographical cyclopædia and portrait gallery, with an historical sketch of the state of.
    Cincinnati, O. 1883–1891. 5 vols.
  • Ohio, Biographical cyclopædia of the state of. E. Cleave.
    Philadelphia. 1875.
  • Osler, William, M.D. An Alabama student and other biographical essays.
    New York. 1908.
  • Packard, Francis R., M.D. The history of medicine in the United States to the year 1800.
    Philadelphia. 1901.
  • Pagel, J. Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Aertze des 19 Jahrhunderts.
    Berlin, 1901.
  • Palmer, Joseph. Necrology of alumni of Harvard College.
    Boston. 1864.
  • Parsons, Usher, M.D. Sketches of Rhode Island physicians deceased prior to 1850.
    Providence, R. I. 1859.
  • Patterson, D. N., M.D. Reminiscences of the early physicians of Lowell (Massachusetts), and vicinity.
    Lowell, Mass. 1883.
  • ………………A necrology of the physicians of Lowell and vicinity.
    Lowell, Mass. 1899.
  • Pennsylvania hospital, History of the, 1751–1895. T. G, Morton, M.D. and F. Woodbury, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1895.
  • Pennsylvania, University of. Alumni register.
    Philadelphia, Pa.
  • Pennsylvania, University of, History of the medical department of the. Joseph Carson, M.D.
    Philadelphia, Pa. 1869.
  • Pennsylvania, History of the University of, to A. D. 1770. Thomas H. Montgomery.
    Philadelphia. 1900.
  • Peter, Robert, M.D. Brief sketch of the history of Lexington, Kentucky and Transylvania universities.
  • ………………History of the Medical Department of Transylvania University.
    Louisville, Ky. 1905.
  • Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, Annals of, in the olden time. John F. Watson.
    Philadelphia. 1857. 2 vols.
  • Philadelphia, Early history of medicine in. W. F. Norris, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1886.
  • Philadelphia, The early physicians of, and its vicinity. James J. Levick, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1886.
  • Philadelphia, An account of the institution and progress of the College of Physicians of. W. S. W. Ruschenberger, M.D.
    Philadelphia. 1887.
  • Philadelphia, Literary history of. Ellis P. Oberlitzer.
    Philadelphia. 1906.
  • Philadelphia, Standard history of the medical profession of. F. P. Henry, M.D.
    Chicago, Ill. 1897.
  • Philadelphians, The lives of eminent, now deceased. Henry Simpson.
    Philadelphia. 1859.
  • Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletins.
    1871–1910. 15 vols.
  • Pilcher, J. E., M.D. The Surgeon-Generals of the Army of the United States.
    Carlisle, Pa. 1905.
  • Portrait index. American Library Association. Edited by W. C. Lane and N. E. Browne.
    Washington, D. C. 1906.
  • Portsmouth, N. H., Annals of. Nathaniel Adams.
    Portsmouth. 1825.
  • Quinan, John R., M.D. Medical annals of Baltimore from 1608 to 1880.
    Baltimore, Md. 1884.
  • Ramsay, David, M.D. A review of the improvements, progress, and state of medicine in the 18th century.
    Charleston, S. C. 1801.
  • Rhode Island and Connecticut, Biographical encyclopedia of, of the nineteenth century.
    New York. 1881.
  • Rhode Island physicians, Sketches of, deceased prior to 1850. Usher Parsons, M.D.
    Providence, R. I. 1859.
  • Richmond, Va., Medical reminiscences of. J. N. Upshur, M.D.
  • Roberts, W. H., M.D. Biographical cyclopedia of medical history.
    Albany, N. Y. 1866.
  • Rose, Geo. Maclean. Cyclopedia of Canadian biography. Series II.
    Toronto, Ont. 1888.
  • Ruschenberger, W. S. W., M.D. An account of the institution and progress of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
    Philadelphia. 1887.
  • Rush Medical College, Bulletins of the alumni association of.
  • Russell, Gurdon W., M.D. Early medicine and early medical men in Connecticut.
    Hartford, Conn. 1892.
  • Savage, James. A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England.
    Boston, Mass. 1860–1864. 4 vols.
  • Scharf, John T. Biographical history of Delaware.
    Philadelphia, Pa. 1888. 2 vols.
  • Shrady, J., M.D. History of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York.
    Chicago, Ill. 1912. 2 vols.
  • Sibley, John Langdon. Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University.
    Cambridge, Mass. 1873–1885. 3 vols.
  • Simpson, Henry. The lives of eminent Philadelphians, now deceased.
    Philadelphia. 1859.
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