Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Curry, Otway

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Edition of 1900.

CURRY, Otway, journalist, b. in Greenfield, Ohio, 26 March, 1804; d. in Marysville, 17 Feb., 1855. He removed with his father to Pleasant Valley, Ohio, in 1811, and his early education was interrupted by the war. He went to Lebanon in 1823, learned the carpenter's trade, and worked at it in various towns till 1829, at the same time writing poetry for the newspapers. He was then a farmer in Union county till 1839, and served in the legislature in 1836-'7. He became one of the editors of the “Hesperian,” at Columbus, Ohio, in 1838, and in 1839 began the study of law at Marysville. He was again in the legislature in 1842, and in that year bought the “Greene County Torchlight,” published in Xenia, Ohio. He returned to Marysville in 1845, and practised his profession till his death, except in 1853-'4, when he edited the “Scioto Gazette,” in Chillicothe. He published “Love of the Past,” a poem (Cincinnati, 1838). See Coggeshall's “Poets and Poetry of the West.”