Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Keyl, Ernst Gerhard Wilhelm

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Edition of 1892.

1186294Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Keyl, Ernst Gerhard Wilhelm

KEYL, Ernst Gerhard Wilhelm, clergyman, b. in Leipsic, Germany, 22 May, 1804; d. in Monroe, Mich., 4 Aug., 1872. He was graduated at Leipsic in 1829, and, after holding Lutheran pastorates, came to this country in 1847, and officiated successively in Missouri, Milwaukee, Wis., Baltimore, Md., and Willshire, Ohio. For many years he was president of the eastern district of the Missouri synod, of which he was a founder. He was the author of “Lutherophilus” (St. Louis, 1854); “Katechismus-Auslegung aus Dr. Luther's Schriften” (4 vols., 1853-'68); and “Predigt-Entwürfe über die Sonn und Festtags-Evangelien aus Dr. Luther's Predigten” (1866). His biography was published by Rev. J. F. Kostering (St. Louis, 1882).