Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Raumer, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von

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Edition of 1900.

736811Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Raumer, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von

RAUMER, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von (row'-mer), German historian, b. in Woerlitz, near Dessau, 14 May, 1781: d. in Berlin, 14 May, 1873. He studied in the universities of Halle and Göttingen, was a civil magistrate in 1801, became in 1809 councillor to the state chancellor, Count von Hardenberg, was professor of history in the University of Breslau in 1811-'16, and in 1819 became professor of political economy in the University of Berlin. He was elected to the parliament of Frankfort by the latter city in 1848, and appointed by the Archduke John of Austria, vicar of the German empire, his ambassador to Paris in 1848. From 1851 up to the time of his death he was a member of the house of lords of Prussia. After 1816 Raumer undertook several journeys through France, Italy, Switzerland, and the United States, which he visited in 1841-'3 and again in 1853-'5. He is justly considered as one of the great historians of the 19th century. His works include “Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit” (6 vols., Leipsic, 1823-45), which is the standard history of the imperial house of Swabia; “Geschichte Europas seit dem Ende des XVten Jahrhunderts” (8 vols., 1832-'50); “ Beiträge zur neuen Geschichte” (5 vols., 1836-'9); and “Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika” (2 vols., 1845), which was translated into French (1846), and English (London, 1847). It treats of the constitution of the United States, which Raumer compares with those of Europe, of the religious movements in the country, of the political parties, and of its foreign policy.