Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Waite, Charles Burlingame

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Edition of 1889.

1328842Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Waite, Charles Burlingame

WAITE, Charles Burlingame, jurist, b. in Wayne county, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1824. He was educated at Knox college, Ill., studied law at Galesburg and Rock Island, and was admitted to the bar in 1847. After fifteen years' successful practice, chiefly in Chicago, he was appointed by President Lincoln in 1862 associate justice of the supreme court of Utah. In 1865 he resigned this post and became district attorney of Idaho, and a year later he returned to Chicago, since which time he has devoted himself to literary pursuits. Judge Waite has published a “History of the Christian Religion to the Year A. D. 200” (Chicago, 1881), and made numerous contributions to the press on suffrage and other politico-legal questions. — His wife, Catharine Van Valkenburg, author, b. in Dumfries, Canada West, in 1829, was graduated at Oberlin in 1853, and married Mr. Waite the next year. In 1859 she established Hyde Park seminary. She is a graduate of the Union college of law and a member of the Illinois bar. In 1886 she founded the “Chicago Law Times,” a quarterly magazine, of which she is the editor. Mrs. Waite is active in all movements for the advancement of her sex. At the International council of women at Washington she was elected president of the Woman's international bar association, 26 March, 1888. She is chief manager of the publishing-firm of C. V. Waite and Co., and has published “The Mormon Prophet and his Harem” (Cambridge, 1865).