Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities (1879)/Delta Gamma

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The society of the above name was foundecl at the Oxford Institute, Oxford, Miss., in 1872, by Misses Mary Comfort, Andra Boyd, Ella Boyd, and Eva Webb. No effort was made to establish chapters elsewhere until 1877, when in April a chapter was chartered at Peabody High School, Water Valley, Miss. The roll is as follows:

  1. Psi, Oxford Institute, 1872.
  2. Chi, Peabody High Sehool, 1877.
  3. Theta, Fairmount College, 1877.
  4. Upsilon, Bolivar College, 1878.
  5. Phi, Franklin College (Indiana), 1878.

The chapters so far are in the select boarding-schools for girls, and there is every reason to believe the organization a prosperous one. It has no dead chapters, and, in addition to those mentioned above, chapters are now in organization at Greenville, Miss., Trinity University, Tex., Ward’s Seminary, Nashville, Tenn., and at Chambersburg, Pa. The rapid extension of this society may make it a formidable rival of Kappa Alph Theta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma, and the other ladies’ societies in the West which do not have Greek names. The total number of members is now about 150. The badge is an anchor of white enamel, from the ring of which depends a cord of black. Above the flukes is a shield of white enamel having the letters “ΔΓ” in gold. The cross-bar of the anchor displays the letters “ΤΔΗ,” also in gold. No general convention has as yet been held; the first one will probably take place in January, 1880. The authority is now entirely in the hands of the Psi Chapter.