Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Ven. Philipp Jeningen

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102037Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Ven. Philipp Jeningenby multiple editors

Born at Eichstätt, Bavaria, 5 January, 1642;d, at Ellwangen, 8 February, 1704. Entering the Society of Jesus, 19 January, 1663, he became a most successful popular missionary at the shrine of Our Lady of Schönenberg, near Ellwangen in Swabia, made famous by the Jesuits, and to which Jeningen, through the renown of his holiness, drew pilgrims from near and far. For many years he went forth on missions in the entire neighbouring country, his burning zeal achieving wonderful results. He is yet remembered as the "Apostle of the Ries".

Pergmayer, Vita . . . Philippi Jeningen . . . (Ingolstadt and Munich, 1763); Hausen, Leben . . . Philipp Jeningen . . . (Dillingen, 1766; Ratisbon, 1873); Piscalar, Aus dem Lebendes ehrw. Philipp Jeningen . . . (Paderborn, 1859); Der ehrw. P. Philipp Jeningen . . . von einem Priesterder Dioz. von Rottenburg (Ellwangen, 1908); Beschreibung der laueretanischen Kapelle und Kirche auf dem Schönenberg (Ellwangen, 1870); a life in MS. at the Jesuit College at Feldkirch; a collection of letters in the archives of the German province.