Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Volume 1/List of Illustrations

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

655686Collier's New Encyclopedia — List of Illustrations

List of Illustrations

The CapitolColored Frontispiece, Vol. I

Opposite page 58, Vol. I

Opposite page 154, Vol. I

Opposite page 234, Vol. I

  • Peary's Cache
  • Ice Fields of the Weddell Sea, Shackleton's Expedition
  • Weighing the Dogs
  • Ice Upheaval
  • The "Endurance" Crushed
  • Amundsen's Doc Sled
  • Amundsen's Dog Team and Flag of Norway
  • Amundsen's Party in Camp
  • Observations at South Pole
  • The "Fram"

Opposite page 282, Vol. I

  • Artillery, Plate A, Rifled Gun
  • 14-Inch Guns in Triple Mount
  • Plate B, 14-Inch Gun
  • Plate C, Railway Mounted Naval Gun
  • Plate D, Twelve-Inch Mortar Gun
  • Plate E, 16-Inch Howitzer
  • Caproni Airplane
  • British Handley-Page
  • German Gotha
  • Making Airplane Wings
  • Anti-Aircraft Gun
  • Sunken Ship

Opposite page 314, Vol. I

  • Mt. Wilson Observatory
  • The Sun at Nome
  • Sun Spots
  • The Moon, Northern Part
  • The Moon, Southern Part
  • Star Cluster M 22
  • Nebula N 17
  • Morehouse's Comet
  • The Planet Saturn
  • Transmitting Clocks

Opposite page 426, Vol. I

  • Arabian Soldiers
  • The Capitol, Argentina
  • Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Arras, France
  • An Asbestos Mine
  • A Giant Bamboo
  • A Great Banyan Tree
  • A Baobab Tree Near the Nile

CHIGAGO—Colored Frontispiece, Vol. II

Opposite page 52, Vol. II

  • Birmingham, Alabama
  • Betelgeuse and the Solar System
  • Betelgeuse in Orion
  • Simon Bolivar
  • Bombay, India
  • Collection of Bombs
  • Bomb Explosion
  • Boston, Massachusetts

Opposite page 164, Vol. II

  • Tower Bridge, London
  • Brooklyn Bridge, New York
  • Hell Gate Bridge, New York
  • Suspension Bridge, Niagara
  • Firth of Forth Bridge
  • Quebec Bridge, St. Lawrence River
  • Duhamel Trestle Bridge
  • Ohio River Bridge at Henderson
  • Ore Bridge, Pennsylvania
  • Swinging Bridge, Cairo
  • Hooghly River Bridge, Calcutta

Opposite page 260, Vol. II

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Boomerangs
  • Elephants, Burma
  • American Buffalo, or Bison
  • Canadian Horse Ranch
  • Cacao Harvest
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • Temple in Calcutta

Opposite page 324, Vol. II

  • Canadian Parliament
  • Lakes-in-the-Clouds, Canada
  • Hoodoos, Canadian Rockies
  • The Three Sisters, Canadian Rockies
  • Red Deer River Formations
  • Harbor of Colombo, Ceylon
  • Houseboats, Colombo, Ceylon
  • Charleston, South Carolina
  • Adams Street, Chicago
  • Harbor of Canton, China

Opposite page 388, Vol. II

  • Westminster Abbey
  • St. Paul's Cathedral, London
  • Cathedral of St. John the Divine
  • St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York
  • Notre Dame de Paris
  • Cathedral of Toledo, Spain
  • Cathedral at Milan, Italy
  • St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice

Opposite page 484. Vol. II

  • Old North Church, Boston
  • Old South Church, Boston
  • Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia
  • St. John's Church, Richmond
  • Old Russian Church, Alaska
  • Old Norwegian Church
  • Russian Church in Moscow
  • Christian Science Church, Boston

CONSTANTINOPLE—Colored Frontispiece. Vol. III

Opposite page 36, Vol. III

  • Communal House—Cliff Dwellers
  • Mining Coal, Alabama
  • Loading Coal, Charleston
  • Coal Bins and Coal Trains
  • Coblenz, Germany
  • Consulate at Mukden
  • Cocoanuts
  • Coolies and Sedan Chair
  • Coolie and Jinrikisha
  • Garden of the Gods, Colorado
  • Roads Near Denver

Opposite page 84, Vol. III

  • Harvard
  • Yale
  • Princeton
  • Oxford
  • Cambridge
  • University of Chicago
  • University of California
  • University of Pennsylvania

Opposite page 164, Vol. III

  • Colonnade, Hall of Fame
  • Estes Park, Colorado
  • Stamp Mill, Colorado
  • Salmon Cannery, Columbia River
  • Huge Copper Nugget
  • Copper Mines, Australia
  • Copper Smelter, Arizona
  • Bananas, Costa Rica

Opposite page 260, Vol. III

  • Town in Czecho-Slovakia
  • Havana, Cuba
  • Danube River
  • Sorting Raw Cotton
  • Cotton Card Sliver
  • Roving Frames, Cotton Mill
  • Color Mixing, Cotton Mill.
  • Model Dairy Barn
  • Date Palms on Nile

Opposite page 372, Vol. III

  • Birds-Eye View of Delhi
  • "Street Called Straight," Damascus
  • Merchants' Bazaar, Damascus
  • Diamond Mine, Kimberley
  • Skeleton of Dinosaur
  • Dinosaur Country
  • "Mt. Vernon" in Dry Dock
  • Vessel in Floating Dock
  • "Virginia" Entering Dry Dock

Opposite page 468. Vol. III

  • Chimborazo, Ecuador
  • Pyramids, Egypt
  • Mosque in Cairo, Egypt
  • Temple of Philae Submerged
  • Public Grain Elevator, New Orleans
  • Electricity—High Frequency Alternator
  • Electric Lighting, Lower Broadway
  • Electric Engine and Train

PARIS—Colored Frontispiece. Vol. IV

Opposite page 52, Vol. IV

  • Buckingham Palace, England
  • King George Going to Parliament
  • Windsor Castle, England
  • Esquimaux With Harpoon
  • Esquimaux With Sled
  • Douglas Fir Tree
  • Fjord, Norway
  • Flume

Opposite page 148, Vol. IV

  • Seal Fishery
  • Boston Fishing Boat
  • Tuna Fishing
  • Sardine Fishery
  • A Catch of Herring
  • Oyster Schooners
  • Flammenwerfer
  • Flax Spinning
  • Florida
  • Rheims Cathedral, France

Opposite page 260, Vol. IV

  • Battlefield in France
  • Fur Industry
  • Galveston Sea Wall
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Genoa, Italy
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Geneva, Switzerland

Opposite page 308, Vol. IV

  • Geyser in Eruption
  • Mammoth Hot Spring
  • Hot Springs, New Zealand
  • Castle Geyser
  • Bathtub Geyser
  • Glass Making
  • Glass Blowing
  • Greenland

Opposite page 404, Vol. IV

  • Granada, from Alhambra
  • Grand Canon
  • Grapefruit
  • Athens, Greece
  • Parthenon, Athens
  • Cleveland, Great Lakes Port
  • Fort William, Great Lakes Port
  • Construction, Welland Canal, Great Lakes

Opposite page 468, Vol. IV

  • President Harding
  • Palace at The Hague
  • Port au Prince, Haiti
  • Baled Hay, California
  • Hemp, Philippines
  • Surf Riding, Hawaii
  • Heidelberg, Germany
  • Harbor of Havana

LINCOLN MEMORIAL—Colored Frontispiece, Vol. V

Opposite page 52, Vol. V

  • Hieroglyphics—Temple of Dendera
  • Hieroglyphics—Thebes
  • Hieroglyphics—Clay Postage
  • Idol Found in Honduras
  • Harbor of Hong Kong, China
  • Hydraulic Power House
  • Hydraulic Mining
  • Palisades, Hudson River

Opposite page 132, Vol. V

  • Delhi, Capital of India
  • Primitive Bridge, India
  • Snake Charmers, India
  • Elephants in Parade, India
  • Pearl Mosque, Agra, India
  • Indians in Peru
  • Patagonian Indians
  • Hopi Indian Women
  • American Indian Archers

Opposite page 196, Vol. V

  • Giants Causeway, Ireland
  • Street in Belfast, Ireland
  • O'Connell Bridge, Dublin
  • Drying Peat in Ireland
  • Irrigation Dam, King's River
  • Irrigated Canteloupe Field
  • Irrigated Onion Field
  • Irrigated Sugar Cane Field in Australia

Opposite page 260, Vol. V

  • Governor's Palace, Kingston, Jamaica
  • Fujiyama, Japan
  • Cryptomeria Trees, Nikko, Japan
  • Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives
  • Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
  • Wailing Wall, Jerusalem
  • Damascus Gate, Jerusalem
  • Temple Emmanu-el, New York

Opposite page 356, Vol. V

  • Statue of Empress Josephine
  • Marble Quarries, Italy
  • The Rampart Iceberg
  • Juan Fernandez Island
  • Town on the Garda Sea, Italy
  • Steel Barges at Kansas City
  • The Klondike Trail
  • Docks of Liverpool, England
Opposite page 484, Vol. V
  • Emancipation Group by Ball
  • Meeting of Lincoln's Cabinet
  • Members of Lincoln's Cabinet
  • Home of Lincoln at Springfield, Ill.
  • Memorial over Lincoln Cabin
  • Statue of Lincoln by Barnard
  • Statue of Lincoln by Borglum
  • Statue of Lincoln by St. Gaudens

NEW YORK—Colored Frontispiece, Vol. VI

Opposite page 36, Vol. VI

  • London—House of Commons
  • London—Transportation Guide
  • London—A Heavy Fog
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Lucerne, Switzerland
  • Lucknow, India
  • Lumber Industry, New Brunswick
  • Lumber Industry, Tasmania
  • Lusitania

Opposite page 132, Vol. VI

  • Madeira
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Manila, Philippine Islands
  • Maoris, New Zealand
  • Matterhorn
  • Mexico—Temple of the Sun
  • Mexico—Interior of Ruin
  • Mexico—Aztec Ornament
  • Mexico—Aztec Monument

Opposite page 260, Vol. VI

  • Mt. McKinley
  • Michigan Copper Industry
  • Mississippi River Port (Memphis)
  • Mississippi River Steamboat
  • Mississippi River Dock
  • Montreal, Canada
  • Mont Blanc Avalanche
  • Morro Castle, Havana Harbor, Cuba

Opposite page 372, Vol. VI

  • Napoleon—Tomb in Paris
  • Naples, Italy
  • National Cemetery, Arlington
  • New York—West Street
  • New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Niagara Falls
  • Nickel Mine in Canada
  • Assouan Dam, Nile River

Opposite page 420, Vol. VI

  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Rocky Mountain National Park
  • Yosemite National Park
  • Mt. Rainier National Park
  • Glacier National Park
  • Mesa Verde National Park
  • Grand Canyon National Park
  • Rainbow Bridge

Opposite page 452, Vol. VI

  • Navy—Battleship Tennessee
  • Electric Control of Battleship
  • Rudder Control
  • North Carolina Type Battleship
  • Submarine—Recent Type
  • New York—Governor's Island
  • New York—Ellis Island
  • Stock Exchange, New York
  • College of the City of New York
  • Columbia University, New York
  • New York—Bedloe's Island


Opposite page 36, Vol. VII

  • An Oil Well, Mexico
  • Oil Delivery Station
  • Olive Orchard
  • Harbor of Oporto
  • Ostia, Ancient Port of Rome
  • Orange Sorting Machine
  • Ostriches
  • Oxford, England

Opposite page 84, Vol. VII

  • Landing at Jaffa, Palestine
  • Oxen Treading Corn, Palestine
  • Street Scene, Jerusalem
  • Street Scene, Hebron
  • Fishermen on Sea of Galilee
  • Cedars, Mt. Lebanon
  • The River Jordan
  • The Garden of Gethsemane

Opposite page 148, Vol. VII

  • Royal Palms, Cuba
  • Pedro Miguel Locks, Panama Canal
  • Gaillard Cut, Panama Canal
  • Gatun Locks, Panama Canal
  • Pulp Room in Paper Mill
  • Paper-Making Machine
  • Place de L'Opera, Paris
  • L'Ile de La Cite
  • The Seine and Its Bridges

Opposite page 228, Vol. VII

  • General Pershing's Arrival in France
  • Gathering a Peach Crop
  • Penguins in the Antarctic
  • City of Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • Gathering Papayas in Peru
  • Swinging Bridge, Peru
  • Country House in the Philippines
  • South Broad Street, Philadelphia

Opposite page 324, Vol. VII

  • Pineapple Plantation
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Pilgrim Monument
  • Amphitheater at Pola
  • House of Vetti, Pompeii
  • Pompeii and Vesuvius
  • Governor's Palace, Porto Rico
  • Country House, Porto Rico
  • Modern Agriculture, Porto Rico

Opposite page 420, Vol. VII

  • Etoile Cathedral, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Palace at Potsdam
  • Quebec from the St. Lawrence
  • American Pottery
  • Shaping Clay on a Potter's Wheel
  • Cattle from Ranges
  • Huge Railway Locomotive
  • Oil Burning Engine in the Rockies
  • Locomotive Works, Bloomington, Ill.
  • Ragusa, Dalmatia

RIO DE JANEIRO—Colored Frontispiece, Vol. VIII

Opposite page 52, Vol. VIII

  • Rice Fields in China
  • Transplanting Rice, Japan
  • Harvesting Rice, Louisiana
  • Richmond. Virginia
  • Trinity Church, Newport, R. I.
  • City of Riga
  • Road construction, Detroit
  • Riva on the Garda Sea

Opposite page 100, Vol. VIII

  • Roman Forum
  • Coliseum in Rome
  • Interior of Coliseum
  • Sistine Chapel, the Vatican, Rome
  • Hall of the Immaculate Conception
  • Castle St. Angelo, Rome
  • Canal in Rotterdam
  • Royal Gorge, Colorado

Opposite page 164, Vol. VIII

  • Tapped Rubber Tree
  • Rubber Tree in Ceylon
  • Vulcanizing Rubber Tires
  • Carpathian Mountains, Rumania
  • Nizhni-Novgorod Fair, Russia
  • Kremlin, Moscow, Russia
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • Air View of San Francisco
Opposite page 276, Vol. VIII
  • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Mormon Temple and Tabernacle
  • Santiago de Cuba
  • St. John, New Brunswick
  • Laying a Gas Buoy in the St. Lawrence
  • Sault Ste. Marie
  • Lake Washington Canal, Seattle
  • Sheep Ranch, Colorado

Opposite page 388, Vol. VIII

  • Traveling by Elephants, Siam
  • Plowing with Water Buffalo, Slam
  • Interior of Shoe Factory
  • Silkworm—Moth, Cocoon and Eggs
  • Silkworms on Mulberry Leaves
  • Nests of Silkworm Cocoons
  • Reeling Silk From Cocoons
  • Removing the Cocoons
  • Spinning the Silk
  • Broad Goods French Looms
  • Harbor of Sitka, Alaska

Opposite page 484, Vol. VIII

  • Cecil Rhodes Memorial
  • Norval's Bridge, South Africa
  • Lion's Head, Capetown, South Africa
  • Hall of Congress, Santiago, Chile
  • Cathedral, Santiago, Chile
  • Iguazu Waterfalls, South America
  • Monroe Palace, Rio de Janeiro
  • Cocoanut Festival, Solomon Island

ROME—Colored Frontispiece, Volume IX

Opposite page 20, Vol. IX

  • Tower of the Alhambra, Spain
  • Casket in Cathedral at Seville
  • Corridor in the Escorial
  • Mosque at Cordova
  • Alcazar of Toledo
  • Court of the Lions
  • Court of the Myrtles
  • Roman Aqueduct at Segovia

Opposite page 84, Vol. IX

  • Steel Mills and Ore Vessels
  • Pouring Molten Iron
  • Bessemer Converter
  • Open Hearth Furnaces
  • Rolling a Steel Ingot
  • Steam-driven Punch
  • Steam Hammer in Operation
  • Pittsburgh at Night

Opposite page 164, Vol. IX

  • Sponge Wharf at Key West
  • Stalactites and Stalagmites
  • Planting Sugar Cane
  • Sugar Cane Plantation
  • Harvesting Sugar Cane
  • Sugar Mill in Cuba
  • Sugar Levee, New Orleans
  • Surrender of Crew of Submarine

Opposite page 260, Vol. IX

  • Suez Canal—De Lesseps Statue
  • Suez Canal—Types of Vessels
  • Suez Canal—Steamers Passing
  • Suez Canal—View from Desert
  • Simplon Tunnel, Switzerland
  • St. Moritz, Switzerland
  • Gotthard Express, Switzerland
  • Cog Railroad on Mt. Pilatus, Switzerland

Opposite page 324, Vol. IX

  • Tahiti, Society Islands
  • Tree Ferns in Tasmania
  • Tea Picking in Japan
  • Institute of Technology
  • Tent Encampment, Camp McArthur
  • Telescope, Naval Observatory
  • Bruce Telescope, Yerkes Observatory
  • Large Telescope in Use
  • Cement Works, Texas

Opposite page 468, Vol. IX

  • Traveler's Tree
  • Tobacco Crop, Kentucky
  • Tobacco Drying, Jamaica
  • Torpedoed Vessel
  • Transport "Leviathan"
  • Trent, in the Trentino
  • Torlino Castle, Trentino
  • Trieste on the Adriatic

TOKIO—Colored Frontispiece, Vol. X

Opposite page 84, Vol. X

  • Presidential Inaugural, 1921
  • President-elect Harding Takes Oath of Office
  • President Harding and His Cabinet
  • House of Representatives
  • Supreme Court Chamber
  • Senate Chamber
  • State, Army and Navy Building
  • The White House

Opposite page 180, Vol. X

  • Public Consistory in the Vatican
  • Pitch Lake, Island of Trinidad
  • Natural Bridge, Cedar Cañon, Utah
  • Valparaiso, Chile
  • The Arsenal, Venice
  • Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands
  • Harbor of Vladivostok
  • Grand Canal, Venice

Opposite page 276. Vol. X

  • Eruption of Stromboli Volcano
  • Mt. Pelée, which Destroyed St. Pierre, Island of Martinique
  • A Lava Flow on Kilauea, Hawaiian Islands
  • Grand Opera House, Warsaw
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Wheat Fields, Saskatchewan
  • Wire Entanglements—World War
  • Wounded Soldiers Brought in by Prisoners

Opposite page 308, Vol. X

  • Washington with His Family
  • Stuart Portrait of Washington
  • Stuart Portrait of Martha Washington
  • Washington at Trenton
  • Sulgrave Manor
  • Pages of Washington's Accounts
  • Martha Washington's Chamber
  • Mount Vernon. Washington's Home
  • Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon
  • The Washington Monument from the Potomac

Opposite page 388, Vol. X

  • Woodrow Wilson
  • Marines in Belleau Wood
  • Entering St. Mihiel Salient
  • Advancing on the Hindenburg Line
  • Americans in the Argonne Forest
  • Clemenceau Addresses German Delegates
  • Crowd About Versailles Palace
  • "The Wars of America"

Opposite page 468, Vol. X

  • World War—Canadian Troops on the Rhine
  • Ypres, Before the War
  • Ypres, at the Close of the War
  • Yokohama, Japan
  • Sisal Plantation, Yucatan
  • Bridge Over Zambezi River
  • Zulu War Dance
  • Zurich, Switzerland