
Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Schnitzer, Edward

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

937609Collier's New Encyclopedia — Schnitzer, Edward

SCHNITZER, EDWARD, better known as Emin Pasha, an African explorer; born in Oppeln, Germany, March 28, 1840. Studying medicine, he graduated in 1864. Proceeding to Turkey, he practiced his profession. He adopted the name of Emin, and Turkish habits and customs, entering the Egyptian medical service as Dr. Emin Effendi. In 1878 he was appointed by Gordon Pasha governor of the Equatorial Province. He showed himself an enlightened ruler and a bitter foe to slavery. He added greatly to the anthropological knowledge of central Africa and published valuable geographical papers. He entered the German service, 1889, and commanded an expedition to central Africa; made treaties with the Arabs of Tabora, and founded three large German stations on Victoria Lake; established a chain of military posts from Mpwapwa to the interior; in 1891 pressed onward into the heart of central Africa, and in 1892 S. toward the equator. He was murdered by Arab slave traders in the Kongo Free State, Oct. 20, 1892.