Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Spielhagen, Friedrich

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

657123Collier's New Encyclopedia — Spielhagen, Friedrich

SPIELHAGEN, FRIEDRICH, a German novelist; born in Magdeburg, Feb. 24, 1829, but passed all his youth at Stralsund. From the gymnasium there he proceeded in 1847 to the universities successively of Bonn, Berlin, and Greifswald, afterward settling at Leipsic in 1854 as a docent, at Hanover in 1859, and at Berlin in 1862, in the last two places till 1884 as a newspaper editor. His works, of which eight have been translated into English, are some 30 in number, in over 50 volumes, and include: “Klara Vere” (1857); “On the Dunes” (1858); “Enigmatical Natures” (1860); “The Von Hohensteins” (1863); “Little Rose of the Court” (1864); “In Rank and File” (1866); “The Village Coquette” (1868); “Hammer and Anvil” (1868); “Ever Onward” (1872); “Ultimo” (1873); “The Freshet” (1876); “Quisisana” (1879-1880); “Angela” (1881); “Uhlenhans” (1884); “Noblesse Oblige” (1888); “A New Pharaoh” (1889); “Susi” (1895); and many dramatic works and much miscellany. He died in 1911.