Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Sigel, Franz

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

676172Collier's New Encyclopedia — Sigel, Franz

SIGEL, FRANZ, an American military officer; born in Sinsheim, Baden, Nov. 18, 1824; was graduated at the military school at Carlsruhe in 1843 and commissioned a lieutenant in the army. When the Baden revolution began he raised troops; assumed the leadership of the insurrection; and was made Secretary of War and Commander-in-Chief of the army. He came to the United States in 1852, and when the Civil War broke out, organized a regiment and went to the front, where he served with unusual distinction, being promoted Major-General. Subsequently he settled in New York City, where he entered politics; was made collector of internal revenue in May, 1871; register of the city in October, 1871, and pension agent in 1886; later was head of an advertising bureau and editor and publisher of the “New York Monthly.” Died August, 1902.