Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Ashburnham, William

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1904 Errata appended.

686883Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 02 — Ashburnham, William1885Richard Charles Browne

ASHBURNHAM, WILLIAM (d. 1679), royalist, was the younger brother of John. He was member for Ludgershall in both the parliaments held in 1640, and in 1644 was governor of Weymouth, which place he kept four months for the king. Ten years later (3 June 1654) he was arrested and examined on the charge of complicity in that plot to murder the Protector for which Gerard and Vowel afterwards suffered. He does not, however, appear to have been sent before the high court of justice. After the Restoration he was made cofferer of the household. He was frequently a fellow-guest and a sharer in treasury business with Pepys, who styles him an 'experienced man and a cavalier.' His 'odd stories' are duly noted, and there was one touching the lease of Ashburnham House from the dean and chapter of Westminster, wherein the 'devilish covetousness' of Dr. Busby was commemorated.

[The Tryal of Colonel Ashburnham, London (3 June), 1654, 4to; Pepys's Diary, ed. Bright, iv. 323.]

R. C. B.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.9
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
164 i 13 Ashburnham, William: after the household insert and was elected M.P. for Ludgers Hall in 1661, sitting till the dissolution of 1678