Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Baldred (d.608?)

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The ODNB says that the biography of the earlier Baldred was put together from later details of Balther.

731904Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 03 — Baldred (d.608?)1885Thomas Frederick Tout

BALDRED, or BALTHERE (d. 608?), saint, was a Northumbrian anchorite of the sixth century, the details of whose life are entirely mythical. Alban Butler gives 608 as the date of his death. He is said to have been suffragan of Kentigern of Glasgow, but all the localities connected with his cultus are in Lothian. Baldred was one of the island saints more common in Celtic than in English hagiology. His favourite place of retirement was the Bass Rock in the Firth of Forth. The special scenes of his teaching and miracles are reputed to be the three villages of Aldhame, Tyningham, and Prestonne; and when on his death the three churches importuned for his body, they found that Providence had supplied each place with a corpse of the holy man. Baldred's feast-day is 6 March. Another Baldred, or Baltherus, who was a hermit of Durham, flourished about a century later, and after such miracles as walking on the sea died in 756. Mr. Skene connects the two Baltheres together, and regards the later as the right date of the saint's death.

[Acta Sanctorum Ord. Benedic. 6 March ; Forbes's Kalendar of Scottish Saints; Dictionary of Christian Biography; Skene's Celtic Scotland, iii. 223.]

T. F. T.