Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Dundas, Henry (1801-1876)

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1172793Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 16 — Dundas, Henry (1801-1876)1888Henry Morse Stephens

DUNDAS, HENRY, third Viscount Melville (1801–1876), general, eldest son of Robert Saunders Dundas, second viscount Melville [q. v.], was born on 25 Feb. 1801. He entered the army as an ensign and lieutenant in the 3rd or Scots guards on 18 Nov. 1819, was promoted captain into the 83rd regiment in April 1824, and major and lieutenant-colonel on 11 July 1826 and 3 Dec. 1829. He was M.P. for Rochester from 1826 to 1830, and for Winchelsea in 1830–1. His regiment was in Canada when the rebellion of 1837 broke out, and Dundas showed such vigour in its suppression, and more particularly in repelling a body of American brigands who landed near Prescott in Upper Canada in 1838, that he was made a C.B. and promoted colonel and appointed an aide-de-camp to the queen on 28 Nov. 1841. He exchanged into the 60th Rifles in 1844, and accompanied his battalion to India, and was appointed a brigadier-general on the Bombay staff in 1847. He was chosen to command the column sent from Bombay to co-operate with Lord Gough's army in the second Sikh war, and was present at the siege and capture of Multán as second in command to General Whish, and joined the main army just before the battle of Goojerat. In that battle his division played a leading part; he was mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of parliament and of the directors of the East India Company, and was made a K.C.B. He returned to England in 1850, and succeeded his father as third viscount in 1851. He was promoted major-general on 20 June 1854, and commanded the forces in Scotland from 1856 to 1860, in which year he was made governor of Edinburgh Castle. He was promoted lieutenant-general on 5 May 1860, was colonel of the 100th foot 1858–62, of the 32nd foot 1862–3, and became colonel-commandant of the 60th rifles on 1 April 1863, general on 1 Jan. 1868, and G.C.B. in 1870. Lord Melville, who was vice-president of the council of the Royal Archers, the Royal Body Guard for Scotland, died unmarried at Melville Castle, near Edinburgh, on 1 Feb. 1876.

[Times, 4 Feb. 1876.]