Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Hawkins, William (fl.1595)

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The ODNB enters caveats about this William Hawkins being the captain of the Hector at Surat.

1411754Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 25 — Hawkins, William (fl.1595)1891John Knox Laughton

HAWKINS or HAWKYNS, WILLIAM (fl. 1595), sea-captain and merchant, eldest son of William Hawkins or Hawkyns (d. 1589) [q. v.], and nephew of Sir John Hawkins (1532–1595) [q. v.], served in Sir Francis Drake's voyage to the South Sea in 1577, presumably in the Elizabeth with John Wynter, though possibly in the Golden Hind with Drake himself (Western Antiquary, viii. 139; Cal. State Papers, East Indies, 1513–1616, No. 217; Notes and Queries, 7th ser. iv. 186). In October 1581 he was nominated, apparently at the request of his uncle, then treasurer of the navy, as lieutenant to Edward Fenton [q. v.], appointed to command an expedition for the East Indies and China (Cal. State Papers, East Indies 1513–1616, No. 163), which sailed from England in May 1582. Notwithstanding the connection between Fenton and John Hawkyns, who had married sisters, there was from the first a bad feeling between him and William Hawkyns, arising partly no doubt out of jealousy of the claims which had been put forward on behalf of young Hawkyns to command the expedition over Fenton's head; partly also, it may be, out of the insolent and insubordinate conduct of Hawkyns himself; the feeling was doubtless intensified by the formal instruction to Fenton not to remove him ‘but upon just cause cause duly proved and by consent of your assistants’ (Hakluyt, iii. 755). When the little fleet was sailing from Plymouth, Hawkyns was still on shore, and Fenton put to sea without him; he was brought out in the Francis, one of the squadron, and put on board his own ship, the Leicester. Throughout the voyage the captain and the lieutenant seem to have quarrelled and thwarted each other on every occasion (Hakluyt, Principal Navigations, ed. 1589, p. 654; Markham, p. 357), and the Leicester finally arrived in the Thames with Hawkyns in irons. It does not appear that John Hawkyns gave his nephew any support in this quarrel; for five years afterwards he was on terms of confidential friendship with Fenton (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 14 Dec. 1588).

Hawkyns may probably be identified with the William Hawkyns who, in 1587, commanded the Advice on the coast of Ireland (ib. Ireland, 30 Oct.); and again with the William Hawkyns who, in 1588, commanded the Griffin against the ‘Invincible’ Armada. It has, indeed, been suggested that the commander of the Griffin was his father, then mayor of Plymouth (Hawkins, p. 14); but this is impossible, for on 19 July the Griffin was at sea with Sir Francis Drake, and the mayor of Plymouth was on shore collecting reinforcements (State Papers, Dom. Elizabeth, ccxii. 68, 81). Hawkins was, however, not an uncommon Devonshire name, and it is quite possible that the commander of the Advice or Griffin belonged to some other family.

By his father's will in 1589 Hawkyns inherited an annuity of 40l. His uncle, Sir John Hawkyns, left him by will in 1595, besides a share of the prospective profits of the last fatal voyage to the West Indies, 10l. a year to be paid quarterly, ‘on condition that he do not alienate nor sell the same annuity nor rent-charge, or any part thereof, for otherwise this gift shall be void.’ He left also legacies of 100l. to each of Hawkyns's children, to be payable ‘to every such child at the time of their marriage, or at the accomplishment of their several ages of eighteen years, which shall first happen.’ From the wording of this clause it would seem probable that the children were girls; but we know nothing more of them.

Nor, indeed, do we certainly know anything more of Hawkyns himself, though he has been identified (Markham, p. xliv) with the man of the same name who in 1607 commanded the East India Company's ship Hector on a voyage to Surat [see Keeling, William], and was charged with ‘his Majestys letters and presents to the princes and governors of Cambaya, on account of his experience and language’ (Cal. State Papers, East Indies, 1513–1616, No. 361). This William Hawkyns, on arriving at Surat, proceeded accordingly to Agra and the court of the Great Mogul, which he reached in April 1609, and where he remained for nearly three years. According to the account given in his ‘Journal’ (Markham, p. 389) the emperor took much pleasure in his conversation, and detained him, assigning him a handsome maintenance, estimated at upwards of 3,000l. a year, his serious occupation being to combat the intrigues of the Portuguese and to endeavour to obtain a formal permission for the establishment of an English factory at Surat. His favour with the emperor enabled him to overcome all difficulties, and the required license was given; it was the first distinct recognition of English commerce in the East. The emperor was desirous of attaching him to the country and to his interests, and pressed him to marry a maid out of the palace. Hawkyns consented, conditionally on her not being a ‘Moor,’ and accordingly he took to wife the daughter of an Armenian Christian. Afterwards, having fallen into some disfavour with the emperor, he was allowed to depart, and in this the Portuguese readily assisted him. He left Agra in November 1611, and three months later arrived at Surat, where he found Sir Henry Middleton [q. v.], with whom he went to the Red Sea, and afterwards to Java. At Bantam he went on board the Thomas [see Saris, John], and in her sailed for England. She touched at the Cape in April 1613, and on the passage home, probably near the end of it, Hawkyns died. His remains were brought to Ireland and there buried (Cal. State Papers, East Indies, 1513–1616, No. 810). By his native wife, who had accompanied him, and was with him on board the Thomas, he does not seem to have had issue. In the following year she married Captain Gabriel Towerson [q. v.], and with him returned to India.

This Hawkyns was certainly a man of superior ability, and rendered valuable service to English commerce in procuring its formal recognition at Surat. But his identification with the nephew of Sir John Hawkyns is very unsatisfactory. It is not based on any evidence; and, indeed, what little evidence there is seems to point the opposite way. Fenton's lieutenant, if only by reason of his name and family, was a man of some consequence, and it is difficult to conceive that he could have been to the West Indies (cf. Markham, p. 401), or have gained experience in the East without any record remaining. Fenton's lieutenant had not a brother Charles (Hawkins, p. 16), nor yet brothers Giles or Roger; the Mogul's friend seems to have had all three (Markham, p. xlii n.; Cal. State Papers, East Indies, 1513–1616, Nos. 691, 862, 274). A good deal was said in 1614 about the inheritance of the widow of Captain Hawkyns who died, apparently intestate, on board the Thomas (ib. No. 693, and freq.), but nothing was claimed for any daughters by a former marriage. Another point is this: when, on the passage out in 1607, Captain Keeling called a council to consider the advisability of touching at Sierra Leone, it was resolved to do so, because ‘Sir Francis Drake and Captain Cavendish had made a favourable report’ of it (Lancaster, Voyages to the East Indies, Hakluyt Soc., p. 113); but not a word was said about the much greater experience and knowledge of Sir John Hawkyns. All which tends to the conclusion that the Hawkyns of East Indian distinction was not the son and grandson of the mayors of Plymouth.

[The Journals of Fenton's expedition in 1582–1583, of the voyage of the Hector in 1607–8, and of Hawkyns's residence at Agra are printed in Markham's edition of The Hawkins's Voyages (Hakluyt Soc.); Cotton. MS. Otho E. viii. contains many papers relating to Fenton's expedition, several of them signed by Hawkyns.]