Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement/Drysdale, Learmont

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1505793Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement, Volume 1 — Drysdale, Learmont1912James Cuthbert Hadden

DRYSDALE, LEARMONT (1866–1909), musical composer, born in Edinburgh on 3 Oct. 1866, was younger son of Andrew Drysdale, and was descended on his mother's side from the Border poet, Thomas the Rhymer. Educated at the High School, Edinburgh, he afterwards studied architecture, but abandoned it in 1888 and entered the Royal Academy of Music, London, where he remained until 1892. He had a brilliant career as a student, winning in 1891 the academy's highest honour in composition, the Charles Lucas medal, with his 'Overture to a Comedy.' During this period he appeared frequently as a solo pianist at the students' concerts, and wrote several works which elicited high praise, notably an orchestral ballade, 'The Spirit of the Glen' (1889), an orchestral prelude, 'Thomas the Rhymer' (1890), and a dramatic scena for soprano and orchestra, 'The Lay of Thora' (1891). In 1891 a picturesque overture, 'Tam o' Shanter,' written within a week, gained the prize of thirty guineas offered by the Glasgow Society of Musicians for the best concert overture. This was produced, with marked success, by (Sir) August Manns, first in Glasgow, and afterwards at the Crystal Palace. In 1894 a dramatic cantata, 'The Kelpie,' was performed in Edinburgh; and in the same year, in London, the fine overture 'Herondean,' exemplifying anew 'his command of flowing melody, skilful and effective workmanship, and highly coloured instrumentation' (Kuhe). A mystic musical play, 'The Plague,' created a strong impression when produced by Mr. Forbes-Roberteon at Edinburgh in 1896. Two years later, a romantic light opera, 'The Red Spider,' libretto by Mr. Baring Gould, was enthusiastically received when first produced at Plymouth, and toured the provinces for twenty weeks. His 'Border Romance,' an orchestral poem, was given at Queen's Hall, London, in 1904. That year he became theoretical master at the Athenæum School of Music, Glasgow; later he was conductor of the Glasgow Select Choir, for which he wrote, among other things, the choral ballade, 'Barbara Allan.' When Professor Gilbert Murray's 'Hippolytus' was staged at Glasgow in 1905 he composed special music for it of great beauty and appropriateness. This was followed by a dramatic cantata, 'Tamlane,' a sublimation of the old Border spirit. His original settings of Scots lyrics and his arrangements of folk-songs show a true insight into the spirit of national song. Many arrangements are included in the 'Dunedin Collection of Scots Songs' (1908), which he edited. In 1907 he collaborated with the duke of Argyll in ' The Scottish Tribute to France,' not as yet (1912) performed, for chorus and orchestra; and at his death he had practically finished a grand opera provisionally entitled 'Fionn and Tera,' to a libretto by the duke; the orchestration was completed by Mr. David Stephen. Many other works were left in MS., including 'The Oracle' and other light operas, a romantic opera, 'Flora Macdonald,' several cantatas, orchestral, piano and violin pieces, and songs. He died prematurely, unmarried, at Edinburgh on 18 June 1909. Imbued with the national sentiment, he showed much originality, versatility, and inspiration.

[Private information; personal knowledge; Musical Herald, July 1909 (with portrait); Ernest Kuhe in Scottish Musical Monthly, July 1894 (with portrait).]