Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Campbell, John (1796-1862)

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1904 Errata appended.

1338612Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 08 — Campbell, John (1796-1862)1886William Garden Blaikie

CAMPBELL, JOHN, second Marquis of Breadalbane (1796–1862), known in his younger days as Lord Glenorchy, and, after his father's elevation to the marquisate in 1831, as Earl of Ormelie, was born at Dundee in 1796. He was son of John, fourth earl and first marquis of Breadalbane (1762-1834), by Mary, daughter of David Gavin. He represented Okehampton from 1820 to 1826. In 1832, after the passing of the Reform Bill, he contested the representation of the important county of Perth with Sir George Murray, and conducted the campaign with such spirit and ability that he carried the election by the large majority of nearly six hundred votes. In 1834, on the death of his father, he became a member of the House of Lords. He held the office of lord chamberlain from 1848 to 1852, and again from 1853 to 1858. In 1843 he was chosen lord rector of the university of Glasgow. During the controversy between the church of Scotland and the civil courts Breadalbane was conspicuous for his earnest advocacy of the 'non-intrusion' cause. In that connection he was by far the most outstanding man among the laity. Though not a great speaker he advocated the cause in the House of Lords, as well as in public meetings, and when the Free church was set up he cordially adhered to it, and was one of its most munificent supporters. In 1840 he led the opposition in the House of Lords to the Earl of Aberdeen's bill on the church question, and, though defeated, contributed an important element towards the withdrawal of the bill by its author a short time subsequently. His character, abilities, and public spirit, as well as his position as one of the largest proprietors in Scotland, procured for him an unusual measure of respect in his native country. In 1842 the queen paid a visit to his seat, Taymouth Castle, one of the first she paid in Scotland. He was a warm supporter of the volunteer movement and in 1860, when her majesty held a grand review of the volunteer forces in Scotland, one of the most distinguished corps was the five hundred men from Breadalbane, headed by their noble chief. He died at Lausanne 8 Nov. 1862. He married in 1821 Eliza, eldest daughter of the late George Baillie of Jerviswood, and a descendant of the Robert Baillie [q. v.] who suffered at the cross of Edinburgh in 1684, and, as she believed, of John Knox himself. She died 28 Aug. 1861. Lord Breadalbane was K.T., F.S.A. Scot., and F.R.S.

[Dod's Peerage; Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, by her Majesty the Queen; 'In Memoriam'–the Marquis of Breadalbane, by William Chalmers, D.D; Carlyle's Reminiscences, vol. i.; Disruption Worthies; Buchanan's Ten Years' Conflict; Witness newspaper, October 1862; Foster's Scotch M.P.'s, 60; Gent. Mag. 1862, pt. ii. 779.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.51
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
386 i 37 Campbell, John, 2nd Marquis of Breadalbane: for In 1843 he was chosen read From 1840 to 1842 he was