Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Stockings

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Edition of 1802.

2574106Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 4 — Stockings1802

STOCKINGS, are those garments which serve to clothe, or shelter, the legs and feet from cold, and moisture.

Stockings are manufactured of silk, cotton, thread, or worsted; being either knit with needles, or woven on a loom; but the most proper material is wool, which is doubtless a warmer, and more natural clothing for the human body, particularly during the winter, than that of any other texture. In all cases, however, they ought to be adapted to the size of the foot; because, if too short, they cannot fail to occasion cramps, or other painful sensations; and, if too long, the folds thus arising, will produce blisters, and otherwise prove an impediment in walking.

Those, who have any regard for their health, ought to accommodate their stockings to the diflferent seasons; wearing thick woollen hose during the winter, and changing these for a lighter kind, during warm weather.—As the feet constantly perspire, in consequence of the united friction both of the shoes and of the stockings, it will be advisable to make use of a clean pair of the latter, more than once in the day, or every time the feet are chilly and uucomfortable, both from motives of health and cleanliness. But silk stockings ought, on no account, to be worn next the skin; because they not only expose the person wearing them to frequent colds and catarrhs, but are also in other respects very unfavourable to health, especially in scorbutic habits.

In July, 1799, a patent was granted to Mr. John Eaton, for his invention of a piece of machinery to be added to a stocking-frame, for manufacturing hose-pieces, gloves, &c. in a more neat, simple, and expeditious manner, than can be effected by the common method. As, however, a mere description would convey an inadequate idea of Mr. Eaton's contrivance, the curious reader is referred to the 11th vol. of the Repertory of Arts, &c. where a full specification is inserted, and exemplified by an engraving.