Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Dowling, John Goulter

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1246695Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 15 — Dowling, John Goulter1888John Addison Russell Washbourn

DOWLING, JOHN GOULTER (1805–1841), divine, was the eldest son of John Dowling, alderman of Gloucester, where he was born 18 April 1805. He was educated at the Crypt Grammar School, Gloucester, and at Wadham College, Oxford. In 1827, soon after taking his B.A. degree, he was appointed by the corporation of his native city, who were then the patrons, to the head-mastership of the Crypt Grammar School. He was ordained deacon in 1828 and priest in 1829 by Bishop Bethell, then of Gloucester. In 1834 Lord-chancellor Brougham presented him to the rectory of St. Mary-de-Crypt with St. Owen, Gloucester, which he held, together with his mastership, till his death on 9 Jan. 1841. He was greatly esteemed and beloved by his pupils, parishioners, and fellow-citizens, who filled the great east window of his church with stained glass as a memorial of him. He was the author of: 1. ‘An Introduction to the Critical Study of Ecclesiastical History, attempted in an Account of the Progress, and a short notice of the Sources, of the History of the Church,’ 8vo. 2. ‘Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum aliorumque veteris Ecclesiæ Monumentorum, quæ in Collectionibus Anecdotorum post annum Christi MDCC. in lucem editis continentur, nunc primum instructa,’ Oxford, 1839, 8vo. 3. ‘A Letter to the Rev. S. R. Maitland on the Opinions of the Paulicians,’ 8vo. 4. ‘The Church of the Middle Ages: a Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Gloucester, 8 May 1837,’ Gloucester, 1837, 8vo. 5. ‘The Effects of Literature upon the Moral Character: a Lecture delivered at the Tolsey, Gloucester, 3 Sept. 1839,’ Gloucester, 1839, 18mo. 6. ‘ Sermons preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary-de-Crypt, Gloucester’ (posthumous), London, 1841, 12mo.

[Private information.]