- Loo, card game.
- Loochoo Islands (Lew-Chew Islands, q.v.), North Pacific.
- Loom, for weaving (q.v.).
- Loom, bird.
- Lope de Vega Carpio, Spanish dramatist and poet (See Vega Carpio).
- Lopez, Carlos Antonio, Paraguayan ruler.
- Lopez, Francisco Solano, Paraguayan general.
- Lorca, town, Spain.
- Lorenzo Marques, Portuguese settlement, South-East Africa.
- Loreto, town, Italy.
- Lorient, town, France.
- Lorraine, territory, France and Germany.
- Lory, bird.
- Los Angeles, town, California, U.S.A.
- Lot, Scripture patriarch.
- Lot, department, France.
- Lot-et-Garonne, department, France.
- Lothair I., emperor.
- Lothair, the Saxon, emperor.
- Lothian, district, Scotland.
- Lotteries.
- Lotus-Eaters, Libyan tribe.
- Lotze, Rudolph Hermann, German philosopher.
- Loudun, town, France.
- Loughborough, town, England.
- Louis I., the Pious, emperor.
- Louis II., emperor.
- Louis III., emperor.
- Louis IV., the Child, emperor.
- Louis IV., or V., emperor.
- Louis, the German, German king.
- Louis I., king of France (emperor Louis I.).
- Louis II., the Stammerer, of France.
- Louis III., of France.
- Louis IV., D'Outremer, of France.
- Louis V., Le Fainéant, of France.
- Louis VI., Le Gros, of France.
- Louis VII., Le Jeune, of France.
- Louis VIII., Le Lion, of France.
- Louis IX., St, of France.
- Louis X., Le Hutin, of France.
- Louis XI., of France.
- Louis XII., of France.
- Louis XIII., of France.
- Louis XIV., Le Grand, of France.
- Louis XV., of France.
- Louis XVI., of France.
- Louis XVII., titular king of France.
- Louis XVIII., king of France.
- Louis Philippe, king of the French.
- Louisa, queen of Prussia.
- Louisiana, State, U.S.A.
- Louisville, town, Kentucky, U.S.A.
- Loulé, town, Portugal.
- Lourdes, town, France.
- Louse, insect.
- Louth, county, Ireland.
- Louth, town, England.
- Louvain, town, Belgium.
- Louviers, town, France.
- Louvois, Marquis de, French war minister.
- Lovat, Lord, Scottish Jacobite.
- Love-Bird.
- Lovelace, Richard, English poet.
- Lover, Samuel, Irish novelist.
- Lowell, town, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
- Lowestoft, town, England.
- Lowicz, town, Russian Poland.
- Lowth, Robert, bishop of London.
- Loyalty Islands, South Pacific.
- Loyola, Ignatius de, St, founder of the Jesuits.
- Lozère, department, France.
- Lübeck, free city, Germany.
- Lublin, town, Russian Poland.
- Lubricants, machine oils.
- Lucan, Marcus Annæus, Roman poet.
- Lucania, ancient province, Italy.
- Lucaris, Cyril, Greek Church (q.v.) reformer.
- Lucas of Leyden, Dutch artist.
- Lucca, town, Italy.
- Lucca, Baths of, Italy.
- Lucena, town, Spain.
- Lucera, town, Italy.
- Lucerne, canton & town, Switzerland.
- Lucerne, Lake of, Switzerland.
- Lucia, St, of Syracuse.
- Lucian, Greek satirist.
- Lucian, editor of Septuagint and martyr.
- Lucifer, bishop of Cagliari.
- Lucilius, Roman poet and satirist.
- Lucius, I.–III., popes.
- Lücke, Gottfried Christian Friedrich, German theologian.
- Luckenwalde, town, Prussia.
- Lucknow, district & town, India.
- Lucretius (T. Lucretius Carus), Roman poet.
- Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, Roman consul.
- Luddites, English rioters (1811).
- Ludhiana, or Ludiana, district & town, India.
- Ludlow, town, England.
- Ludlow, Edmund, Cromwellian general.
- Ludolf, Hiob, German Orientalist.
- Ludwigsburg, town, Würtemberg.
- Ludwigshafen, suburb of Mannheim (q.v.), Germany.
- Lugano, town, Switzerland.
- Lugano, Lake of, Switzerland.
- Lugansk, town, Russia.
- Lugo, province & town, Spain.
- Lugos, town, Hungary.
- Luini, Bernardino, Italian painter.
- Luke, St, the Evangelist.
- Luke, Gospel of (See Gospels).
- Lukow, or Lukoff, town, Russian Poland.
- Lukoyanoff, town, Russia.
- Lully, Giovanni Battista, musician.
- Lully, Raymond, Spanish devotee.
- Lumbago, disease.
- Lump-Sucker, fish.
- Lund, town, Sweden.
- Lüneburg, town, Prussia.
- Lunéville, town, France.
- Lupercalia, Roman festival.
- Lupine, plant.
- Luray Cavern, Virginia, U.S.A.
- Lurgan, town, Ireland.
- Luristan, province, Persia.
- Lusatia, district, Germany.
- Lushai Hills, district, India.
- Lustration, Greek and Roman rite.
- Lute, musical instrument.
- Luther, Martin German Reformer.
- Lutherans.
- Luton, town, England.
- Lutzk, town, Russia.
- Luxembourg, Duc de, marshal of France.
- Luxemburg, grand-duchy & town, Europe.
- Luxemburg, province, Belgium.
- Luxor, town, Egypt.
- Luzon, island, Philippines (q.v.).
- Lycanthropy, belief in animal transformation.
- Lycaon, mythical king of Arcadia.
- Lycaonia, province, Asia Minor.
- Lycia, district, Asia Minor.
- Lycophron, Greek poet.
- Lycopodium, genus of mosses.
- Lycurgus, Spartan lawgiver.
- Lycurgus, Attic orator.
- Lydgate, John, English monk and poet.
- Lydia, district, Asia Minor.
- Lyell, Sir Charles, British geologist.
- Lyly, or Lylie, John, English writer and dramatist.
- Lymington, town, England.
- Lynchburg, town, Virginia, U.S.A.
- Lynch Law.
- Lyndhurst, Lord, lord chancellor of England.
- Lyndsay, Sir David, early Scottish writer.
- Lynn, town, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
- Lynn Regis, town, England.
- Lynx, carnivorous mammal.
- Lyons, town, France.
- Lyons, Lord, English admiral.
- Lyra, Nicolaus de, mediæval commentator.
- Lyre, musical instrument.
- Lyre-Bird.
- Lysander, Lacedæmonian leader.
- Lysias, Attic orator.
- Lysimachus, Macedonian king.
- Lysippus, Greek sculptor.
- Lyte, Henry Francis, hymn-writer.
- Lyttelton, Lord, English statesman and man of letters.
- Lytton, Edward Bulwer, Lord, English writer.
- M, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet.
- Maas, or Meuse (q.v.), river, France, Belgium, and Holland.
- Mabillon, Jean, French historian.
- Mabinogion, Welsh romances (See Celtic Literature).
- Mabuse, Jan Gossart, Flemish painter (See Gossart).
- Macao, Portuguese settlement, China.
- Macaroni, article of food.
- Macartney, Earl of, English diplomatist.
- Macassar, department, Celebes (q.v.).
- Macaulay, Lord, English essayist and historian.
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- Madison, town, Indiana, U.S.A.
- Madison, town, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
- Madison, James, president of the United States.
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- Maine, old province, France.
- Maine, State, U.S.A.
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- Manchester, town, England.
- Manchester, town, Connecticut, U.S.A.
- Manchester, town, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
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- Mandeville, Bernard de, moralist.
- Mandeville, Jehan de, or Sir John, writer of travels.
- Mandi, state, Punjab, India.
- Mandingoes, African people.
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- Manila, town, Philippine Islands.
- Manila Hemp, vegetable fibre.
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- Marlow, Great, town, England.
- Marlowe, Christopher, English dramatist.
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- Marsh, George Perkins, American diplomatist and philologist.
- Marshal, title.
- Marshall, John, American chief-justice.
- Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean (See Micronesia).
- Marshalltown, town, Iowa, U.S.A.
- Marshman, Joshua, English missionary and Orientalist.
- Marsigli, Luigi Ferdinand (Marsilius), Italian soldier and savant.
- Marston, John, English satirist and dramatist.
- Marsyas, Phrygian god.
- Marten, carnivorous mammal.
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- Maryland, State, U.S.A.
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- Massachusetts, State, U.S.A.
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- Massillon, Jean Baptiste, French preacher.
- Massinger, Philip, English dramatist.
- Massorah, or Massora, of Jewish Scriptures.
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