Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Fergusson, James (1787-1865)

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1904 Errata appended.

821990Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 18 — Fergusson, James (1787-1865)1889Henry Morse Stephens

FERGUSSON, Sir JAMES (1787–1865), general, son of Charles Fergusson by his cousin, daughter of Alexander Fergusson of Craigdarroch in Dumfriesshire, was born, according to the inscription on his monument in Locksbrook cemetery, Bath, on 17 March 1787. He entered the army as an ensign in the 18th royal Irish regiment on 20 Aug. 1801. From the 18th he was soon transferred to the 43rd Monmouthshire light infantry, which was at this time in training under the superintendence of Sir John Moore at Shorncliffe with the 52nd and 95th. These regiments formed the light division in the Peninsular war. Under the patronage of Moore, Fergusson was promoted lieutenant on 9 Feb. 1804 and captain on 1 Dec. 1806, and in 1808 accompanied his regiment in the expedition under Sir Arthur Wellesley to Portugal. He was at Roliça, at Vimeiro, where he was wounded, and in the retreat of Sir John Moore to Corunna, where the 43rd was in the reserve division. Fergusson next served in the Walcheren expedition in 1809. In March 1810 he again arrived with his regiment in Portugal, and served through the whole Peninsular war without once taking leave of absence, except for wounds. He was with the 43rd, and shared in the famous forced march before Talavera, in Craufurd's action on the Coa, at the battle of Busaco, in the retreat before Masséna, in the pursuit after Masséna, including the engagements of Pombal Redinha, Foz d'Arouce, and Sabugal, and at the battle of Fuentes de Onoro. In the two assaults on Badajoz and the assault on Ciudad Rodrigo Fergusson accompanied the storming parties of the 43rd as a volunteer, and was wounded at both places. Napier says (History of the Peninsular War, vol. iv. bk. xvi. ch. v.): ‘Who can sufficiently honour the hardihood of Fergusson of the 43rd, who having in former assaults received two deep wounds, was here, his former hurts still open, leading the stormers of his regiment; the third time a volunteer, the third time wounded?’ He received a gold medal for the capture of Badajoz as senior surviving officer of the light division storming party, and after being present at the battle of Salamanca, he was for his gallantry promoted major without purchase into the 79th regiment on 3 Dec. 1812. He at once exchanged into the 85th regiment, and served in the 4th division in the passage of the Bidassoa, the battles of the Nivelle and the Nive, and the investment of Bayonne. On 16 May 1814 he was promoted without purchase lieutenant-colonel of the 2nd battalion of the 3rd regiment, the Buffs, but his battalion was reduced in 1816, and he had to go on half-pay, but obtained leave to study at the Royal Military College at Farnham for three years. In 1819 he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 88th regiment, from which he was removed in 1825 to the 52nd, one of the old light division regiments. He remained at the head of this battalion for thirteen years, until 1839, commanding it in England, Ireland, Nova Scotia, Gibraltar, and the West Indies, and ‘his retirement from the 52nd was deeply regretted by all who had served under his command’ (Moorsom, Historical Record of the Fifty-second Light Infantry, p. 305). While with the 52nd Fergusson was appointed an aide-de-camp to William IV, promoted colonel on 22 July 1830, made a C.B. in 1831, and on 23 Nov. 1841, two years after his retirement from it, was promoted major-general. His health suffered from the wounds received in the Peninsula, which prevented him from accepting any command abroad, but he was colonel of the 62nd foot from 9 March to 26 March 1850, of the 43rd from 26 March 1850, and lieutenant-general from 11 May 1851. In 1853 he accepted the post of general commanding the troops at Malta, not, as has been stated, of governor of Malta, and for his services in this capacity in passing on the troops sent to the East during the first year of the Crimean war, his zeal in forwarding medical comforts, and his kindness in receiving invalided officers and soldiers, he was publicly thanked by the Duke of Newcastle, the secretary of state, and made a K.C.B. on 5 July 1855. On 28 Aug. 1855 he was appointed governor and commander-in-chief at Gibraltar, which post he resigned in 1859. He was promoted general 21 Feb. 1860, and made a G.C.B. on 21 May in that year. He took up his residence at Macaulay Buildings, Bath, where he died on 4 Sept. 1865, and was buried in Locksbrook cemetery, Bath, where a handsome monument has been erected to his memory.

[Levinge's Historical Record of the 43rd Monmouthshire Light Infantry; Hart's Army Lists; Napier's Peninsular War; Gent. Mag. December 1865.]

H. M. S.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.121
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
360 i 31 Fergusson, Sir James: for was appointed read was colonel of the 62nd foot 9-26 March 1850, and was appointed