Guns for Gold: The Wagner Network Exposed/Published written evidence

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4381225Guns for Gold: The Wagner Network Exposed2023the Foreign Affairs Committee
Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee's website.

WGN numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

  1. Anonymised (WGN0014)
  2. Anonymised (WGN0026)
  3. Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism - Middlebury Institute of International Studies (WGN0023)
  4. Democracy & Human Rights Foundation (WGN0011)
  5. DeVore, Dr Marc; Harkness, Dr Kristen; Orr, Professor Andrew; and Plichta, Mr Marcel (WGN0008)
  6. Dossier Center (WGN0009)
  7. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (WGN0025)
  8. Galeotti, Professor Mark (WGN0005)
  9. Henry Jackson Soceity (WGN0020)
  10. International Code of Conduct Association (WGN0015)
  11. Petersohn, Dr Ulrich (WGN0004)
  12. Proelium Law (WGN0016)
  13. Protection Approaches (WGN0024)
  14. Tamil Information Centre (WGN0010)
  15. The Sentry (WGN0017)
  16. Transparency International UK and Transparency International Defence & Security (WGN0021)
  17. White, Mr Darren (WGN0001)