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Feldman’s Famous Irish Songs

Mother Machree.

Lyric by Rida Johnson Young.
Music by Chauncey Olcott & Ernest R. Ball

music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 110
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        ^\markup{Moderato. \italic{With much expression.}}
                        \partial 4 \stemUp a8 g |
                        fs4 es fs |
                        g fs g |
                        a \stemDown b cs |
                        d2 b8 cs |
                        d4 cs d |
                        b \stemUp a fs |
                        fs e d |
                        e2 e4 |
                        fs es fs |
                        g fs g |
                        a \stemDown b cs |
                        d fs \fermata e |
                        e d b |
                        \stemUp a fs2 |
                        fs4 d d |
                        d( \stemDown d' \fermata) r8 |
                        \bar "|."
                    \addlyrics {
                        Sure I love the dear sil -- ver that shines in your hair,
                        And the brow that’s all fur -- rowed and wrin -- kled with care.
                        I kiss the dear fin -- gers so toil -- worn for me,
                        Oh, God bless you and keep you, Mo -- ther Ma -- chree!
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 \stemUp a8 g |
                        <fs d a>4(\mordent \mp <es d gs,> _\markup{\italic{espress.}} <fs d a>) |
                        <g cs, a>(\mordent <fs c a> <g cs, a>) |
                        <a d, a>( <b gs d b> <cs a g cs,> |
                        <d a fs d>2) <b b,>8( <cs cs,>) |
                        <d d,>4( <cs g cs,> <d g, d> |
                        <b d, b>\> <a d, a>) <fs d a>\! |
                        <fs d>( <e cs> <d b> |
                        <e cs g>2) <e cs g>4 |
                        <fs d a>(\mordent \mp <es d gs> <fs d a>) |
                        <g cs, a>( <fs c a> <g cs, a>) |
                        <a d, a> <b d, b> <cs as fs e> |
                        <d b fs d> \mf \stemDown <fs cs as fs> \fermata \stemUp <e e,> \dim |
                        <e cs e,> <d b d,> <b g d b> |
                        <a fs d a> <fs d a>2 \! |
                        fs4(\p _\markup{\italic{molto sost.}} d) d |
                        <d a fs>( <d' a fs d>) \fermata r8 |
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 s4 |
                        s2. |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        \stemDown gs |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        <bf g>2 <bf g>4 |
                        s2 s8 |
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c, {
                        \clef bass \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 r4 |
                        \stemUp \grace{d8(} \stemDown d'2. |
                        e4( ds e) |
                        fs( f e |
                        d) <a' fs> r |
                        \stemUp <g g,>( \stemDown as b |
                        \grace{\stemUp d,8(} \stemDown g4)) fs d |
                        \stemUp b \stemDown e \stemUp e, |
                        s a' r |
                        \grace{d,,8(} \stemDown d'2.) |
                        e4( ds e) |
                        fs g \stemUp <fs fs,> |
                        b, \grace{<fs fs,>8(} \stemDown <cs'' as fs>2 \fermata) |
                        \stemUp <g, g,>4 \stemDown b' g |
                        \stemUp <d d,> \stemDown <fs d>2 |
                        \stemUp <d g,> <e g,>4 |
                        <d d,>( \stemDown <a' d,>) \fermata r8 |
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 s4 |
                        s2. |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        \stemUp a4 ~ \stemDown a2 |
                        s2. |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s2 s8 |
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
    piece = Chorus
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

Price 1/6 Nett

When Irish eyes are smiling.

Words by Chauncey Olcott & Geo. Graff Jr.
Music by Ernest R. Ball

music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 120
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 \stemUp a4 |
                        fs2 fs4 |
                        e2 d4 |
                        fs a2 ~ |
                        a4 fs d |
                        g2 b4 |
                        \stemDown d2 b4 |
                        \stemUp a2. ~ |
                        a2 \stemDown b8 cs |
                        d2 cs4 |
                        d2 cs4 |
                        b \stemUp a2 |
                        g fs4 |
                        b2 e,4 |
                        e2 fs4 |
                        e2. ~ |
                        e4 r a |
                        fs2 fs4 |
                        e2 d4 |
                        fs a2 ~ |
                        a4 fs d |
                        g2 \stemDown b4 |
                        d2 b4 |
                        \stemUp a2. ~ |
                        a4 \stemDown b cs |
                        d2 cs4 |
                        e2 d4 |
                        fs2. \mf ^\markup{\italic{porta.}} |
                        \stemUp a,4 \p gs a |
                        \stemDown b( cs) d |
                        e2 \fermata d4 |
                        d2. ~ |
                        d4 \fermata r4 |
                        \bar "|."
                    \addlyrics {
                        When I -- rish eyes are smil -- ing,
                        Sure it’s like a morn in Spring
                        In the lilt of I -- rish laugh -- ter,
                        You can hear the an -- gels sing.
                        When I -- rish hearts are hap -- py
                        All the world seems bright and gay,
                        And when I -- rish eyes are smil -- ing,
                        Sure they steal your heart a -- way.
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 \stemUp a4 \p |
                        fs2 fs4 |
                        \grace{e16( fs} e2) d4 |
                        fs a2 ~ |
                        a4 a( fs) |
                        g2 b4 |
                        d2 b4 |
                        a2. ~ |
                        a2 <b b,>8[ <cs cs,>] |
                        <d d,>2( <cs cs,>4) |
                        <d d,>2( <cs cs,>4) |
                        <b b,> <a a,>2 |
                        g( fs4) |
                        b2( e,4) |
                        e2( fs4) |
                        e2. ~ |
                        e2 a4 |
                        fs2( fs4 |
                        \grace{e16 fs} e2) d4( |
                        fs a2) ~ |
                        a4 fs d |
                        g2( b4) |
                        d2( b4) |
                        a2. ~ |
                        a4 <b b,>( <cs cs,>) |
                        <d d,>2(\< <cs cs,>4) |
                        <e e,>2( <d d,>4) \! |
                        <fs fs,>2.( \mf |
                        <a, ds, a>4) \p ^\markup{\italic{ten.}} \< <gs gs,> <a a,> |
                        <b gs d b> <cs cs,> <d b gs d> \! |
                        <e e,>2 \> _\markup{\italic{rit.}} \fermata <d d,>4 |
                        d2. ~ |
                        d4 \fermata r |
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 s4 |
                        r \stemDown <d a>2 |
                        r4 <a fs>2 |
                        s4 <fs' d a> <fs d a> ~ |
                        <fs d a> r r |
                        r <d b>2 |
                        r4 <b' g d>2 |
                        r4 <d, a> <d a> |
                        r <fs d a> r |
                        r <b g>2 |
                        r4 <b g>2 |
                        r4 <fs d> <fs d> |
                        r <ds b>2 |
                        r4 <e d b>2 |
                        r4 <d gs,>2 |
                        r4 <cs g> <b g> |
                        <cs g> <g fs> r |
                        r <d' a>2 |
                        r4 <a fs>2 |
                        r4 <fs' d a> <fs d a> ~ |
                        <fs d a> <c a> <c a> |
                        r <d b>2 |
                        r4 <b' g d>2 |
                        r4 <fs d a> <fs d a> ~ |
                        <fs d a> s2 |
                        r4 <b g>2 |
                        r4 <b f>2 |
                        r4 <d a> <d a> |
                        s2. |
                        s |
                        r4 <cs g> r |
                        <fs, d>( <a d> \grace{\stemUp g16( a} \stemDown <g d>4) |
                        <fs d>) s4 |
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 \stemUp r4 |
                        <d d,>2 r4 |
                        <a a,>2 r4 |
                        <d d,>2.( |
                        <fs fs,>4) r r |
                        <g g,>2 r4 |
                        <g g,>2 r4 |
                        <fs fs,>2.( |
                        <d d,>4) r r |
                        <g g,>2. |
                        <g g,> |
                        <fs fs,> |
                        <b, b,>2( \stemDown <a' a,>4) |
                        \stemUp <gs gs,>2. |
                        <e e,> |
                        r4 e4( d |
                        e cs) r |
                        <d d,>2 r4 |
                        <a a,>2 r4 |
                        <d d,>2.( |
                        <fs fs,>4) r r |
                        <g g,>2 r4 |
                        <g g,>2 r4 |
                        <fs fs,>2.( |
                        <d d,>4) r r |
                        <g g,>2 r4 |
                        <gs gs,>2 r4 |
                        \stemDown <a a,>2.( |
                        \stemUp <b, b,>4) r r |
                        <e e,>2. |
                        <a, a,>2 \fermata r4 |
                        a'4( cs b |
                        a) \fermata r |
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key d \major
                        \time 3/4
                        \partial 4 s4 |
                        s2. |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        \stemDown a |
                        a2 s4 |
                        s2. |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        d2. ~ |
                        d4 \fermata s4 |
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
    piece = Chorus
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

It takes an Irish heart to sing an Irish Song

The Greatest Irish Chorus Song Ever Written

Written and Composed by
Fred. Godfrey & Worton David.

music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 110
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                        \stemUp d4. e8 |
                        g fs e d |
                        fs4 a |
                        \stemDown d cs8 b |
                        \stemUp a fs4. |
                        e4 d |
                        fs2 ~ |
                        fs4 r |
                        d4. e8 |
                        g fs e d |
                        fs4 a |
                        \stemDown d cs8 b |
                        cs4 \stemUp a |
                        a b |
                        a2 ~ |
                        a |
                        \stemDown d4. b8 |
                        \stemUp a fs e d |
                        r \stemDown d'4 b8 |
                        \stemUp a fs g a |
                        b4 a |
                        g8 g4 fs8 |
                        e2 ~ |
                        e4 fs |
                        d4. e8 |
                        g fs e d |
                        fs4 a |
                        \stemDown d8 b \stemUp a fs |
                        \stemDown d'2 |
                        e |
                        d ~ |
                        d4 r |
                        \bar "|."
                    \addlyrics {
                        Sing a song a -- bout the dear old Home,
                        Sing a song of Old Lang Syne;
                        Sing a song a -- bout the girl you love,
                        Or of eyes that bright -- ly shine;
                        Sing a song a -- bout the Mis -- sis -- sip -- pi,
                        Or the dark -- ies shuff -- ling a -- long,
                        But don’t for -- get it takes an I -- rish heart
                        To sing an I -- rish song.
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                        \stemUp <d fs,>4. <e g,>8 |
                        <g b,>[ <fs a,> <e g,> <d fs,>] |
                        fs4 a |
                        d <cs g d>8 <b g d> |
                        a <fs d a>4. |
                        e4 d |
                        <d' fs,>4. \< <b fs>8 \! |
                        <b fs>4 \> <a g> \! |
                        <d, fs,>4. <e g,>8 |
                        <g b,>[ <fs a,> <e g,> <d fs,>] |
                        fs4 a |
                        d cs8 b |
                        cs4 a |
                        a b |
                        \tuplet 3/2 {a8 b cs} d8. \< b16 \! |
                        cs8.[ \> a16] b8.[ a16] \! |
                        d4. b8 |
                        a[ <fs d> <e cs> d] |
                        r \stemDown d'4 -> b8 |
                        \stemUp <a d,>[ <fs d> <g cs,> <a d,>] |
                        b4 a |
                        <g cs, a>8 <g cs, a>4 <fs d a>8 |
                        e16[ a8.] \< a[ a16] \! |
                        <a cs, a>4 <fs cs g> -> |
                        <d fs,>4. <e g,>8 |
                        <g b,>[ <fs a,> <e g,> <d fs,>] |
                        fs4 a \< |
                        d8[ <b fs d> a \! <fs d>] |
                        <d' d,>2 |
                        <e e,> |
                        <d fs,>8[ fs,16 g] a8[ fs] |
                        d4 \< \stemDown <d'' a fs d>8 \! r |
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \clef treble \key d \major
                        \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                        \stemDown s2 |
                        s |
                        r8 <d a>8[ \< r <e a,>] |
                        r <fs d> \! s4 |
                        s2 |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        r8 <d a>8[ r <e a,>] |
                        r <fs d>[ r <fs d>] |
                        r <e cs>[ r <fs cs>] |
                        r <ds b>[ r <d b>] |
                        <e cs> r a4 |
                        a g |
                        r8 <fs d>[ r <g d>] |
                        s2 |
                        s |
                        s |
                        r8 <d b>[ r <d a>] |
                        s2 |
                        <cs a>4 <cs a> |
                        s2 |
                        s |
                        s |
                        r8 <d a>[ r <e a,>] |
                        s2 |
                        r8 <gs e>16[ \< <gs e>] <gs e>8[ <gs e>] |
                        r <cs g>16[ \! <cs g>] <cs g>8[ <cs g>] |
                        s2 |
                        s |
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c, {
                        \clef bass \key d \major
                        \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                        \stemUp d8 d' d, d' |
                        d, d' d, d'
                        d4 cs |
                        \stemDown b8[ b' a g] |
                        fs4 d |
                        \stemUp r8 <bf' g>8[ r <bf g>] |
                        \stemDown d, <d' a fs> a, <d' a fs> |
                        d, <d' a fs> a, <cs' a> |
                        \stemUp d,, d' d, d' |
                        d, d' d, d' |
                        d4 cs |
                        \stemDown b8 b' b, b' |
                        \stemUp e,, e' fs, fs' |
                        b,, b' e, e' |
                        <e a,> r \stemDown <fs' a,>4 |
                        <e a,> <cs a> |
                        d,8 a' g b |
                        d, a' g fs |
                        g <d' b> g, <d' b> |
                        fs,[ d e fs] |
                        g4 fs |
                        e8 e4 d8 |
                        \stemUp a8 e' e, e' |
                        a,4 <a a,> |
                        d,8 d' d, d' |
                        d, d' d, d' |
                        d4 cs |
                        \stemDown b8 <b' fs> b, <b' fs> |
                        e,4( \stemUp <e e,>) |
                        \stemDown a( \stemDown <a a,>) |
                        <a d,>8[ fs16 g] a8[ fs] |
                        \stemUp d4 <d a d,>8 r8 |
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c, {
                        \clef bass \key d \major
                        \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                        s2 |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        \stemDown d4 d' |
                        s2 |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
    piece = Chorus
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

In Feldman’s 6ᵈ Edition.

London: B. Feldman & Cᴼ, 2 & 3, Arthur Street, New Oxford Street, W.C.

Feldman’s 6ᴰ Crazes.

I Want to Go Back to Michigan.

(Down on the Farm.)

Words and Music by
Irving Berlin.
Page 1Page 2

Copyright 1914 by B. Feldman & Cᴼ, London Eng.

Beautiful Baby Doll.

Written and Composed by
Nat. D. Ayer.
Page 1Page 2

Copyright 1914 by B. Feldman & Cᴼ, London Eng.

London: B. Feldman & Cᴼ, 2 & 3, Arthur Street, New Oxford Street, W.C.

Feldman’s Sixpenny Editions.

  1. I do like to be beside the seaside
  2. Up and swell the ranks, my boys
  3. Hold me just a little bit tighter
  4. Just as the Brook flows
  5. Georgie took me walking in the Park
  6. I don’t want a little Deutcher Girl
  7. Do you know Charlie Digby?
  8. Now I know that you love me still
  9. D-O-U with a G-H spells Dough
  10. Do you miss me in the dear Homeland?
  11. Molly O’Morgan
  12. Come by the Drum in the Big Brass Band
  13. From Poverty Street to Golden Square
  14. Just like the dear old Swing
  15. Sweet little Sunbonnet Lady
  16. The dear little girl in the goal
  17. It’s a grand old world we live in
  18. I put on my coat and went home
  19. ’’m trying so hard to forget you
  20. The pretty little girl from Nowhere
  21. Open wide the gates of your heart to me
  22. It’s a pity to waste the Cake
  23. The green, green Ribbon
  24. Can’t you hear the Bagpipes calling?
  25. It’s the Alpine dress you’re wearing
  26. My sweet Garden Queen
  27. Playing the game in the West
  28. By the light of the silvery moon
  29. I wonder if it’s true
  30. Since I had a go at my Dumb-bells
  31. Fetch John Willie
  32. They can’t find Kelly
  33. Beautiful Garden of Roses (in F and G)
  34. Fish Sauce
  35. After ’while
  36. ’Scuse me to-day
  37. I’d rather be by the Fireside
  38. We can’t go into the Parlour
  39. In the Army
  40. Marie Louise
  41. Mister Pat O’Hare
  42. You were coming through the corn, Molly dear
  43. I wonder who’s kissing her now
  44. Everywhere I go I leave my heart with you
  45. Santa Fe
  46. Ireland, the land of the Shamrock
  47. The Garden of Dreams
  48. Yesterday
  49. The Moonlight, the Rose, and You
  50. Mary, you’re a big girl now
  51. I want to come home to Killarney
  52. Hail! King George
  53. Let’s wait and see the pictures
  54. I’m taking my Father’s Tea
  55. Cock-a-doodle-do in the Morning
  56. Foolish Questions
  57. On the day you sang “Come back to Erin”
  58. Ruth, you know that’s not the Truth
  59. Baby Face
  60. What’s the matter with Father?
  61. All in a Day
  62. Silver Bell
  63. Let’s have a little bit of Sunshine
  64. Oh! Boys, I’ve seen you there
  65. I was standing at the corner of the Street
  66. Liza had hold of my hand
  67. Sing, sing, sing
  68. In the Sunny Engadine
  69. Little Miss Importance
  70. Belle of the Barbers’ Ball
  71. Any little girl that’s a nice little girl
  72. Though years go rolling by
  73. Every time the clock goes tick-took
  74. We’re miles away from home
  75. My girl’s a regular Sheffield Blade
  76. Maggie Ryan from Dublin Town
  77. It’s just like being at home
  78. George 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  79. By the sea, the beautiful silvery sea
  80. My Little Chocolate Soldier-Boy
  81. Let’s have Free Trade amongst the girls
  82. Take me back to Yorkshire
  83. Good-bye till we meet again
  84. Just a wee Deoch-an-Doris
  85. When my ship comes home again
  86. Give me a piggy-back
  87. Gretchen
  88. You are the Ideal of my Dreams (in F and G)
  89. The Wooden Wedding
  90. Don’t wake me up, I am dreaming
  91. Don’t give me diamonds, all I want is you
  92. I’m such a hit with the girls
  93. The Billiken Man
  94. I’ll change the thorns to roses
  95. I never knew till now how much I loved you
  96. I like your apron and your bonnet
  97. What is the World without you?
  98. Raindrops
  99. Plink-Plonk (Skin of a Spanish Onion)
  100. Hoop-La!
  101. I’ll lend you my best girl
  102. Not to-day, nor to-morrow, or the day after
  103. I can sleep in Oxford Street
  104. Remember me to the boys you see
  105. The lady said “Oui, Oui”
  106. Floating with my boating girl
  107. When Jack comes home again
  108. Will the roses bloom in Heaven?
  109. Come round and cut yourself a piece of cake
  110. To cheer him up and help him on his way
  111. All that I ask is love (in G and B flat)
  112. On Mobile Bay
  113. If you see John James Cassidy
  114. Down in Dolly Town
  115. When
  116. First you get the money
  117. Under the tamarind tree
  118. There’s a big cry-baby in the moon
  119. Love dreams
  120. In my dreams of you
  121. The vale of dreams
  122. If thoughts could only speak, dear
  123. I’ll go half-way home with you
  124. I’d never been coortin’ afore
  125. Why do you wait till to-morrow?
  126. Play another before you go
  127. Yiddle on your fiddle
  128. Kiss me, my honey, kiss me
  129. If the managers only thought the same as mother
  130. My wife’s gone to the country
  131. That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune
  132. Smile, simply smile.
  133. I’m a happy married man
  134. When he sings the songs my mother sang
  135. When the bloom is on the heather
  136. Dreams, just dreams
  137. My Brudda Sylvest
  138. I’m Twenty-one to-day
  139. I can’t help being a lovesick coon
  140. Bing something Irish to me
  141. Why should your eyes ask me to stay?
  142. Was I a fool because I loved you?
  143. Grizzly Bear song
  144. Follow your leader, follow on
  145. Don’t say “Good-bye,” only say “Good night”
  146. The island of Walla-Wooloo
  147. The top-hat grand-dad used to wear
  148. Betsy, I’m afraid
  149. I deserve a good slapping, I do
  150. Sh! you’ll waken Mr. Doyle
  151. Boys of the Empire
  152. We all went marching home again
  153. Meet me, Jeannie, when the bloom is on the Rye
  154. I was waltzing around with Matilda
  155. Winter
  156. March to Marble Arch
  157. All that I want is your true heart—and you
  158. Alexander’s Rag-time Band
  159. I give you all you ask
  160. When the drums begin to roll
  161. Why do you keep laughing at me?
  162. There’s no such thing as bogies
  163. I love my wife
  164. Almond Eyes
  165. Stop! stop!! stop!!!
  166. Come, dear, and swing with me
  167. Follow the baldheads
  168. Oh what a lovely tune
  169. When you’re far from the old folks at home
  170. Hello! my little mermaid
  171. When life’s sun is setting
  172. Oh! you beautiful doll
  173. The Harbour of Love
  174. The top o’ the morning
  175. A little bit of navy blue
  176. Everybody’s doing it now!
  177. That mysterious Rag
  178. That old waltz tune
  179. Northern lights
  180. Take me back to the Garden of Love (in B flat and C)
  181. Who were you with last night?
  182. Someone is thinking of you
  183. Rag-time violin
  184. Mary used to love a sailor
  185. I wish you belonged to me
  186. Moonlight Bay
  187. When the convent bell is ringing
  188. Alexander’s Bagpipe Band
  189. Take a little tip from father
  190. Let’s play something that we all know
  191. In dear old Tennessee
  192. Take me in your arms again
  193. Beautiful girl
  194. If you talk in your sleep
  195. Watching the trains go out
  196. What a pretty Swiss bride you’d make
  197. Fiddle-de-dee
  198. My Star
  199. Rum-tum-tiddle
  200. Lead me to that beautiful band
  201. I want to be in Dixie
  202. Good-bye, Rose
  203. What does it matter if it’s raining?
  204. I belong to a Birthday Club
  205. Keep straight down the road
  206. My Sumurun girl
  207. There’s a girl in Havana
  208. Gaby Glide
  209. In the days of the crinoline
  210. String a ring of roses around your Rosie
  211. Song Bird
  212. There’s a light in your eyes
  213. Baby Rose
  214. When I am strolling with my Mary
  215. Sweet Adeline
  216. Sweet Jessie dear
  217. To the end of the world with you
  218. I care not what the world may say
  219. Baby hands
  220. Only a flower by the roadside
  221. Fifty times a day
  222. In Darktown to-night
  223. Joy and gloom
  224. Pick, pick, pick on your mandolin
  225. Nellie Dean
  226. Mississippi-dippy-dip
  227. Just some one
  228. Moving man, don’t take my baby grand
  229. The ragtime jockey man
  230. It’s a long, long way to Tipperary
  231. Hip! Hooray! I’m on my holiday
  232. The ghost of the violin
  233. Oh! Bunty
  234. On a beautiful night
  235. The island of roses and love
  236. We’ll go to church on Sunday
  237. You’re my baby
  238. Jimmy Valentine
  239. What a grand place London town would be
  240. Till the sands of the desert grow cold (in B flat and C)
  241. If we all went out on strike
  242. Let me live and stay in Dixie
  243. It’s a long, long walk
  244. Yesterday, you called me sweetheart
  245. Glimmer, glimmer little night-light
  246. Farmyard Ragtime
  247. Dear old Winter-time
  248. Bang, bang on the drum
  249. In the garden of my heart (in C and E flat)
  250. I’m mad till the daylight comes around
  251. Just for to-night
  252. The Ragtime soldier man
  253. At the Devil’s ball
  254. Everybody Two-step (Song)
  255. When I was twenty-one and you were sweet sixteen
  256. A little bit of everything
  257. Twilight Town
  258. I want to dance, dance, dance
  259. Be my little Baby Bumble Bee
  260. Ragtime crazy
  261. When the Midnight Choo Choo leaves for Alabam
  262. My Boy Bill
  263. Hullo! London Town
  264. The Insurance Act
  265. The month of June is a song of love
  266. Biddy, my Irish widdy
  267. Wear your Tam-o’-shanter
  268. When I lost you
  269. On the Mississippi
  270. When Uncle Joe plays the old banjo
  271. Get under my parasol
  272. Far, far away
  273. John Bull’s Budget
  274. The other department, please
  275. Your love is life to me
  276. My little Persian Rose
  277. Snookey Ookums
  278. Take me in your arms and say you love me
  279. Those Ragtime Melodies
  280. I want to be pally with everyone
  281. Dutch Ragtime Lullaby
  282. My Irish Maggie
  283. Some boy
  284. My Hula Hula Love
  285. Who are you with to-night?
  286. The Ragtime Suffragette
  287. The Ragtime Curate
  288. That Epidemic Rag
  289. How do you do, Miss Ragtime?
  290. Come, little sleepy eyes
  291. Everybody but me
  292. Gee! but I do like music with my meals
  293. The Ragtime Coppers
  294. Toddle off to bye-bye
  295. Kitty Dear
  296. It’s my Golden Wedding
  297. I wonder what mother will say
  298. I’ve lost all ambition in life
  299. Songs and Operas in Ragtime
  300. Here’s a nice time for you to come home
  301. Under the Goo-Goo Tree
  302. The Ragtime Express
  303. In my Harem
  304. King Chanticleer
  305. Innocent Bessie Brown
  306. Kentucky Days
  307. How are yer?
  308. The Wedding Glide
  309. The way the wind blows
  310. When the band begins to play
  311. The Raggedy Rag
  312. That Haunting Melody
  313. They’ve got me doing it now
  314. Rally, Rally, Rally
  315. Love me once again
  316. Call me up some rainy afternoon
  317. While you waltz on the ice with me
  318. The Scandinavian Glide
  319. Oh! you great big gollywog
  320. The Busy Buzzing Buzzer
  321. The Tale of an Ostrich Plume
  322. Be my Tango Tommy
  323. The Ragtime Honeymoon
  324. The Ragtime Gollywog Man
  325. Texas Tommy Swing
  326. Epidemic Rag
  327. Put on your best kimona
  328. Ride a Cock-Horse to Dreamy Town
  329. The Dogs’ Tale
  330. Don’t say good-bye, Miss Ragtime
  331. Hello! who’s your lady friend?
  332. International Rag
  333. They’ve got me doing it now—Medley
  334. What a game it is, Wow-wow
  335. You’ll call the next love the first
  336. Shadows on the wall
  337. In the evening by the moonlight, dear Louise
  338. You wouldn’t know the old place now
  339. Someday (in F, G, and B flat)
  340. Who’ll play puss in the corner?
  341. I’d like to live in Dreamland
  342. Anything to take me home
  343. Good-bye, Summer; so long, Fall; hello, Wintertime!
  344. Way down to Honolulu
  345. Someone is coming to my house
  346. We really had a most delightful evening
  347. Roll them cotton bales
  348. You didn’t want to do it—but you did!
  349. What was the matter with you last night?
  350. I’m coming back to Bonnie Scotland
  351. Oh! you sweet, sweet boy
  352. Death of Ragtime
  353. They built Piccadilly for me
  354. Daddy has a sweetheart
  355. When my wife’s in—I’m out
  356. P.C. 49
  357. I never knew what sweetheart meant
  358. Geordie McPherson
  359. The wishing well
  360. If you’ll be my Eve
  361. You’ve got your mother’s big blue eyes
  362. We’ve much to be thankful for
  363. Kiss your Sailor Boy good-bye
  364. When the harvest moon is shining, sweet Eileen
  365. I’d rather have a hard-boiled egg
  366. Hey-lack-a-day-misery me
  367. Those attractive posters
  368. What am I going to do to make you love me?
  369. Mignonette
  370. I’m the Guy
  371. Tampa Bay
  372. Autumn Leaves
  373. Let’s all go round to Mandie’s
  374. Don’t you mind it, Honey
  375. Goody, Goody, Goody Good
  376. Mysterious Moon
  377. To Have—To Hold—To Love
  378. Down in Chattanooga
  379. When you’re away
  380. This is the Life
  381. When I waltz with you
  382. Baby Eyes
  383. I wish I could find a Sweetheart
  384. In a little while
  385. I’ll be all alone in January
  386. Just as the sun goes down
  387. If it’s a lady—Thumbs up!
  388. The Chorus of the Year
  389. I’m off to Kelly’s Isle
  390. It takes an Irish heart to sing an Irish song
  391. Algernon, go hon!
  392. My dear Marie
  393. My Tango Girl
  394. Merry Wedding Bells
  395. Mississippi Lou
  396. With all your faults
  397. In my little cabin Home out West
  398. Beautiful Baby Doll
  399. I’m waiting just to tell you
  400. Here comes the Whip-poor-will
  401. You can’t get away from it
  402. You know the way to make me happy
  403. Pass along, please; pass along
  404. My little Coon Girl
  405. We’ll all go home together
  406. Mein Schneider
  407. Put on the Searchlight
  408. Sweet Mary O’Neill
  409. Oh, you Cutie!
  410. Meet me in the merry month of May
  411. The Queen of the World is Love
  412. Honeymoon round the World
  413. Anna ’Liza’s Wedding Day
  414. Off to Carolina
  415. In your dainty dress of Dresden
  416. I love the ladies
  417. Who’s the girl you’re going to meet to-night?
  418. Dear old Bells of Normandy
  419. When we want what we know we can’t have

Cake Walks, &c.

  1. Апопа
  2. Whistling Rufus
  3. All Trumps Selection
  4. Merry Makers Lancers
  5. La Posada March (Two-Step)
  6. Black Cat Capers (Two-Step)
  7. By the Side of the Zuyder Zee Waltz
  8. Zuyder Zeeson Quadrilles
  9. Jolly Jingles Selection
  10. Put me amongst the girls Lancers
  11. The Franco-British March
  12. Red Wing Intermezzo
  13. Frivolosity Langers
  14. In the Garden of your Heart Waltz
  15. In the Garden of your Heart Barn Dance
  16. Kerry Mills (Barn Dance)
  17. All the Favourites Selection
  18. More the Merrier (Lancers)
  19. Somewhere Waltz
  20. Beautiful Garden of Roses Waltzes
  21. Hi-tid-de-ly-om-pom Lancers
  22. All the Gems—Selection
  23. I do like to be beside the Seaside (Two-Step)
  24. Harry Wood’s Up-to-date 1911 Barn Dance
  25. Free and Easy Lancers
  26. Varietyland Selection
  27. The Whirl of Mirth Quadrilles
  28. Harry Wood’s Barn Dance, 1912–13
  29. Take me back to the Garden of Love Waltz
  30. Waltz Royal
  31. Every body’s doing it Lancers
  32. Rum-tum-tiddle Quadrilles
  33. Pleasure Land Selection
  34. Harry Wood’s Barn Dance, 1913–14
  35. Hullo! Ragtime Mil. March Two-Step
  36. On the Mississippi (Sketch)
  37. Society Glide Waltz
  38. Wonderland (Selection)
  39. The Wedding Glide (Lancers)
  40. Ragtime Melodies (Quadrilles)
  41. The Harvard Waltz
  42. The Castle Walk
  43. Harry Wood’s Barn Dance, 1914–15
  44. Harry Wood’s Military Two Step, 1914–15
  45. The Queen’s Waltz