Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Hertelpoll, Hugh of

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Hugh of Hartlepool in the ODNB.

1388412Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 26 — Hertelpoll, Hugh of1891Andrew George Little

HERTELPOLL or HARTLEPOOL, HUGH of (d. 1302?), was a Franciscan friar at Oxford in 1282, when he was appointed by Devorguilla, widow of John Balliol, one of her two ‘proctors’ for the new college of Balliol. It was probably about this time that Hugh, having taken the doctor's degree, was divinity reader to the Franciscans at Oxford, being the twentieth in order. He was fourteenth provincial minister of the Franciscans in England in 1299 (Rec. Office, Q. R. Wardrobe, 8/2), and in this capacity in 1300 he presented twenty-two friars to the Bishop of Lincoln at Dorchester to be licensed to hear confessions at Oxford (Reg. Dalderby, f. 13). He again appears as provincial minister in 1302 (Reg. of Friars Minors, London), in which year he attended the general chapter at Genoa, and was appointed by Edward I one of his five proctors at the papal court to negotiate peace with the French (Almain Roll, 30 Ed. I, 9 Sept. 1302). He probably died in this or the following year, and was buried among the Franciscans at Assisi. The statement that he died about 1314 is unlikely, as Richard Conyngton, the sixteenth provincial, was already minister in 1310 (Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. p. 393). Hugh is said to have written ‘Commentarii in quatuor libros Sententiarum, Quæstiones disputatæ, Conciones de Tempore,’ &c. (Sbaralea, Suppl. Scriptt. Ord. Francisc. p. 360).

[Savage's Balliofergus; Monumenta Francisc. vol. i.; Wood's Hist. et Antiq.; Rodulphius Hist. Seraph.]

A. G. L.