Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Hughes, Hugh (1693-1776)

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615356Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 28 — Hughes, Hugh (1693-1776)1891Daniel Lleufer Thomas

HUGHES, HUGH (y Bardd Coch) (1693–1776), Welsh poet, born on 22 March 1693, was son of Gruffydd Hughes, who derived his lineage, according to the Welsh genealogies, from Tegeryn ab Carwed, the lord of Twrcelyn. He was chiefly self-educated. He resided chiefly on his estate at Llwydiarth Esgob, near Llanerchymedd, Anglesea. He died on 6 April 1776, and was buried in Holyhead churchyard. Hughes's verses were held in high esteem by Goronwy Owen. He is one of the three Anglesea poets whose works are found in the ‘Diddanwch Teuluaidd neu waith Beirdd Mon’ (London, 1763; 2nd edition, Carnarvon, 1817; 3rd edition, Liverpool, 1879). Other poems by him occur in the 'Blodeugerdd,' 'Diddanwch i'w Feddianydd' (Dublin, 1773), and 'Dewisol Ganiadau.' Hughes also published 'Dial Ahaz,' 'Deddfau Moesoldeb,' and 'Rheolau Bywyd Dynol' (Dublin, 1774), all three purporting to be translations from English works. He left behind him several valuable manuscripts containing poems, translations, tales, and biographies. Most of these came into the possession of his son, who succeeded to the estate, and many have since been lost, but a few are preserved at the British Museum.

[Information from the Rev. R. Jenkin Jones; biographical sketch prefixed to Diddanwch Teuluaidd,ed.1817; Rowlands's Llyfryddiaeth, s.a. 1763; Works of Goronwy Owen, ed. Jones, i. 80.]