Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918/Our Lady's Song

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Our Lady's Song

c 1375

IESU, swete sone dere!
On porful bed list thou here,
And that me greveth sore,
For thi cradel is ase a bere,[1]
Oxe and asse beth thi fere[2]
    Weepe ich mai tharfore.

Iesu, swete, beo noth wroth,
Thou ich nabbe clout ne cloth
    The on for to folde,
    The on to folde ne to wrappe,
For ich nabbe clout ne lappe,[3]
Bote ley thou thi fet to my pappe,
    And wite[4] the from the colde.

  1. bere] byre.
  2. fere] companion.
  3. lappe] fold of garment.
  4. wite] keep.