Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Jackson, Arthur Herbert

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1398022Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 29 — Jackson, Arthur Herbert1892Louisa M. Middleton

JACKSON, ARTHUR HERBERT (1852–1881), composer, born in 1852, was a student from 1872 of the Royal Academy of Music, where he won among other honours the Lucas medal for composition, and was elected in 1878 a professor of harmony and composition. During his short life Jackson accomplished work of a high order of merit. He died, aged 29, on 27 Sept. 1881.

His manuscript orchestral compositions were: ‘Andante and Allegro Giocoso,’ published for the piano, 1881; overture to the ‘Bride of Abydos;’ ‘Intermezzo;’ concerto for pianoforte and orchestra (played by Miss Agnes Zimmermann at the Philharmonic Society's concert, 30 June 1880, the pianoforte part published in the same year); violin concerto in E, played by Sainton at Cowen's orchestral concert, 4 Dec. 1880. For the pianoforte he published: ‘Toccata,’ 1874; ‘March’ and ‘Waltz,’ Brighton, 1878; ‘In a boat,’ barcarolle, ‘Elaine,’ 1879; ‘Andante con variazione,’ 1880; ‘Capriccio;’ ‘Gavotte’ and ‘Musette,’ and ‘Song of the Stream,’ Brighton, 1880; three ‘Humorous Sketches,’ 1880; and fugue in E, both for four hands; three ‘Danses Grotesques,’ 1881. His vocal pieces are: manuscript, two masses for male voices; ‘Magnificat;’ cantata, ‘Jason,’ ‘The Siren's Song,’ for female voices, harp, violin, and pianoforte, published 1885; ‘'Twas when the seas were roaring,’ four-part song, 1882; ‘O Nightingale,’ duet; and songs: ‘Lullaby,’ ‘Who knows?’ ‘I meet thee, love, again’ (1879), ‘Pretty little Maid,’ ‘The Lost Boat.’

[Musical Times, xxii. 581; Brown's Biographical Dictionary, p. 342; Athenæum, 1880, p. 27.]