Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Jones, Harry Longueville

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1904 Errata appended.

677815Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 30 — Jones, Harry Longueville1892Daniel Lleufer Thomas

JONES, HARRY LONGUEVILLE (1806–1870), Welsh archæologist, son of Edward Jones by Charlotte Elizabeth Stephens, was born in Piccadilly, London, in 1806. His father was second son of Captain Thomas Jones of Wrexham, who adopted the additional name of Longueville on succeeding to a portion of the Longueville estates in Shropshire. Jones was educated at a private school at Ealing, whence he proceeded to St. John's College, Cambridge, but subsequently migrated to Magdalene College, where he graduated B.A. in 1828 (being seventh wrangler) and M.A. in 1832. He was elected fellow of his college, and held the offices of lecturer and dean, took holy orders in 1829, and for a short period was curate of Connington in the diocese of Ely, but does not seem to have undertaken further clerical duty. Soon after 1834 he settled in Paris, where he is said to have edited a reissue of 'Galignani's Paris Guide.'

Jones interested himself in the reform of university education, and in 1836 a paper of his was read before the Statistical Society of Manchester, urging the inhabitants to establish in their town a university college in connection with the university of London. The suggestion was not acted upon, but on Jones's return from France he started a college of his own in Manchester; this, however, met with little success, and was shortly afterwards abandoned, though it prepared the way for the establishment of Owens College in 1851. Before 1846 Jones removed to Beaumaris, and in 1849 was appointed inspector of schools for the whole of Wales. His work was lessened subsequently by the appointment, first of an assistant and then of a separate inspector. Ill-health compelled his retirement about 1864. After some years' residence in Brighton he settled in Kensington, London, where he died 10 Nov. 1870. Jones married in 1834 Frances, second daughter of Robert Plowden Weston of Shropshire.

While he resided at Beaumaris Jones issued, in January 1846, with the assistance of the Rev. John Williams (ab Ithel), the first number of a periodical which he entitled 'Archæologia Cambrensis.' The publication led to the expression of a desire for the establishment of an association to study Welsh archæology. Jones accordingly organised a meeting at Aberystwith in September 1847, and the Cambrian Archæological Association was then founded. The production of the journal caused Jones serious loss, and after the fourth volume it was taken over, in 1850, by the association, when a new series was commenced, but Jones continued editor until his last, illness. It contains many articles by him, and several of his drawings, particularly of cromlechs and inscribed stones.

The most important of his published works are: 1. 'Illustrations of the Natural Scenery of the Snowdonian Mountains, accompanied by a description of the County of Carnarvon,' London, 1829, fol. 2. 'Plan of a University for the town of Manchester,' 58 pp., Manchester, 1836, 8vo. 3. 'Memorials of Cambridge, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts,' 2 vols., 1841, 8vo. This was written by him and Thomas Wright, and published by the engraver Le Keux. 4. Essays and papers on literary and historical subjects, reprinted from 'Blackwood's Magazine' and other periodicals, London, 1870, 8vo.

[Archæologia Cambrensis, passim; also an obituary notice in Arch. Camb. 4th ser. ii. 94-6; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

D. Ll. T.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.170
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
107 i 16 f.e. Jones, Harry L.: for seventh wrangler read thirty-first wrangler