The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Lord, for Tomorrow and Its Needs

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The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
Lord, for Tomorrow and Its Needs by Sister Mary Xavier
(Just for To-day by George Coles Stebbins)

The attribution to Ernest Roland Wilberforce is erroneous.

1768226The Army and Navy Hymnal — Lord, for Tomorrow and Its NeedsSister Mary Xavier
(Just for To-day by George Coles Stebbins)
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "88" "       " "Lord for Tomorrow and Its Needs" } subsubtitle = "(JUST FOR TO-TODAY. 8,4,8,4. With Refrain)" composer = "George C. Stebbins, 1846–" poet = "Canon Wilberforce, 1870" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key f \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \relative f' { \autoBeamOff
  <f c>4 | <a f>4. q8 <bes f> <a f> | <a d,>8. <g d>16 q2 |
  <bes e,>4 <c e,>4. <g e>8 | <a f>2 q4 | q4. q8 %end line 1
  <bes f> <a f> | <a d,>8. <g d>16 q2 |
  <bes e,>4 <a e>4. <g c,>8 | <f c>2 r4 |
  <f d>^\markup \caps "Refrain" <bes f>4. << { f8 } \\ { f8 } >> |
  <a f>2 r4 | %end line 2
  <g e>4 <a f>4. <g f>8 | <c e,>2 q4 | <c f,>4. q8 <bes e,> <a ees> |
  <a d,>8. <g d>16 q2 | <bes e,>4 <a e>4. <g c,>8 | <f c>2 \bar "|."
  \cadenzaOn <f d>2. \bar "|" <f c> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f { \autoBeamOff
  <f a>4 | <f c'>4. q8 <f d'> <f c'> | <bes, c'>8. <bes bes'>16 q2 |
  <c g'>4 q4. <c c'>8 | <f c'>2 q4 | q4. q8 %end line 1
  <f d'> <f c'> | <bes, c'>8. <bes bes'>16 q2 |
  <g d''>4 <c c'>4. <c bes'>8 | <f a>2 r4 \bar "."
  <bes, bes'>4 <bes d'>4. q8 | <f' c'>2 r4 |
  <c c'>4 <g b'>4. <b d'>8 | <c c'>2 <c bes'>4 |
  <f a>4. <a c>8 <g c> <f c'> | <bes, c'>8. <bes bes'>16 q2 |
  <g d''>4 <c c'>4. <c bes'>8 | <a f>2
  \cadenzaOn <f bes>2. <f a> } }  >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 110 } }

  1. Lord, for tomorrow and its needs
    I do not pray;
    Keep me, O God, from stain of sin,
    Just for today.
    Just for today
    Keep me, O God, from stain of sin,
    Just for today
  2. Let me both diligently work
    And duly pray;
    Let me be kind in word and deed,
    Just for today.
    Just for today
    Let me be kind in word and deed,
    Just for today
  3. Let me no wrong or idle word
    Unthinking say;
    Set thou a seal upon my lips,
    Just for today.
    Just for today
    Set thou a seal upon my lips,
    Just for today.
  4. So, for tomorrow and its needs
    I do not pray;
    But Keep me, guide me, love me Lord,!
    Just for today.
    Just for today.
    But Keep me, guide me, love me Lord,!
    Just for today.Amen.

Copyright. 1890, by The Biglow & Main Co.