Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Kirkpatrick, William Baillie

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1446152Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 31 — Kirkpatrick, William Baillie1892Thomas Hamilton (1842-1926)

KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM BAILLIE (1802–1882), Irish presbyterian divine, was born near Ballynahinch, co. Down, in 1802. After spending some time at a classical school conducted by the Rev. Arthur Neilson of Rademon, he went to Glasgow College, where he proceeded to the degree of M.A. He studied theology at the old Belfast College, under the divinity professor of the synod of Ulster. In 1827 he was licensed by the presbytery of Armagh, and on 29 July 1829 ordained one of the ministers of Mary's Abbey Church, Dublin, by the presbytery of Dublin. He at once took high rank as a preacher and pastor. In 1850 he was moderator of the general assembly, and for many years convener of the home mission scheme and of the committee on the state of religion. He was appointed by government a commissioner of charitable donations and bequests, and a commissioner of endowed schools. During his ministry in Dublin a splendid new church was built in Rutland Square, at a cost of 13,000l., for the Mary's Abbey congregation, by Mr. Alexander Findlater, J.P. He died 23 Sept. 1882, at Bray, co. Wicklow, and was buried in Mount Jerome cemetery, Dublin, leaving a widow, two sons, and six daughters. Besides many fugitive publications, he wrote ‘Chapters in Irish History,’ Dublin, n.d. [1875], which reached a second edition.

[Obituary notice in Belfast Witness; personal knowledge.]