Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Ladyman, Samuel

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1432842Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 31 — Ladyman, Samuel1892Alexander Gordon

LADYMAN, SAMUEL, D.D. (1625–1684), divine, son of John Ladyman of Dinton, Buckinghamshire, was born in 1625. He entered Corpus Christi College, Oxford, as a servitor 3 March 1642–3, graduated B.A. on 13 July 1647, was made fellow by the parliamentary visitors in 1648, and graduated M.A. on 21 June 1649. He became a frequent preacher and, according to Wood, was ‘a noted person among the presbyterians.’ This seems an error; he became an independent, and in this capacity was placed as minister at Clonmel, co. Tipperary, with a salary of 170l. under the civil establishment of 1655. In May 1658 he was one of some thirty ministers summoned to Dublin by Henry Cromwell, for consultation on church finance and other matters; he signed the submissive address presented to Cromwell by nineteen of them. At the Restoration he conformed, and received the vicarage of Clonmel. He was prebendary of Cashel in 1677; subsequently he became archdeacon of Limerick and D.D. He died in February 1683–4, and was buried in the chancel of St. Mary's, Clonmel, where there is a tablet to his memory. By his will (dated 1683) he left 5l. per annum for educating ten poor children, and 5l. to be given annually in alms. He married Grace (d. March 1663 or 1664), daughter of Dr. William Hutchinson of Oxford, and had several children, of whom Samuel, Francis, and Grace died in infancy; John died on 9 Dec. 1675, aged 20; and Jane died on 27 Sept. 1681, aged 21. John Ladyman of Knockgraffon, buried at Cashel on 2 Oct. 1731, was probably his grandson.

He published ‘The Dangerous Rule,’ &c., 1658, 12mo (sermon before the judges at Clonmel).

[Wood's Fasti (Bliss), ii. 121; Reid's Hist. Presb. Church in Ireland (Killen), 1867, ii. 558 sq.; information from the Dean of Cashel and from the rector of Clonmel, with copy of monumental inscription.]