Massacre of Glencoe (5)/The Massacre of Glencoe

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Massacre of Glencoe (5)
The Massacre of Glencoe
3324203Massacre of Glencoe (5) — The Massacre of Glencoe


Tune,—‘ Scots wha ha'e,’ &c.

Broad set the sun o'er wild Glencoe,
Red gleam'd the heights of drifted snow,
And loud and hoarse the torrent's flow
Dash'd thro' the drear domain,
Bright shines the hearth's domestic blaze,
The dancers bound in wanton maze,
And merry minstrels tune their lays
Blythe o'er the mountain reign.

Yon level sun sinks down in blood,
Low'ring o'er dark ingratitude;
It warns the guileless and the good,
Glencoe's wo-fated clan.
Each smiling host salutes his guests,
‘Good night,'-that hand so kindly prest
Shall plunge the dagger in thy breast,
Long ere the orient dawn.

All's still!-but hark! from height to height,
Come's rushing on the breeze of night,
The startling shriek of wild affright,
The hoarse assassin yell

Is there no arm on high to save
From foulest death the trustful brave!
Each by his threshold found a grave,
Or where he slumber'd fell!

Red rose the sun o'er lone Glencoe;
What eye shall mark that crimson'd snow,
What ear shall list the torrent's flow
Dashing the dreary wild.
Round sheal and hamlet's shelt'ring rock
High soars destruction's volum'd smoke,
But hush'd the shriek which maddening broke
From mother, maiden, child.

All's still!-save round yon mountain's head,
Where men of blood the snow-path tread,
Startling lest voices from the dead
A deed of hell proclaim.
Wo for thy clan, thou wild Glencoe!
Whose blood dyes deep the mountain snow
But deadlier bale, and deeper wo,
Glenorchy, on thy name.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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