The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Away in a Manger

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For other versions of this work, see Away in a Manger.

This hymn is commonly attributed to Martin Luther, but this attribution appears to be false. It may have been written for the occasion of Luther's 400th birthday in 1883.

The musical setting given here is generally titled "Mueller", but is now believed to have been composed by James Ramsey Murray, who published this hymn in Dainty Songs for Little Lads and Lasses, 1887.

Henry Augustine SmithAnonymousThe Army and Navy Hymnal — Away in a Manger1737805James Ramsey Murray
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Away in a Manger" "          " "44" } subsubtitle = "(AWAY IN A MANGER. 6,5,6,5,D.)" composer = "Carl Mueller" poet = "Martin Luther, 1483–1546" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key f \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \relative c'' {
  <c a>4 | q4. <bes g>8 <a f>4 |
  q4. <g e>8 << { f4 } \\ { f } >> |
  <f d> <e c> <d bes> |
  << { c2 } \\ { c } >> <c a>4 |
  <c bes>4. <d bes>8 <c bes>4 | % end of line 1
  q <bes g'> <e bes> |
  <d bes> <c a> <f c> |
  <a f>2 <c f,>4 |
  <c a>4. <bes g>8 <a c,>4 |
  q4.( <g e>8) <f c>4 | % end of line 2
  <f d> <e c> <d bes> |
  <c a>2 q4 |
  <bes' g>4. <a f>8 <g e>4 |
  <a f> <g c,> << { f } \\ { f } >> |
  <g d> << { d } \\ { d } >> <e c> |
  <f c>2 s4 \bar "|." <f d>2. <f c> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f {
  <f c'>4 | q4. q8 q4 |
  q4. <bes c>8 <a c>4 |
  <bes bes,> q <f bes,> |
  <f a>2 <f f,>4 |
  <c e>4. <c f>8 <c e>4 | % end of line 1
  q q <c g> |
  <f f,> << { f } \\ { f } >> <f a> |
  <f c'>2 <f a>4 |
  <f c'>4. q8 <f a>4 |
  q4.( <f bes>8 <f a>4 |
  <bes bes,>4 q <f bes,> |
  <f f,>2 << { f4 } \\ { f } >> |
  <e c'>4. <f c'>8 <bes c>4 |
  <f c'> <f bes> <f a> |
  <bes bes,> <bes g,> <bes c,> |
  <a f>2 s4 | <bes bes,>2. <a f> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } }

  1. Away in a manger,
    No crib for his bed,
    The little Lord Jesus
    Laid down his sweet head,
    The stars in the sky
    Looked down where he lay,
    The little Lord Jesus,
    Asleep in the hay.
  2. The cattle are lowing,
    The poor baby wakes,
    But little Lord Jesus,
    No crying he makes.
    I love thee, Lord Jesus,
    Look down from the sky,
    And stay by my side
    Until morning is nigh.