North Carolina Register/Volume 1/Issue 1

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IN THIS ISSUE...........................

Volume 1 • Issue 1 • Pages 1-73


The North Carolina Register is published monthly and contains information relating to agency, executive, legislative and judicial actions required by or affecting Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. All proposed administrative rules and amendments filed under Chapter 150B must be published in the Register. The Register will typically comprise approximately one hundred pages per issue of legal text.

State law requires that a copy of each issue be provided free of charge to each county in the state and to various state officials and institutions. The North Carolina Register is available by yearly subscription at a cost of ninety-five dollars ($95.00) for 12 issues.

Requests for subscription to the North Carolina Register should be directed to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P. O. Drawer 11666, Raleigh, N. C. 27604. Attn: Subscriptions.


An agency intending to adopt, amend, or repeal a rule must first publish notice of the proposed action in the North Carolina Register. The notice must include a reference to the Statutory Authority for the action; the time and place of the public hearing and a statement of how public comments may be submitted to the agency either at the hearing or otherwise; the text of the proposed rule or amendment; and the proposed date.

The Director of the Office of Administrative Hearings has authority to publish a summary, rather than the full test, of any amendment which is considered too lengthy. In such case, the full text of the rule containing the proposed amendment will be available for public inspection at the Rules Division of the Office of Administrative Hearings and at the office of the promulgating agency.

Following publication of the proposal in the North Carolina Register, at least 60 days must elapse before the agency may take action on the proposed adoption, amendment or repeal.

When final action is taken, the promulgating agency must file any adopted or amended rule with the Office of Administrative Hearings. If it differs substantially from the proposed form published as part of the public notice, the adopted version will again be published in the North Carolina Register

A rule, or amended rule, cannot become effective earlier than the first day of the second calendar month after the adoption is filed.

Proposed action on rules may be withdrawn by the promulgating agency at any time before final action is taken by the agency.


Under certain conditions of an emergency nature, some agencies may issue temporary rules. A temporary rule becomes effective when adopted and remains in effect for the period specified in the or 120 days, whichever is less. An agency adopting a temporary rule must begin normal rule-making procedures on the permanent rule at the same time the temporary rule is adopted.


The North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) is a compilation and index of the administrative rules of 25 state agencies and 38 occupational licensing boards. The NCAC comprises approximately 15,000 letter size, single spaced pages of material of which approximately 35% is changed annually. Compilation and publication of the NCAC is mandated by G.S. 150B-63(b).

The code is divided into Titles and Chapters. Each state agency is assigned a separate title which is further broken down by chapters. Title 21 is designated for occupational licensing boards.

The NCAC is available in two formats.

(1) In looseleaf pages at a minimum cost of two dollars and 50 cents ($2.50) for 10 pages or less, plus fifteen cents ($0.15) per each additional page.
(2) On microfiche. The microfiche edition is revised semi-annually (March and October) and can be purchased for forty dollars ($40.00) per edition. Due to the volume of the Code, the complete copy can only be purchased on microfiche. The NCAC on microfiche is updated monthly by publication of a "List of Rules Affected" which sets out rules filed the previous month, the action taken, and the effective date of the change. This list is published in the North Carolina Register.

Requests for looseleaf pages of rules of the NCAC on microfiche should be directed to the Office of Administrative Hearings.


The foregoing is a generalized statement of the procedures to be followed. For specific statutory language, it is suggested that Articles 2 and 5 of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes by examined carefully.


The North Carolina Regiser is cited by volume, issue, page number and date. 1:1 NCR 101-201, April 1, 1986 refers to Volume 1, Issue 1, pages 101 through 201 of the North Carolina Register issued on April 1, 1986.

North Carolinea Register. Published monthly by the Office of Administrative Hearings, P. O. Drawer 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604, pursuant to Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. Subscriptions ninety-five dollars ($95.00) per year.

North Carolina Administrative Code. Published in March and October by the Office of Administrative Hearings, P. O. Drawer 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604, pursuant to Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. Subscriptions forty dollars ($40.00) per edition.


Office of Administrative Hearings
P. O. Drawer 11666
Raleigh, NC 27604
(919) 733 - 2678

Robert A. Melott,
Molly Mason,
Director of Rules Publication
Genic Rogers,
Executive Legal Specialist
Ruby Creech,
Publication Coordinator
Myrtice Becoat,
Mary Fowler,
Ernestine Parker,
Tammy Poole,
Records Clerk


Chapter 150B
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Chapter 7A
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Executive Orders 1-25
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Appointment of Robert Arthur Melott
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Office of Administrative Hearings Seal
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Appointment of Beecher Reynolds Gray
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Appointment of Fred Gilbert Morrison, Jr
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Appointment of Angela Rebecca Bryant
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Appointment of Thomas R. West
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Office of Administrative Hearings
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Office of Administrative Hearings
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Rules Division
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Hearings Divison
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Volume 10. No. 1 (April 1, 1986)
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Publication Deadlines and Schedules
(April 1986 - March 1987)


150B-1. Policy and scope. --(a) The policy of the State is that the three powers of government, legislative, executive, and judicial, are, and should remain, separate. The intent of this Chapter is to prevent the commingling of those powers in any administrative agency and to ensure that the functions of rule making, investigation, advocacy, and adjudication are not all performed by the same person in the administrative process.

(b) The purpose of this Chapter is to establish as nearly as possible a uniform system of administrative rule making and adjudicatory procedures for State agencies.

(c) This Chapter shall apply to every agency, as defined in G.S. 150B-2(1), except to the extent and in the particulars that any statute, including subsection (d) of this section, makes specific provisions to the contrary.

(d) The following are specifically exempted from the provisions of this Chapter: the Administrative Rules Review Commission, the Employment Security Commission, the Industrial Commission, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Board, and the Utilities Commission.

The North Carolina National Guard is exempt from the provisions of this Chapter in exercising its court-martial jurisdiction.

The Department of Correction is exempt from the provisions of this Chapter, except for Article 5 of this Chapter and G.S. 150B-13 which shall apply.

Articles 2, 3, and 3A of this Chapter shall not apply to the Department of Transportation in rule making or administrative hearings as provided for by Chapter 20 of the General Statutes or to the Department of Revenue.

Article 4 of this Chapter, governing judicial review of final administrative decisions, shall apply to the University of North Carolina and its constituent or affiliated boards, agencies, and institutions, but The University of North Carolina and its constituent or affiliated boards, agencies, and institutions are specifically excepted from the remaining provisions of this Chapter. Article 4 of this Chapter shall not apply to the State Banking Commission, the Commissioner of Banks, the Savings and Loan Division of the Department of Commerce, and the Credit Union Division of the Department of Commerce.

Article 3 of this Chapter shall not apply to agencies governed by the provisions of Article 3A of this Chapter, as set out in G.S. 150B-38(a).

150B-2. Definitions. --As used in this Chapter,

(1) "Agency" means any agency, institution, board, commission, bureau, department, division, council, member of the Council of State, or officer of the State government of the State of North Carolina but does not include any agency in the legislative or judicial branch of the State government; and does not include counties, cities, towns, village, other municipal corporations or political subdivisions of the State or any agencies of such subdivisions, or local boards of education, other local public districts, units or bodies of any kind, or private corporations created by act of the General Assembly.

(2) "Contested case" means any administrative proceeding, by whatever name called, in which the legal rights, duties, or privileges of a part are required by law to be determined after an opportunity for an adjudicatory hearing. "Contested case" includes licensing and any administrative proceeding to levy a monetary penalty regardless of whether the statue authorizing such a penalty requires an adjudicatory hearing. "Contested case" does not include rule making, declaratory rulings, or the award or denial of scholarship or grant.

(2a) "Effective" means that a valid rule has been filed as required by G.S. 150B-59 and either has not been delayed by or has been returned to the Administrative Rules Review Commission as required by G.S. 143A-55.3. A rule that is effective is enforceable to the extent permitted by law.

(3) "License" means any certificate, permit or other evidence, by whatever name called, of a right or privilege activity, to engage in any activity, except licences issued under Chapter 20 and Subchapter I of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes and occupational licenses.

(4) "Licensing" means any administrative action issuing, failing to issue, suspending, or revoking a license or occupational license. 'Licensing' does not include controversies over whether an examination was fair or whether the applicant passed the examination.

(4a) "Occupational license" means any certificate, permit, or other evidence, by whatever name called, of a right or privilege to engage in a profession, occupation, or field of endeavor that is issued by an occupational licensing agency.

(4b) "Occupational licensing agency" means any board, commission, committee or other agency of the State of North Carolina which is for established the primary purpose of regulating the entry of persons into, and/or the conduct of persons within a particular profession, occupation or field of endeavor, and which is authorized to issue and revoke licenses. 'Occupational licensing agency' does not include State agencies or departments which may as only a part of their regular function issue permits or licenses.

(5) "Party" means any person or agency named or admitted as a party or properly seeking as of right to be admitted as a party and includes the agency as appropriate; provided this subdivision shall not be construed to permit the hearing agency or any of its officers or employees to appeal its own decision for initial judicial review.

(6) "Person aggrieved" means any person or group of persons of common interest directly or indirectly affected substantially in his or its person, property, or employment by an administrative decision.

(7) "Person" means any natural person, partnership, corporation, body politic and any unincorporated association, organization, or society which may sue or be sued under a common name.

(8) "Residence" means domicile or principal place of business

(8a) "Rule" means any agency regulation, standard or statement of general applicability that implements or interprets laws enacted by the General Assembly or Congress or regulations promulgated by a federal agency or describes the procedure or practice requirements of any agency not inconsistent with laws enacted by the General Assembly. The term includes the amendment or repeal of a prior rule. The term does not include the following:

a. Statements concerning only the internal management of an agency or group of agencies, including policies and procedures manuals, if such a statement does not directly or substantially affect the procedural or substantive rights or duties of persons not employed by the agency or group of agencies.
b. Budgets and budget policies and procedures issued by the Director of the Budget, by the head of a department, as defined by G.S. 143A-2 or G.S. 143B-3, by an occupational licensing board, as defined by G.S. 93B-1, or by the State Board of Elections.
c. Nonbinding interpretative statements within the delegated authority of the agency that merely define, interpret or explain the meaning of a statute or other provision of law or precedent.
d. A form, the contents or substantive requirements of which are prescribed, by rule or statute or the instructions for the execution or use of the form.
e. Statements of agency policy made in the context of another proceeding, including:
1. declaratory rulings under G.S. 150B-17;
2. orders establishing or fixing rates or tariffs.
f. Statements of agency policy, provided that the agency policy is not inconsistent with any law enacted by the General Assembly, communicated to the public by use of signs or symbols, concerning:
1. the use or creation of public roads or bridges;
2. the boundaries of public facilities and times when public facilities are open to the public; or
3. safety in use of public facilities.

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(1) A statement of the date, hour, place, and nature of the hearing; (2) A reference to the the sections of particular statutes and rules involved; (3) A short and plain the factual statement of allegations; and (4) the If the agency is Department of human Resources, a statement of who will conduct the hearing and that the party may request a hearing officer in the Office of Administrative Hearings as provided in G.S. 150B-32. Notice shall be given (c) personally or by certified mail. If given by certified mail, it shall be deemed to have been delivery date given on the appearing on the return receipt. If giving of notice cannot be

accomplished either personally or by certified mail notice the shall then be given in manner provided in G.S 1A-1, Rule 4( jl ) person may (d) Any petition to become a party by filing a motion to intervene in the manner provided G.S. in In addition, any 1A-1, Rule 24. person interested in a contested case may intervene and participate in that proceeding to the extent deemed appropriate by the hearing officer. (e) All hearings under this Chapter shall be open to the public. Hearings shall be conducted an impartial in manner. Hearings be shall conducted according to the procedures out set in this Article except to the extent and the particulars that in specific hearing procedures and time standards are governed by another statute. 50B-24 of Venue heari ng --(a) The hearing of a contested case shall be conducted In the county in this State in which any person whose property or rights are the subject matter of the hearing maintains his residence; (2) In the county where the agency maintains its principal office if the property or rights that are the subject matter of the hearing do not affect any person or if the subject matter of the hearing is the property or r i h ts of residents of more than one count or (3) In any county determined by the agency or hearing officer in his discre I ion to promote the ends ,













justice or better serve the convenience of witnesses. (b) whose Any person or rights are property the subject matter of the hearing waives his objection to venue by proccedinq in the hearing. Con duct of 150B-25. If a he ring; a n swer (a) party fails to appear in a proper contested case after service of notice, and if no adjournment or continuance is granted, the agency or hearing officer may proceed with the hearing in the absence of the party A party who has been (b) served with a notice of hearing may file a written response, and to all a copy must be mailed other parties not less than 10 days before the date set for hearing. If the agency is the Department of Human Resources, response may the include a request for a hearing officer in the Office of Administrative Hearings as provided in G.S. of

150B-32. (c) The parties shall be given an opportunity to present arguments on issuer, of lav; and policy and an opportunity present evidence on issues of fact (d) party may A cross-examine any witness, including the author of a document prepared by, on behalf of, or for use of the agency and offered in evidence. Any party may submit rebuttal evidence. Consolidation. 150B-26. When contested cases involving a common question of law or fact proceedings or multiple involving the same or related parties are pending, the chief hearing officer of the Office of Administrative Hearings may order a joint hearing of any matters at issue in the cases, order the cases consolidated, or reduce malte other orders to the costs or delay in proceedings. If one or more, parties but not all a in consolidated contested case in Department of Human the Resources involving multiple requests aggrieved persons a hearing officer in the Office of Administrative Hearings as provided in G.S. 150B-32, the chief hearing officer in the of Administrat ive Office Hearings shall decide whether to reques t at tcr grant the consulting with the parties in con tested all cases the involved 5 B 27 St ib poena, After the commencement of a .



. Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/13 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/14 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/15 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/16 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/17 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/18 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/19 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/20 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/21 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/22 reports of the Administrative Rules Review Commission's objection to a rule. He shall append to any compilation, publication, or summation of that rule a notation that it has been objected to pursuant to G.S. 143A-55.3 or 143A-55.4 and, where applicable, that the objection has been removed.

150B-64. Judicial and official notice

.--Judicial or official notice shall be taken by any rule effective under this Article.




Office of Administrative Hearings.

7A-750. Creation; status; purpose

.-The Director may, with the approval of the Chief Justice, designate certain hearing officers as having the experience and expertise to preside at specific types of contested cases and assign only those designated hearing officers to preside at those cases.

7A-754. Qualifications: standards of conduct: off. removal

.--Only persons duly authorized to practice law in the General Court of Justice shall be eligible for appointment as the Director and chief hearing officer or as a hearing officer in the Office of Administrative hearings.

7A-755. Expenses reimbursed

.--The Director of the Office of Administrative Hearings and all hearing officers shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses at the rates allowed to State officers and employess by G.S. 133-6(a).

7A-756. Power to administer oaths and issue subpoenas

.--The chief hearing officer and all hearing officers in the Office of Administrative Hearings may, in connection with any pending or potential contested case under Chapter 150B:

(1) Administer oaths and affirmations;

(2) Sign and issue subpoenas in the name of the Office of Administrative Hearings requiring attendance and giving of testimony by witnesses and the production of books, papers, and other documentary evidence; and

(3) Apply to the General Court of Justice, Superior Court Division, for any order necessary to enforce the powers conferred in this Article.

7A-757. Temporary hearing officers; appointments; powers and standards; fees

.--When regularly appointed hearing officers are unavailable, the Director of the Office of Administrative Hearings may contract with qualified individuals to serve as hearing officers for specific assignments. A temporary hearing officer shall have the same powers and adhere to the same standards as a regular hearing officer in the conduct of a hearing. These temporary hearing officers shall not be employees of the State but shall be remunerated for their service at a rate not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) per day and shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses at the rate allowed to State officers and employees by G.S. 133-6(a).

7A-758. Availability of hearing officer to exempt agencies

.--The Director of the Office of Administrative Hearings may, under request of the head of the agency, provide a hearing officer to preside at hearings of public bodies not otherwise authorized or required by statute to utilize a hearing officer from the Office of Administrative Hearings including, but not limited to, State agencies exempt from the provisions of Chapter 150B, municipal corporations or other subdivisions of the State, and agencies of such subdivisions.




JANUARY 31, 1985

WHEREAS, public office in North Carolina must always be regarded as a public trust; and

WHEREAS, the people of North Carolina have a fundamental right to the assurance that officers of their government will not use their public position for personal gain; and

WHEREAS, this Administration is committed to restore and maintain the confidence of North Carolina citizens in their government; and

WHEREAS, there is a need in North Carolina for the creation of an institutionalized procedure designed to prevent the occurrence of conflicts of interest in government and to deal with them when they do occur; and

WHEREAS, this Administration realizes that the vast majority of state government employees are honest and hard working in their public and private lives:


Section 1. Executive Order Number 1, January 10, 1977. Executive Order Number 1, dated January 10, 1977, is hereby rescinded. All records, including but not limited to Statements of Economic Interest, of the North Carolina Board of Ethics created pursuant to said executive order, are transferred to the North Carolina Board of Ethics herein.

Section 2.

Section 3. Persons subject to Order. The following persons are subject to this order and to the jurisdiction of the Board of Ethics:










Section 4. Exemption From Order. Notwithstanding Section 3, herein, a commission, board or council to which the Governor appoints members, may upon written application request the Board of Ethics to exempt its members from this Order. The Board of Ethics shall make a determination upon such requests, which shall be final, after a specific finding by the Board that such exemption does not violate the intent of this Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/26 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/27 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/28 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/29 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/30 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/31 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/32 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/33 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/34 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/35 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/36 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/37 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/38 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/39 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/40 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/41 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/42 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/43 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/44 Page:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf/45 This order is effective this the
21st day of February, 1986.


Judicial Department
Joseph Branch Chief Justice

Reposing special trust and confidence in your integrity and knowledge, and by virtue of authority vested in me by law, I do by these presents pursuant to G.S. 7A-752 appoint ROBERT ARTHUR MELOTT, Director of the Office of Administrative Hearings for the term ending June 30, 1989, and do hereby confer upon you all the rights, privileges and powers useful and necessary to the just and proper discharge of your duties as Director of the Office of Administrative Hearings.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the Seal of the Supreme Court of the State of North Carolina at Raleigh, North Carolina, this 23rd day of December 1985.

s/Joseph Branch
Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of North Carolina



WAKE COUNTY Administrative Hearings

Under the provisions of G.S. 147-28 an official seal is hereby adopted for this Office for the purpose of attesting and authenticating papers and records. The seal is described as follows:

The figure of

The seal is embossed in the margin hereof.

This seal

The helmet

The inscription

The motto is

This the 3rd day of January, 1985.

s/Robert A. Melott
Director and Chief Hearing Officer

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(3) Extensions shall not be granted if inattention or procrastination cause delay, but shall be granted if the delay is attributable to honest mistake, accident, or any cause compatible with proper diligence.


Ex parte communications are governed by G.S. 150B-35


(a) After a hearing officer has issued a recommended decision, the hearing officer loses jurisdiction to amend the decision except for clerical or mathematical errors, unless the recommended decision is binding as a final decision pursuant to G.S. 150B-23(a) or G.S. 150E-33(g)

(b) If the recommended decision is binding on the agency as a final decision, a petition for reconsideration or rehearing may be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings within 10 days of service of the recommended decision upon the petitioning party


These Rules and copies of all matters adopted by reference herein are available from the Office of Administrative Hearings at the cost established in 26 NCAC 1 .0001.




2 3

Adm in as bration, Department of Agr ic ul ture, Department of Aud it or Department of State Con me re e, Department of Cor re ct io ns. Department of Con nc il o f State Cul tu ra 1 Resources, Department Ele ct io ns State Board of Gov ei- no r Hum an R es ources, Department of Ins ur an ce Department of Jus hi ce Department of Lab or De partment of Cri me 'c on trol Department of Nat ur nl R esources and Community Development Edu ca bi on Department of Rev en ue Department of Sec re ba ry of State Tra nc po rt at ion, Department of Department of State Tre as ur er Occ up at io nal Licensing Boards Adm in is tr ative Procedures Corn niu ni ty Colleges, Department of Ind ep en de nt Agencies Per so nn el Department of State Off ic e of Administrative Hearings ,

4 5 6 7




10 1






14A 15 16 17 18

19A 20 X21 22 23 24 25 26






4 6

10 12

14 16 16

20 21 22

26 28 30 51

32 33

34 36 37 33 40 42 44 46 4a

50 52

53 54 56 58 60 62


Title 21 contains the chapters of the various occupational licensing boards.


Architecture Board of Auctioneers. Commission for Barber Examiners, Board of Certified Fublic Accountant Examiners Chiropract ic Examiners, Board of Contractors, Licensing Boax'd for Cosmetic Art Examiners, Board of Dental Examiners, Board of Electrical Contractors, Board of Examiners Foresters, Board of Registration for Geologists, Board of Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters Board Landscape Architects, Licensing Board of Landscape Contractors, Registration Board of Law Examiners, Board of Martial 8 Family Therapy Certification Board Medical Examiners, Board of Midwifery Joint Committee Mortuary Science, Board of Nursing, Board of Nursing Home Adninistra tors Board of Occupational Therapist, Board of Opticians, Board of Optometry, Board of Examiners in Osteopathic Examination and Registration Pharmacy, Board of Physical Therapy, Examining Committee of Plumbing and Heating Contractors, Board of Podiatry Examiners, Board of Practicing Counselors, Board of Practicing Psychologists, Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Real Estate Commission Refrigeration Examiners, Board of Sanitarian Examiners, Board of Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologis ts Board of Examiners of Veterinary Medical Board ,


66 72



(April 1, 1986 - March 31, 1987)

Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 1-73

AO - Administrative Order
E - Errata
EO - Executive Order
FR - Final Rule
GS - General Statutes
JO - Judicial Order
LRA - List of Rules Affected
PR - Proposed Rule
SD - Statement of Organization
TR - Temporary Rule


Beecher Reynolds Gray, 47 AO

Fred Gilbert Morrison, Jr., 48 AO

Angela Rebecca Bryant, 49 AO

Thomas R. West, 50 AO


Executive orders 1-25, 23-44 EO


Chapter 7A 21-22

Chapter 150B, 3-21 GS



Robert A. Melott, 45 JD


Volume 10, No. 1

(April 1, 1986), 71 LRA


General, 52 PR

Hearings Division, 61 PR

Rules Division, 51 PR


Office of Administrative Hearings, 51 SO