Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Neville, William de

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891690Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 40 — Neville, William de1894Albert Frederick Pollard

NEVILLE, Sir WILLIAM de (d. 1389?), lollard, descended from Robert de Neville, second baron Neville of Raby (d. 1282) [q. v.], was the sixth child and fifth son of Ralph de Neville, fourth baron Neville of Raby (1291?–1367) [q. v.], and his wife Alice, daughter of Sir Hugh Audley (Selby, Genealogist, iii. 107); Edmondson erroneously makes him the second son (Segar, Baron. Genealog. iv. 350). His elder brothers, Alexander, archbishop of York [q. v.], and John, fifth baron Neville of Raby (d. 1388) [q. v.], are separately noticed. In 1369 William is described as of Fencotes, Yorkshire, and received letters of protection on going abroad in the king's service; on 7 March 1372 he was appointed admiral of the fleet from the Thames northwards, but before the end of the year was again abroad, having appointed deputies to command the fleet during his absence. In the same year he joined William de Montacute, second earl of Salisbury [q. v.], and, sailing from Cornwall, landed in Brittany and relieved the castle of Brest, where his elder brother John was besieged by the French. In 1383 he was commissioned to treat for peace with both France and Scotland. In the same year he appears as a knight of the king's chamber, constable of Nottingham Castle, a friend of Wiclif, and one of the chief supporters of the lollard movement (Walsingham, Hist. Angl. ii. 159, and Ypodigma Neustriæ, p. 348; Capgrave, Chronicle, p. 245; Chron. Mon. S. Albani, p. 377; Stubbs, Const. Hist. iii. 31; Foxe, Acts and Mon. iii. 56); according to Edmondson he was gentleman of the king's bedchamber. In 1388 he was guarding certain prisoners, probably some of the king's friends who had in the previous year been charged with treason; he was evidently an adherent of the appellants, and from August to December 1389 attended the meetings of the privy council. His name does not appear after 1389, in which year he may have died. His wife's name was Elizabeth. Both Neville and his wife received bequests from his brother John (cf. will quoted in Rowland, Hist. of the Nevills, p. 16).

[Dugdale's Baronage, i. 295; Segar's Baronagium Genealogicum, ed. Edmondson, iv. 350; Rymer's Fœdera, Record ed., III. ii. 871, 898, 948, 953, ed. 1745 III. iii. 160, iv. 18; Rot. Origin. Abb. ii. 332; Nicholas's Proc. of Privy Council, vol. i.; Rolls of Parl. ii. 327 a; Froissart, ed. Lettenhove, xxii. 290; Selby's Genealogist, iii. 107; Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees; Surtees's History of Durham, iv. 159; authorities quoted.]