Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/34

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Of Matrimony, the Nature of it, its sacred Original, and the true intent and meaning of its Institution; as also how our Notions of it are degenerated, the Obligations of it disregarded, and the Thing it self, as a State of Life, grosly abused.

BEING to discourse in a particular and extraordinary Manner of the Breaches of the Matrimonial Relation, with the Disorders which are committed under the Protection of Matrimony; and being to exhibit a Charge of very high Crimes and Misdemeanors against some People who think themselves very Virtuous and Modest, and yet give themselves all those Matrimonial Liberties: It is highly needful to explain to such seemingly Ignorant, what the true intent and meaning of that ill-understood State of Life is; what it imports; and how Christians ought to rate and esteem the Obligation of it in the Conduct of a regular Life.

For as I find my Judgment of Things is like to differ from others, that what they think lawful I shall condemn as criminal, and censure what they think moderate and sober, the Preliminaries ought to be settled as we go; that we may begin upon right Principles, lea-
