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Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/347

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June 1770.]
In Whitsunday Passage, Queensland.

and peaked, and lies E. by S., 10 Miles from Cape Conway at the S. end of the Passage above mention'd.

Monday, 4th.—Winds at S.S.E. and S.E, a Gentle breeze and Clear weather. In the P.M. Steerd thro' the passage,[1] which we found from 3 to 6 or 7 Miles broad, and 8 or 9 Leagues in length, N. by W. ½ W. and S. by E. ½ E. It is form'd by the Main on the W., and by Islands on the E., one of which is at least 5 Leagues in length. Our Depth of Water in running thro' was between 25 and 20 fathoms; everywhere good Anchorage; indeed the whole passage is one Continued safe Harbour, besides a Number of small Bays and Coves on each side, where ships might lay as it where in a Bason; at least so it appear'd to me, for I did not wait to Examine it, as having been in Port so lately, and being unwilling to loose the benefit of a light Moon. The land, both on the Main and Islands, especially on the former, is Tolerably high, and distinguished by Hills and Vallies, which are diversified with Woods and Lawns that looked green and pleasant. On a Sandy beach upon one of the Islands we saw 2 people and a Canoe, with an outrigger, which appeared to be both Larger and differently built to any we have seen upon the Coast. At 6 we were nearly the length of the N. end of the Passage; the N. Westermost point of the Main in sight bore N. 54° W., and the N. end of the Island N.N.E., having an open Sea between these 2 points. [This passage I have named Whitsundays Passage, as it was discover'd on the day the Church commemorates that Festival, and the Isles which form it Cumberland Isles, in honour of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland.[2]] We keept under an Easey Sail and the Lead going all Night, having 21, 22, and 23 fathoms, at the distance of 3 Leagues from the land. At daylight A.M. we were abreast of the point above mentioned, which is a lofty promontory; that I named Cape Gloucester[3] (Lat. 19° 57′ S., Long. 211° 54′ W.). It may be known by an Island which lies out at Sea N. by W. ½ W., 5 or 6 Leagues from it; this I called Holbourn Isle.[4] There are also Islands laying under the Land between it and Whitsundays Passage. On the W. side of the Cape the Land Trends away S.W. and S.S.W., and forms a deep bay. The Sand in the bottom of this bay I could but just see from the Masthead; it is very low, and is a Continuation of the same low land as is at the bottom of Repulse Bay. Without Waiting to look into this bay, which I called Edgcumbe Bay,[5] we continued our

  1. Whitsunday Passage. The aspect of the shores is very pleasing.
  2. Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, was a younger brother of George III.
  3. William Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, a younger brother of George III.
  4. Admiral Francis Holbourne commanded the fleet in North America in which Cook served in 1757.
  5. In Port Denison, on the western side of Edgcumbe Bay, is the rising town of Bowen,