Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/68

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annoy her, and kept in touch with her through letters. Meanwhile he persecuted the Ostrovsky family, who were related to Captain Shuvalov, Angelina's executed husband, and who lived on Maryinsky-Blagoveshchensky Street in Kiev. He finally had hired assasins to kill the whole family of five. Only and old nurse remained alive. She claimed that among the assassins were Valeryan Graves, Alexander Nemelovsky of Volhynia and Ilyodor, the notorious "Mad Monk," who subsequently broke away from the Orthodox Church.

Mendel Beiliss
Mendel Beiliss

Mendel Beiliss

After all these events, Platon obtained the necessary documents from the Holy Synod and left for America, unbeknown to the Czar, who was the nominal head of the Russian Church. From America, for reasons best known to himself, he sent his agents to Russia, tothe well-known millionaire Buturlin, who was also related to the late Captain Shuvalov, and whom Platon was evidently anxious to remove from this world. Among these agents was Daniel Gilevitch, whom I have mentioned before this, and whom Platon

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