Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/421

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-vtp . JUL ill, 1883. 61 tl. gifts ( = my sacrificial gifts, so Che) they sacri- fice flesh. [irr] vb. v. sub rrjvr infr.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) v.aub (Symbol missingHebrew characters) p. 213a supr.

TlIT in Dan, Jos i9 45 ;=mod. Ye- hildiyeh, 8m.E.of Joppa, and I J h.[r;Jm.]W.of N. fr.Lydda, Survey" 258 Guerin' 1 " 1 *"- 322 ; A lov6, @L [l]oi;8 (on form of name Jastr comp. Ta-u-du, Tel el-Amarna N0,39 ). lPT, cpd. with, v. sub m!T supr. pp. 219 ff. N1i"P v. sub mrV supr. p. 219.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) et terr. Judah (treated Gn 29 s5 49 8 (q. v. infr.) as if der. fr. Hoph. of Ty-=praised, object of jrraise (on n cf. Hiph.

  • 3NS+a8 7 , rtfff Ne 11 17 ), but this dubious;

relation to THV 11. JV"WV unexpl.; v. further Jastr' 81 ""' 1893 -"*-; As. Ia-u-du, of land; Ia-u- da-ai, Judaean COT G1 °") — I. 1. son of Jacob and Leah, expl. by Leah's words I will praise ** Gn 2 9 s5 (J); cf. Jacob's prediction, thy brethren sluill praise thee Gn 49 s (poem in JE), see alsov 910 ; elsewh. Gn37 26 38' + 14 1. Gn38, 43 3 - 8 44 141618 46 28 (all J), 35*(P), iCh 2 1 - 3 Eu4 12 ; iTWV ^3 Mw « of Judah Gn 4 6' 2 Nu 26 19 (P), 1 Ch 2 3 - 4 4 1 . 2. tribe descended from Judah Dt33 7 (poem), Nui 7 (P), Dt27 12 +; SW »J| Nu i 26 (P), Josi 4 6 (D), Ju i 8 + ; BTW 035? Jos

16 (J), 1 K 12 20 2 K 17 18 V<- 7s 68 ; rnw »ja neo 

Jos is 1 - 2021 2i 9 (all P), 1 Ch 6 60 ; elsewhere HBO ffW Ex 3 i 2 35 30 3 8 22 Nu i 27 7 12 13 6 34 19 J0S7 118 2 1 4 (all P); r»W B*K Ju i5 10 + ; miff *b* 2 S 2 4 + , (cf. ameMti [sabf Ia-u-du Tel el-Amarna H<, - !B Jastr 381 - 1 " 1893 - 64 ). 3. nation, of southern kingdom under dynasty of David, as distin- guished from northern kingdom of Ephraim or Israel: Ho4 15 Je2 28 2Chi2 12 + ; of the returned exiles Ne 4 4 ; Ifflff DJ? 2 K i 4 2l =2 Ch 26 1 , Je 25 12 Ezr4 4 ; HW V. 3 Ho 2 2 Je 7 30 2 Chi 3 18 25 12 28 10 ; ntl.T n»8 Hoi 7 Je 3 18 Ez4 6 + ; DttjjD IflW 2 Chi i 17 ; personified," 1 ns La I 16 2 9 - 6 . 4. Levite, Ezra's time, Ezr io 23 . 5. an over- seer of Jerus. Ne n 9 . 6. Levite musician Ne 12 8 . 7. priest Ne 12 36 . II. .terr. land of Judah, f. Is 7 6 Je 23 6 =33 16 , J04 30 ^ii4 2 +; l*W P« 1S22 6 2K.2 3 24 +; min'nDlNlsi 9 17 ; rnin y 2S2' 1K12 17 2Ki8 13 23 6 - 8 Is4o 9 44 26 Zei u ^6g x La 5 11 ; elsewhere 15 t. Chr., 23 t. Jer.; flin'a Jui5 9 +; rrm*o iK^'+i nwin tiw uu- country of Judah Josn 21 (D), 20" 2i ll (P), 2CI127 4 ; mirr 323 the south (country) of Judah

s 27 10 2 s 24 7 ; rrvrr "aio Ju i 16 ^63' (title). 

tt , *rt!T adj. gent. Jewish, as subst. a jew;— adj.m. , Tn^ , *< ZcS 23 ; pi. B*TttJ D'Btojj Jewish men Je 43" Est 2 5 ; as subst. J«34 9 Est 3 4 ; HWn </t« J«u< Est 5 13 6 10 8 7 9 2931 io 3 ; /. nnrvn the Jewess 1 CI14 18 ; pi. Jews B*TW Je S^ 28 ^; Dnirvri the Jews 2 K 16 6 25 s5 Je 32 12 38 19 40 llia 41 3 44 1 Ne i 2 2 16 3 s3 - 34 4" 5 1 - 817 6 6 13 23 Est 3 61013 . £13 £ „1. .M. IQ 3. cpnirpn Est 4 7 8 1 - 713 9 1618 . |i. TVtJWI* adj. gent., f. of foregoing, but only as adv. in Jewish = in the Jewish language

K i8 26 - 28 =Is 3 6 1U3 =2 Ch 3 2 18 ; Ne 13 24 . 

f 11. v TirP officer of Jehoiakim Je 36 14 - 21 - 21 - 23 , ® IovSti' (perh. orig. appell. Jewish, of one not so by ancestry, v. Gf Gie). fn.n'nVT (relation to foregoing names obscure) — wife of Esau Gn 2 6 M , daughter of n«a the Hittite(not named Gn 36 1 ) ; ® ioufi.v. t[-trP] vb.denom. Hithp. become a Jew — only pt. D ,- ljTrrt? Est 8 17 many of the people of the land were becoming Jews. miT, v. sub mn p. 2 1 7 ff. T3^!"P v. sub JVlfC p. 220 supr. 'NvvJT v. sub 11. 77H p. 239 b supr. ?L?2 v. sub D7H p. 240 11 supr. Fll (•/ of foil.; Ar.^^ij break,split; valide calcavit; ULal terra depressa et rotunda. yrP, !"l2rP in Moab, site un- known (MI 19 * 1 }»,t)— yrf Is 15 4 J6 48 34 ; c. n loc. ^?'"1t i on border of territory of Amorites (under Sihon) Nu 2 1 23 Dt 2 32 ; also HS.T3 Ju 1 1 20 ; called nsrr Jos 13 18 (assigned to Reuben); njfiV 1 Ch 6 ra (Lev-it. city in Reuben), Je 48 21 . IIT (-/of foil.; cf. NH -W Hithp. sliew oneself haughty, adj. "HJJ ; Aram. *W Pa. be haughty, adj. ^JV ; cf. Ar J°'° be insaneY t-Vrr adj. proud, haughty, }»!? W "Q iD^ Pr 2 1 24 a jiresumpituous man, (who is) haughty, scoffer is his name ( + P*1T 1113^3 HC^l?); rw xh i^n" 1 133 Hb 2 s .