Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/18

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have got paddy. Aku andal ka nuan bulih padi. I trust in you as you have got a good crop of paddy.

Andau (v.f. ngandau), to rise late. Iya ngandau tindok. He rises late.

Andau (v.f. ngandau; beandau or bandau}, s. a bridge, v. to bridge a stream. Andau nya tinggi, that bridge is high. Tuan ngasoh orang ngandau Samoa sungai ti mit-mit, The Tuan ordered men to bridge all the small streams.

Andi, rumour.

Andoh, to make a boat fast to a log and drift down stream.

Andok (v. f. ngandok; beandok w bandok}, s. a debt upon which no interest is charged, v. to borrow (usually paddy) without giving interest. Andokpadi iya. Borrow his paddy. Tu andok ukai utang. This is a debt upon which no interest is paid, it is not a debt (with interest).

Andu (beandu or bandu), a creeper with edible fruit.

Anembiak, another form of andk-biak, a follower (see anak).

Anga, appetite, lust, /ya anga ka asi. He has an appetite for cooked rice.

Angat (v. f. ngangat; beangatov bangat}, v. to heat, adj. hot, excessive, feverish, out of temper. Menoa angat. An infected country. Asi agi angat. The cooked rice is still hot. Angat sa angat. Hotter and hotter. Tung­ gu angat. An excessive fine. Anak aku angat di malam. My child was feverish last night. Jako iya ngasoh ati aku angat. His speech put me out of temper.

Angau or rangau (v. f. ngangau ; beangau or bangau}, adj. watery (in cooking), v. to cook with an excessive amount of water. Angau engkayu nya. The vegetable has too much water with it. Anang ngangau ka tubu nya. Don’t let there be too much water with that bamboo shoot that is being cooked.

Angeh (v. f. ngangeh), blown, out of breath, to perspire.

Anggap (v. f. nganggap; beanggap or banggap}, to reckon, calculate, think, consider.

Anggat, a term used in addressing a youth, or a son-in-law.

Anggok (beanggok or banggok}, a proper name, m., the lower part of the neck of a deer, horse, cow, bird, etc.

Anggor (beanggor or banggor), the grape, wine. Ai anggor. Wine.

Anggor (v. f. nganggor ; beanggor or bang­gor}, s. signs before an event comes to pass, the commencement of anything (e. g. a mat), rumour, v. to reckon, count on beforehand. Tu anggor tikai. This is the commencement of a mat. Bisi anggor Pieng ka datai. There is a rumour the Piengs are coming, /ya nganggor ka dulu udah nya barn iya bendar. He reckons the matter beforehand, afterwards he will do it in earnest.

Anggu (v. f. nganggu; beanggu or banggu), s. a support, sling, v. to hang. Anggu tikai nya. Hang up that mat. /ya nganggu ka tikai. He hangs up the mat.

Anggup (beanggup or banggup}, tweezers(used to pull out superflous hair.)

Anggut (v. f. nganggut; beanggut or banggut), to nod assent, /ya mina nganggut kaaku. He merely nodded assent to me.

Angi, sweet smelling. Minyak angi. Scent.

Angin (beangin or bangin}, wind, a breeze, hence a report, a lie. Angin betiup kaya di malam. The wind blew hard last night. Nadai bisi angin tengah hari tu. There is no breeze this midday. Jako iya maioh angin. His talk is full of lies.

Angis, see angeh.

Angit (v. f. ngangit; beangit or bangit}, s. a fresh or fragrant smell, v. to cause to smell sweet. Ban angit. Sweet smelling. /ya ngangit ka engkayu. She makes the vegetables smell sweet.

Angka (see jangka), perhaps. Angka iya enda datai. Perhaps he is not coming.

Angkai (v. f. ngangkai ; beangkai or bang­ kai}, to reveal, repeat, talk down, /ya ngankai ka aku butang. He revealed that I had committed adultery.

Angkat (v. f, ngangkat; bangkat or berangkat'), v. to lift, arise, make a departure from a place, inherit, conj. and, but. Aku ka ngangkat ka tiang ka atas rumah. I want to carry posts to the top of the house. Sida berangkat tumu pagi. They depart early in the morning, /ya ngangkat ka nama aki iya. He inherits his grandfather’s name. ngangkat ka mudal apai iya. He inherits his father's property. Aku bejako angkat iya datai malu aku. I was talking and he arose and came and struck me. /ya nemu aku ti empu manok angkat iya madah ka orang iya enda nemu. He knew the fowl was mine but he told people that he did not know.

Angkis (beangkis or bangkis}, a species of porcupine.

Angkong (beangkong or bangkong}, a tree bearing strong-scented diamond-shaped fruit (the horse manggo). Endu aku bebalong ka buah angkong. My daughter uses the angkong fruit for scent. Buah angkong. A dried head.

Angkun (v. f. ngangkun; beangkun or bangkun}, adj. greedy, v, to covet. Anang angkun ka utai. Don’t be greedy to get pro­perty.

Angkut (v. f. ngangkut; berangkut or bangkut}. to carry, to carry day after day or continuously, hence, to shift, remove, iya ngangkut padi sida Laut. He carries the paddy of the Malays Sida berangkut ka Sut. They remove to Sut, or, they carry for Sut. Angu, disappointed. Anang angu. Don’t be disappointed.

Angus (v. f. ngangus ; beangus or bangus), to burn. /ya ngangus ka rumah aku. He burned my house.

Aniet (v. f. nganiet; beaniet or baniet), to bite, mangle, gnaw as a rat or squirrel.

Ani (v. f. ngani ; beani or bahi), s. a vigil, v. to w'atch, look after, wait for. Aku nyati sa hari hari tu ngani iya. I have been the. whole day watching him.