Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/33

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the greater part of the stores, provisions, and implements of agriculture; while the Calcutta convened a detachment of marines, the whole of the convicts, their wives and children, and the remainder of the stores, as well as a considerable quantity for Port Jackson[1].


  1. The following was the Establishment for the New Colony
      1 Lieutenant Governor, 480l. per ann.
      1 Deputy Judge-advocate*  10s. per diem.
      1 Chaplain,  10 s.
      1 Deputy Commissary,   7s. 6d.
      1 Surgeon,  10s.
      2 Assistant Surgeons 1st, 7s. 6d. — 2d, 5s.
      1 Surveyor,   7s. 6d.
      1 Mineralogist,   7s. 6d.
      2 Superintendants of Convicts, each  50l. per ann
      4 Overseers, each,  25l.
      1Superintendant of Artificers,  45l.

    Military (Marines).

      1 Captain Commandant. (Lieut. Governor.)
      2 1st Lieutenants
      1 2d ditto.
      3 Serjeants.
      3 Corporals.
      2 Drums.
     39 Rank and File.
      5 Women, and 1 child.
    307 Male Convicts, with 17 of their wives; and 7 children.

    •  This Officer remained in England.
