Page:Asleep in the deep (NYPL Hades-464377-1710691).jpg

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"Asleep in the Deep."

This song is also published in the key of D,
As a Bass Solo and Male Quartette Chorus.
Words by ARTHUR J. LAMB. Music by H. W. PETRIE.


% [begin structure]
  \new Staff <<
    \new Voice = "VocalPart" { }
    \new Lyrics = "StanzaOne" { }
    \new Lyrics = "StanzaTwo" { }
  \new GrandStaff <<
    \new Staff = "PianoTreble" { }
    \new Staff = "PianoBass" { }
% [end structure]
  \context Staff = "PianoTreble" { % [begin context]
    \relative c' {
      \time 12/8 \key f \major \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
  <f a c>8\f q q q q q q q q q q q | <e bes' c>8 q q q q q q q q q q q |
  <f a c>8 q q q q q q q q q q q | <e bes' c>8 q q q q q q q q q q q |
  <ees' a c>4.\ff~ q8 <f a d> <ees a c> <d f bes>4.~ q8 r r | <c fis a>4.~ q8 <d fis bes> <c fis a> <bes d g>4.~ q8 r r |
  r <g bes d>8 q q q q r <f a c>8 q q q q | r <e bes' c>8 q r <e bes' c e>8 q r <f a c f>8 q q q q |
  % vocals begin
  r <c f a> q q q q r <d f bes> q r <c f a> q | r <d f g b> q r <c e g bes> q r <c f a> q q q q |
  r <c f a> q q q q r <d f bes> q r <c f a> q | r <d e gis> q q q q r <c f a> q q q q
  } % [end context]
  \context Staff = "PianoBass" { % [begin context]
  	  \key f \major \clef bass \relative c {
  c4.~ c8 d8 e8 f4.~ f8 g8 a8 | c4.~ c8 bes8 fis8 g4.~ g8 r8 r8 | 
  c,4.~ c8 d8 e8 f4.~ f8 g8 a8 | c4.~ c8 bes8 fis8 g4.~ g8 r8 r8 | 
  <f f,> <f a c ees> q q q q <bes bes,> <f bes d> q q q q | <d d,> <a' c d fis> q q q q <g g,> <bes d g> q q q q |
  d4.~ d8 bes8 g8 c4.~ c8 a8 f8 | c4. g'4. f4.~ f4. |
  % vocals begin
  <f f,>2. <bes, bes,>4. <f' f,>4. | <g, g,>4. <c c,>4. <f f,>4.~ q8 r r | 
  <f f,>2. <bes, bes,>4. <f' f,>4. | <e e,>2. <a, a,>4.~ q8 r r
  } % [end context]
  \context Voice = "VocalPart" { % [begin context]
    \key f \major \relative c' {
	R1*12 \break |
    \autoBeamOff c8 f a c a f \autoBeamOn d4 f8 c4 r8 | \autoBeamOff d e f \autoBeamOn g4 c,8 f4.~ f8 r r |
    \autoBeamOff c8 f a c a f \autoBeamOn d4 f8 c4 r8 | \autoBeamOff e e e \autoBeamOn e4 e8 a,4.~ a8 r r |
  } % [end context]
  \context Lyrics = "StanzaOne" { \lyricsto "VocalPart" { % [begin context]
    \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
Storm -- y the night and the waves roll high
Brave -- ly the ship doth ride........
Hark! while the light -- house bell's sol -- emn cry
Rings o'er the sul -- len tide........
	} } % [end context]
  \context Lyrics = "StanzaTwo" { \lyricsto "VocalPart" { % [begin context]
    \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2. "
What of the storm when the night is o'er?
There is no trace or sign!........
Save where the wreck -- age hath strewn the shore
Peace -- ful the sun doth shine........
	} } % [end context]
% [begin layout]
\layout {
  indent = #0
  \context { \Staff \RemoveAllEmptyStaves }
  \context { \GrandStaff \RemoveAllEmptyStaves }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 96 }
% [end layout]

Copyright, 1897 by Julie C. Petrie. English Copyright secured. All stage rights reserved except by written permission.