Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/561

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GUILDHALL. The hall or place of meeting of a guild, or gild.

The place of meeting of a municipal corporation. 3 Steph. Comm. 173, note. The mercantile or commercial gilds of the Saxons are supposed to have given rise to the present municipal corporations of England, whose place of meeting is still ciilied the "Guildhall."

—Guildhall sittings. The sittings held in the Guildhall of the city of London for city of London causes.

GUILLOTINE. An iiistrunient for decap- it.-iiion, used in France for the lnfllction of the death penalty on convicted criminals, consisting, essentially, of a heavy and weighted knife-binde moving perpendicui~.irly between grooved posts, which is made to fall from a considerable height upon the neck of the sulIerer_ iuiniovahly fixed in position to receive the impact.

GUILT. In criminal law. That quality wbiéii imparts criminality to a motive or act. and renders the person amenable to punish- ment by the law.

That disposition to violate the law which has manifested itself by some set already done. The opposite of innocence See Ruth. Inst. 1). 1, c. 18, § 10.

GUILTY. Having committed a crime or tort: the word used by a prisoner in pleading to an indictment when he confesses the ciiuie of which he is charged, and by the jury in convicting. Com. v. Walter, 83 Pa. 108. 24 Am. Rep. 154; Jessie v. State, 28 Miss. 103: State v. White, 25 Wis. 359.

GUINEA. A coin formerly issued by the English mint, but all these coins were called in in the time of Win. IV. The word now means only the sum of £1. ‘ls.. in which denomination the fees of counsel are always given.

GULE OF AUGUST. The first of An- gnst, being the day of St Peter ad I‘im‘alla,_

GULES. The heraldic name of the color usually called "red." The word is derived from the Arabic word "mile," a rose, and was probably introduced by the Crusaders. Guies is denoted in engrafiiigs by numerous perpendicular lines. Heralds who blazoned by planets and jewels called it "Mars," and "ruby." Wharton.

GURGES. Lat. Properly a whirlpool. but in old English law and conveyancing, a deep pit filled with water, distinguished from "stagnuin," which was a shallow pool or pond. (Jo. Litt 5; Johnson v. Rayner, 6 Gray (l\i:iss.) 107.

GURGITES. Wears. Jacob.

GUTI. Jutes: one of the three nations who migrated from Germany to Britain at an early period. According tn Spelnian, they established themselves chiefly in Kent and the Isle of Wight.

GUTTER. The diminutive of a sewer. (Janis, Sew. (S0,) 100. In modern law, an open ditch or conduit designed [0 allow the passage of water from one point to another in a certain direction, whether for purposes of drainage, irrmation, or otherwise. Wurren v. Herily. 31 Iowa, 31; Willis v. State, 27 Neb. 98, 42 N. W. 920.

GWABR MERCHED. Maid's fee. A British word signifying a customary fine payable to lords of some manors on marriage of the tenant's daughters, or otherwise on their committing incontinence. Cowell.

GWALSTOW. A place of execution. Jacob.

GWAYF. Waif, or waived: that which has been stolen and afterwards dropped in the highway for fear of a discovery. Cowell.

GYLPUT. The name of a court which was held every three weeks in the liberty or bundred of Pathbew in Warwick. Jacob.

GYLTWITE. Sax Compensation for fraud or trespass. Cowell.

GYNAECY, or GYNECOCRACY. Government by a woman: a state in which women are legally capable of the supreme command: e. g., in Great Britain and Spain.

GYROVAGI. Wandering monks.

GYVES. Fetters or shackles for the legs.