Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/362

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St. Possidius XII-318a; and

Tripolitana XV-59b Genshi-sai VIII-30oa Genson. See Gonson .

Genthius, King of lUjTia 11-

695b; VII-663b Gentile, Blessed XII--667a . — Bishop _of Reggio di Calabria

— bomenico M., Bishop of Sa- vona XIII-490b

—Giovanni Valentino III-197d

Partino da Montefiore, cardinal


—DA FABRIANO VI-421c; IX- 259c; XI-399b; adoration of the kagi (ill;) IX-529; Sa" Nicole, painting in (ill.) vi-

— da Foligno, physician X-127c —da MateUca, Blessed, martyr

V-744b ^ ,,,

—da Spoleto, Franciscan VI-

28-»<l . u .■

GENTILES_ VI^22c; and abstv

nence I-72d; and the Chureh I-119a; controversy ll-3Uia, VIII-537c; Ezechiel, proph- ecies of V-738b; Jewish teaching on Vlll-SSOb; St Luke on I-120c; mission II-30Ua, 111 747b; oblations XI-217b; ori- gin XII-370d; St. Pauls mis- sion XI-570a; status XI-570b

GENXai, ALOYSIUS VI^22d; XIII-201a , . .

-Charles, Archbishop of.Agra 1-

— Glan Carlo, Bishop of Ripa-

transone XIII-62d _ Gentilis, Bishop of Osimo XI-

GentiUy, Council of VI-73b; XI-

57Sb . „

Gentius,, King of Ulyria. isee Genthius . -,. ,„^.

Gentleman's Magazine IX-42.d Gentz, Friedrich, chancellor VIli-323a; X-246b; political writings Vi-507d; X-627C Genua. See Geneva . Genuardi, Gerlando Mana, Bish- op of Aci-Reale I-10.5a Genuflectentes, penitents VI-

425c; XI-630d GENCJFLEXION VW23d; bid- ding prayers VI-42od; catechumens VI-426a; to ^nsm III-697c; to cross I-3o3a; 1 V- 537a; in early Church yi-424a with Gloria VI-584C; in Gospel ceremony VI-662c; 663a; m hIu Ma?y VII-Ulc; in liturgy VI-425C; VI^27a;Nicffian decrees VI-425b; in Old Law VI- 424a; as penitential attitude VI-425a; at Prayer _VI-424a; 44c- 426b; Redemptions, peni- tenti'al XII-682c; sacraments, reception of VI-426C; m Sarum Rite XIII-480b; in worship XV-710b Genuina, Vincenza XIV-S58a Genuine, Vespasiano, sculptor

VI-367a ^ „ , ,,,

Genulfus, Bishop of Cohors 111-

141b Genus V-659c; in Aristotle s philosophy 1-7 14d; Gods in- aependence of XIV-323a; sub- stance as XIV-322d; Tourne- forfs distinction XI V-799d, in Universals- Probjem XI-^2a Genz$, Gnostic work VI-600d, X-706b „ -^ „ ■ 1

Geoffrey. Saint. See Ceolfnd,

Saint —Trinitarian, martyr VIII-lfi4b —Bishop of Hebron VII-lSoc —Lord of SablC' XIV-133C —Archbishop of York Vll-520d;

XV-7:«b ^.,„ „,„

—Abbot of Vfzelay Xni-<19a —OF CLAIRVAUX VI-427b; at

Fountains Abbey Vl-llila


HAM) Vl-127d; tapestry of

XlV-H9d , , ,. ,

—of Ludhara, Bishop of ^ ork

—OF MONMOUTH VI^2Sa; IX~12:!c; XUl 3:i3a; on am- phibalus I-2.Wa; St. Ursula, legend of XV-227a; William of Newburgh on XV-634d

-OF VENDOME VI-428b; as

hymnodist VII-603b; and Rob- ert of Arbrissel XIII-96b — Plantagenet VII-220d — the Bearded, Count of Anjou

V-617a; and Berengarius II-

487c — See Godfrey , _, ^

Geoffroy, Bishop of Chartres

VIII— 57a —Abbot" of Savigny XIII-489C — de Montbray, Blessed, Bishop

of Coutances IV-455d Geoghegan, Patrick Bonaventure

Bishop of Adelaide I7l4pb;

VI-683a; VIII-147c; X-15oa Geognostische - palaontologische

Beitrage, periodical XV-S.ilD GEOGRAPHY, Europe V-607a


II-121b; Agram I-225c; Agria I-230C; Aquileia I-661c; Ar- menierstadt I-739d; Banja- luka II-252b; Bohemia 11- 612d; Bosnia and Herze- KO^^na II-694a; Brixen II- 793d; Brilnn Ill-Ud; Budweia III-34C; Cassovia III^07c; Cattaro III-4o6d; Cracow IV- 464c; Crisium IV-J90c; Cro- atia IV-510b; Csan4d IV- 558b; Dalmatia IV-606a; Dia- kovar IV-769d; Eperies V- 484d; Fogaras VI-123a; Fiinf- kirchen VI-322b; Gorz-Gradis- ka VI-654C; Grosswardem \ 11- 40a; Gurk VII-88c: Gyor VII- 94c; Haedu-Dorogh XVl-35d: Hungary VII-547b; Kalocsa Bacs VIII-594d; Karinthia VIII-606C; Koniggratz VIll- 68Sc; Krain VIII-696b; Lai- bach VIII-743C; Lavant IX- 49a; Leitmeritz IX-141b; Lem- berg IX-144d; Lesina IX- 191b; Linz IX-273c; Lugos IX- 419b;MoraviaX-561b; Mostar andMarkana-TrebinjeX-599c; Munkdc3X-634b; Neusohl X- 774c; Neutra X-774d; Olmutz XI-247a; Parenzo Pola XI- 480b; Prague XII-338b; Prze- mysl XII-532C; Przcmysl, Sambor and Sanok XII-532d; Ragusa XII-633d; Roaenau XIII-192b; Salzburg XIII- 411b; SanktP61tenXIII-447b; Sebenico XIII-668d; Seckau XIII-672b; Serajevo XIII- 725a; Sirmium XIV-27c: Spa- lato - Macarsca XIV-207d; Stanislawow XIV-247a: Stem- amanger XIV-284d; Stuhl- weissenburg XIV-317b; St>-ria XIV-318b; Szatmdr XIV- 419d; Tarnow XIV-i58c; Tinin XIV-736b; Transylvania XV- 20c; 22d; Trent XV-SSd; Triest-Capo d' Istna XV-45b; Veglia XV-321a; Veszpr^m XV-392b; Vieima XV-417a; Wiener -Neustadt XV-618c; Zara XV-752a; Zeugg Modrus XV-754d; Zips XV-761b Belgium II-395b; Antwerp 1- 688d; Bruges Ill-Sb; Brus- sels III-21a: Flanders \ I- 94c; Ghent VI-542d ; Lidge IX- 236a; Mechlin X-104a; Namur X-«79a; Toumai XIV-798b Bulgaria III-16a ; Marcianopolis IX-645C; Nicopolis XI-70d; Sardica XIII-472C Denmark IV-722d ; Aarhus XV I- la; Borglum XVI-llc; Lund IX-433C; Odense XII-64b; Ribo XVI-70b; Roskilde XVI- 71b; ViborgXVI-81b England V-431b; Bath and Wells II-347C; Beverly Mins- ter II-540a; Birmingham II- 578c; Bristol II-790b; Bury St. Edmund's III-S5b: Canterbury III-299C; Car- lisle III-349b; Chester lU- G49c; Chichester III-<i57c; Clifton IV-58c: Durham V- 211b; Ely V-396b; Exeter V- 708d: Hereford VII-2Mb; Hex- ham and Newcastle VII-31.Sc: I^eds IX-112b; l.i.hf.cld IX-

232b; I.ii I" IX 2i;i'.c; Lmdis-

farne IX-L'iWa; l.iv.rpool IX- 314a; London lX-341b; Ix)n- don Diocese of IX-353c; Middlesbrough X-286a; New-

port Xl-lSa; Northampton XI-107c; Norwich XI-121d; Nottingham XI-133a; Ply- mouth XII-171b; Portsmouth XII-296d; Rochester Xlll- lOld; Salford XIII-399c; Salis- bury XIII-401a; Shrewsbury XIII-759C; Sodor and Man XIV-130b; Southwark XIV- 162d; Westminster XV-592d; Winchester XV-649d; Wind- sor XV-654d; Worcester Xv- 703c; York Xy-733b France VI-166b; Agen I-209b; Aire I-237a; Aix I-237d; Albi I-267a; Amiens I-429d; Angers I^89b; AngouWme I-513b

Annecy I-540b; Arras I"! 32c; Auch II-67d; Auxerre Xlll- 718a; Autun II-144a; Avignon II-158C; Bayeux II-358b; Bay- onne II-360c; Beauvais 11- 377d; Belley II-415C; Besancon II-523b; Blois II-602b; Bor- deaux II-682b; Bourges II- 720b; Burgundy III-68a; Ca- hors III-141a; Cambrai III- 209d; Carcassonne 111-331C, Ch&lons-sur-Mame III-566b; Chamb^rj' III-566d: Chartres III-635b; Clermont I\ -53c; Coutances IV-^55c; Dax XVI- 32c; Digne IV-793b; DiJon I\- 794c; Evreux V-671b; Fr^jus VI-269d; Gap VI-378a; Gren- oble VII-26b; Langres Vlll- 789d; La Rochelle I X-6a; La- val IX-45a; Le Mans IX- 143b; Le Puy IX-lS5d; Lille IX-251C; Limoges IX-263c: Lorraine IX-362c; Lourdes XVI-36a; Lucon IX-413a, Lyons IX-472a; Mftcon IX- 507a; Marseilles lX-710p, Meaux X-98b; Mende X- 180a; Montauban X-o.i4c, Montpellier X-545a; Moulms X-603d; Namur X-6<9a; Nan- cy X-680b; Nantes X-681c; Navarre X-721a; Nevers X- 778b; Nice XI-48b;^ Nlmes XI-8'3a; Normandy XI-104a; Orleans XI-318c; Panjiers XI- 435c; Paris XI-480d; P^n- gueux XI-668a;PerpignanXl- 700b; Poitiers Xll-l'Sd: Quimper XII-611c; Rems XII-725a; Remiremont Xll- 764b; Rennes XII-771b; Ro- camadour Xlll-lOOa; Rodez XIII-107d; Rouen XIII-20Sd; St.Brieuc XIII-340b ; St.Claude XIII-341b; St. Cloud XIII- 342d; St. Denis XIII-344b: bt. Dif XIII-344d; St. Flour XIII -347d; Saint -Jean- de- Maurienne XIII-353d; St. Pol deL6onXII-612a; Savoy XIII- 492b; S«ez XIII-681d; bens XIII-716b ; Soissons XI V-130C , Tarbes XIV-453a; Tarentaise XIV^54a; Toulouse XIV- 795b; Tours XV-2a; Troyes XV-67b; Tulle XV-86c; Vai- son XVI-78b; Valence XV- 250a; Vannes XV-271b; Ver- dun XV-350d; Versailles XV- 366a; Vi\'iers XV--493C Germany VI^84d; Aachenl-la; Alsace-Lorraine I-341d; .^^nhalt I-513d; .\ugsburg ll-'3p; Baden II-194b: Bamberg II- 242d; Bavaria II-353c; Berlin II-493b; Brandenburg I1-738C; Bremen II-756C; Breslau II- 761a; Brunswick III-19a; Co- logne IV-116b; Constance IV- 286d; Culm IV-566b; Dresden V-156d; Eichstatt V-3b4c: Ermland V-522a; Frankfort- on-the-Main VI-237a; Frei- burg VI-264b; Fulda VI-313C: Gncsen-Posen VI-590b; Ham- bum VII-121b; Hanover \ 11- 127d; Hesse VII-298C; Hildes- heim VII-353b; Leipzig IX- 138d; Limburg I>s.-2R0a: Lippe IX-276a: XQbeck IX- 401a; Magdeburg IX-524c: Mainz IX-550C; MecWenburg X-107b; Meissen X-14sa; 'Metz X-247a; Minden X-323a; Munich Freising X-631a. MUnster X-634d: Northern Missions. Vicariate of VI-529a, Nuremberg XI-168d: Olden-

burg XI-237C; Osnabruck XI- 341a; Paderborn Al-d«.iD. Passau XI-319b; Pomerama XII-225b; Prague XII-338b; Prussia XII-519d; Ratisbon XII-657a; Ratzeburg XV 1- 70a; Reuss XII-799b; Rotten- burg XIII-207C; Saxe-Aten- burg XIII-493d; Saxe-Coburg and Gotha XIII^94b; baxe- Meiningen XIII^95b; Saxe- Weimar-Eisenach XIII-49od: Saxony XIII^97c; Schaum- burg-Lippe XIII-523d; Schles- wig XIII-542C; Schwarzburg XIII-594a; SUesia XIII-i90c; Spever XIV-214d; btrasburg XIV-313b; Thuringia XI\- 712c- Trier XV^2a; Upper Rhine XV-205C; Waldeck XV- S27b; Westphalia Xv-6qic; Wittenberg XV-67Sd; Wur- temberg XV-716C; Wurzburg XV-718C , . , ,

Greece VI-735b; AmycliE I- 444d; Argos I-706b; Athens, Christian II-43b; Athens mod- ern diocese II-4bc; Mount Athos II-47d; Caruica III-- 333a; C a r y s t u s III-39od, Chalcis III-558d; Corfu IV- 362d; Corinth IV-363d; Cy- clades IV-5Sla; Cyclades. Andros XVI-34b; Daulia IV- 638d; Echinus V-270c; Eurcea V-607a; Ionian Islands Vlll- 91c; Larissa IX-4b; Lepanto IX-lSld; Megara X-146a; Melos X-169c; Messene X- 212c; Pharsalus XI-790c; Pro- eonnesus XII-449d; Sparta XIV-209d; Syra Xn-395a; Tsenarum XIV-429b; Tanagra XIV - 442a; Tenedos XIV- 506d; Thaumaci XlV-oobd, Thebes XIV-562c; Tbera XIV- 629a; Thermopylffi Xiy-629c, Tinos and Mykonos XIV -73bc, Tricca XV-40c; Valona XV- 264b; Zante XV-750a HOLL.AND VII-3S6d; Amsterdam I-441d; Bois-le-Duc II-625b; Breda II-752b; Haarlem VII- 95a; Hague Vll-lOSb; Roer- mondXIII-llOa; LtrechtXV- 245d , . , _

Ireland VIII - 9Sb; Achonry I-102d; Ardagh I-699c; Ar- magh I-729d; Athenry II- 43a; Cashel III-401a; Clogher IV-59c; Clonfert iy-b;4d; Cloyne IV-72c; Cork IV- 370c: Derry IV-(42d; Down and Connor V-147b; Dromore V-160c: Dublin V-I71d; El- phin V-394c; Ferns VI-45b; Galway and Kilmacduagh V I- 373a; Kerry and .\ghadoe VIII-627b; Kildare and Leigh- lin vni-637c: KUlala VIII- &40c; KUlaloe VIII-641b; Kd- more VIII-642d: Limerick IX- 262a; Meath X-97b; Ossory XI-342d: Raphoe XII-647b; Roscommon XIII-19()d; Ross XIII-201d; Tuam XV-79d; Waterford and Lismore XV- 564d; Youghal XV-736a Italy VIII-208b; Acerenza I-lOla; Aci-Reale I-105a; Ac- quapendente I-109a; Acqui I- 110b; Adria I-155a; Alatri I- 251a; Albano I-255d; Alba Pompeia I-252c; Albenga I- 258d ; Ales and Terralba 1-2830 ; Alessandria della Paglia I- 2S3d; Alghero I-310d; Alife I-312b; Altamura and Ac- quavivk I-345d; Amaia I-379b; Amelia I-406d; Ampurias and Tempio I-440c; Anagni I-44Sd; Ancona and Umana I-4Ma: Andria I-475c; Anglona-Tursi I-512c; Antivari I-.582b; Aosta I-591d; Aquila I-661a; Aqmno. Soro, and Pontecor\-o I-662d; Arezzo I-702b; Anuno I-710d: Ascoli-Piceno I-773d; Ascoli. Satriano and Cirignola 1-7 < 4a; Assisi I-SOlb; .^sti II-18b: Avellino II-149d; Aversa II- 151d; Bagnoroa II-203b;. Ban II-29.5d: Barletta XV-llid; Belluno-Feltre II-424b; Bcne- vento II-477C; Bergamo U- 489c; Bcrtinoro II-522d; Biella

Large typo indicat es titles of articles, othe77^;^s,l^ treated; OuiT^ UlustraUona.