Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/393

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iana Vlll-SSSd; Juliana Fal- conieri VIII-536a; Juliana of LiJge VIII-536<i; Julius I VIII-561a: Justin, martyr VIII-580d; Justus VIII-586a; Kentieern VIII-620a; Kiernan VIIl436d; Kilian VIII-639c; Ladislaus VIII-~37a; Lambert vni-75"b; Lawrence, martyr IX-89C; Lawrence, Archbishop of Canterbury IX-90c; Law- rence Justinian IX-91b; Law- rence OToole IX-Olc; Lazarus of Bethany IX-97d; Leander of Se%-ille IX-102a: Lebwin IX- 106c: Leo I. Pope IX-154d; Leo n. Pope IX-157b; Leo III IX- 157d; Leo IX, Pope IX-160c; Leocadia IX-173d; Leodegar IX-174a; Leonard of Limousin IX-178C; Leonard of Port Maurice IX-178d; ^Lcomdas IX-179C: Leontius IX-l(9a; Lidwina IX-233a; Lorenzo da Brindisi IX-359a: Louis IX IX-36Sd; Louis Bertrand IX- 376d; Louis of Toulouse IX- 385c; Lucius I IX-411b: Lucy IX-414a; Ludger IX-41oa; Ludmilla IX-416a; Macarms IX-482C; Machutus IX-D03a; Macrina the Elder IX-508b; Macrina the Younger IX-pU8c; Maedoc IX-o20b: Maelruan IX-520C; Maelrubha IX-o20d; Magnus IX-536b; Malachy lX-S65a: Maldeganus XV- 434b; Mamertus IX-58Ua; Manahem IX-583c; Marcel- Una IX-637C; MarceUinus. Pope IX-637d: Marcellus, Pope IX-640C; Margaret IX- 652b; Margaret Colonna IX- 652c; Margaret of Cortona IX- 653d; Margaret of Scotland IX-655d; Maris and Compan- ions IX-671b; Marius Aventi- cus IX-671d; Mark IX-672C; Mark and Marcellian IX-682C; Mark, Pope IX-674b; Martha IX-721C; Martial of Limoges IX-721d; Martina IX-730b; Martin I, Pope IX-723d; Mar- tin of Braga IX-731d; Martin of Leon IX-732b; Martm of Tours IX-732c; MartjTS of Scillium XIII-609c; Maij; de Cervellione IX-753d; Mary Francis of the Five Wounds IX-75.5a; Mar>- Magda en IX- 761b; Mar>- Magdalen de Pazzi IX-762b; Mary of Egjpt IX- 763b; Matilda X-49a: Mat- thew X-56d; Matthias X-66b; Maurice X-<i8d; Maurus X- 72b; Maximilian of Antioch X- 75c; Maximilian of Celeia X- 75c; Maximilian of Thebeste X-75C; Maiiminus of Tner X- 77b; Maximus of Constanti- nople X-78C; Maximua of Turin X-81b; Mechtdde X- 105c; Melania the Younger X- 154c; Melito of Sardis X-166c; Mellitus X-168d; Menas X- 178d; Methodius of Ob-mpus X-243a; Michael de Sanctis X- 274b; Miltiades, Pope X-31^; Monica X-482c: ,M«Fa .^- 64Ia; Nabor and Felix X-666a; Naiarius X-727d; Nazanus and Celaus X-728b; Xazarius and Companion X-728c;Ner- eus and ArchiUcus X-7Dlb; Nilua the Younger XI-80a; No- vatus XI-141c; Odilia XI- 207c; OdUo XI - 207d; Oil of Saints XI-228d; Omer XI-251b; Oswald. King of NorthumbriaXI-:j48d; Oswald, Archbishop of York XI-348C; Ouen XI-360b; Papias XI- 457d; Pascal Baylon XI-5^c; Paschasius XI-517d; Paul XI- 567b; Paulinus, Bishop of Nola Xl-585c; Paulinus, Archbishop of York XI-585d; Pelagia XI- 601d; Perpetua VI-29a; Per- petuus XI-700a; Peter XI- 744d; Peter Baptist and Com- panions XI-7.55d; Philastnua 5CI-797b; Philip XI-799b; Philip Benin Xll-t.b; Philip Nori XII-18b; Philip of Jesus Xll-fid; Philomena XII-25b; Pionius XII-105c;


Pius I, Pope XII-126b; PiusV XII-130a; Placidus XII-142d; Polycarp XII-219a; Pontian XII-229d; Porphyrius XII- 282c;|Possidiu3 XII-31Sa; Pop- po XII-275a; Praxedes and PrudentianaXII-344d; Primus and Felician XII-l2Ta; Prisca XII-428d; Proclus XII-449b; Processus and Martinian XII- 449b; Protus and Hyacinth XII-504b; Pulcheria XII- 561d; Quinctianus XII-613a; Quiricua and Julitta XII-614c; Quirinus XII-615a; Raymond Nonnatus XII-671C; Raymond of Penafort XII-671d; Remi- gius XII-763C; Richard de Wyche XIII-43d; Rimbert XiII-57a; Rita of Cascia XIII-64a; Robert XIII-95d; Robert of Arbrissel XIII-96a; Robert of Molesme XIII-9id; Robert of Newminster XIII- 98b; Roch Xlll-lOOd; Ro- manos XIII-154a; Romanus XIII-163a; Romuald XIU- 179b; Ronan XII-180b; Rosa- lia XIII-184C; Roseline VII- 192b; Rose of Lima XIII-192c; Rose of Viterbo XIII-193b; Rufina XIII-221b; Rufinus XIII-221d; Rufus (10) XIII- 222c; Rupert XIII-229a; Sab- bas XIII-2S6d; Sabina XIII- 290d; Samson XIII-422d; Se- bastian XIII-668a; Sechnall XIII-071d; Senan XIII-713a; Seraphin of Montegranaro XIII-726a; Sergius I, Pope XIII-728b; Sergius and Bac- chus XIII-72Sa; Sexburga XIII-747a; Sigebert XIII- 783c; Silverus XlII-793a; Sil- via XIII-794a; Simeon Stylites the Elder XIII-79oa; Simeon Stylites the Younger XIII- 795d; Simon, Apostle Xlll- 796c; Simon Stock XIII-800c; Simplicius, Pope Xiy-2c; Sim- plicius. Faustus and Beatrice XIV-3d; Siricius, Pope XIV- 26a: Sixtus I, Pope XI\-31b; Sixtus II, Pope XIV-31c; Six- tus III, Pope XIV-32C; So- phronius XIV-147d: Stanislas Kostka XIV-245C: Stanislaus of Cracow XIV-246d; Stephen I Pope XIV-2S8a; Stephen, deacon XIV-286C; Stephen, King of Hungary XIV-2S7d; Stephen HarSing Xiy-290c; Stephen of Muret XIV-291b; Suitbert XIV-328d; Susanna XIV-720d; Swithin XIV-3o7d; Sylvester I, Pope XIV- 370d: Symmachus, Pope XIV-377a; Symphorian XI\- 727b; Symphorosa XIV-379b; Tarachua Probus and Androni- cus XIV-»50b: Tarasius XIV- 4olc; Tarkin XIV^58b; Tar- sicius XIV-461a; Ta^ach XIV-463a; Tativan XIV- 465a; Teilo XIV-173d; Teles- phorus. Pope XIV-477b; Ter- esa of Jesus XIV-515d; Teman XIV-518b; Thais XIV-553d; Thecla XIV - 563c; 564a; Theobald XIV-567b; Thco- dard XIV-568d; Theodore of Amasea XIV-573b; Theodore of Studium XIV-574a; Theo- dorus and Theophanes Xi\- 577a; Theophanes XIV-623a; Thomas, Apostle XIV-658a; Thomas Aquinas XI\-6()3c; Thomas Becket Xiy-676c; Thomas Messingham X-21<d; Thomas of Dover XI\^94c; Thomas of Hereford Xl\- 694d; Thomas of Villanpva XIV-696b; Tiburtius XIV- 720d; Tigris XIV-724a; Timo- theus XIV-727b; Toribio Al- fonso Mogrovejo Xiy-781a; Traailla XV-26c; Trudo XV- 69c; Trudpert XV-69d; Trum- win XV-71a; Tr>-phon, Rcspi- cius and Nympha Xy-79a: Tvchicus XV-106C; Ubaldua XV-114d; Ulrich XV-123b; Ulrich of Zell XV-124b; Ultan of Ardbracran XV-124d; br- sus XV-230b; Valentine XV- 2Mb; Vergilius of Salzburg

XV-353d; Veronica XV-362c; Veronica Giuliani XV-363b; Victor I. Pope XV-iOSa; Vic- torinus XV-114a; Vigilius Xv - 426c; Vincent, deacon Xy- 434c; Vincent do Paul XV- 434d; Vincent Ferrer Xy- 437d; Vincent of L^rins XV- 439c; Vinciicianus XV— 445b; Virgilius of Aries XV-447d; Vitalian, Pope XV-484d; yi- tahs, martyr XV-186a; \ italis of Savigny XV-i86b; Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia XV- 490d; Wenceslaus XV-587b; VVondcIin of Trier XV-587C; Willibald and VVinnebald XV - 644d . . , .

HAGIOGRAPHY, Beali: Adrian Fortescue VI-146d; .Egidius of Assisi 1 170c; AgnellusotPisa I- 212c; Agnes of BohemiaI-213d; Agnostino NovelU I-224b; .yl- bert. Patriarch of Jerusalem 1- 261a; Albert Bertini of !^ar- teano I-261c; Albertus Magnus I-264a; Alexander Briant 1- 296c; Alexander Sauli I-299b; Altmann I-367a; Ambrose of Siena I-3S8c; Andrea Dotti I-469d; Andrew Bobola 1- 472c; Angela of Foligno I- 482b; Angelo Carletti di Chi- vaiso I-4S4b; Anthony Baldi- nucci II-219b; Baptista Mon- tuanus II-270b; Baptista Va- rani XVI-6d; Bartholomew of Braganca II-315a; Beatrix, Cistercian nun II-37oc; Bea- trix da Silva II-375d; Beatrix of Omacieux II-375d; Bernar- dine of Fossa II-505a; Bernard of Feltre II-504d; Bertha de Bardi II-519b; Bertha de Mar- bais II-519C; Christine of Stommeln III-724b; Clare of Rimini IV-7a; Clement Mary Hofbauer IV-44d; Colomba of Rieti IV-121b; Conrad of Ascoli IV-258b; Conrad of Of- fida IV-260b; Cunegundes IV- 569a; Cuthbert Mayne X-Sia; Delphine IV-701b; Denys the Carthusian IV-734d; Edmund Campion V-293c; , Edward Powell XIV-659d; Elizabeth of Rente V-391c; Eugene III. Pope V-599c; Ferdinand of Portugal VI-39C; Francis d' Ambrose VI-205b; Francis of Fabriano VI-230d; Francis RSgis Clet VI-232d; Frowin VI-310d; Gaspare del Bufalo VI-390b; German Gardiner VI-474d; Gil of Santarem VI- 561c; Giovanni Dominici V- 112b; Giuseppe Maria Tom- masi VI-573d; Gunther V'll- 84d; HadewTch VII-104a; Henry of Segusio VII-238b; Henry Suso VII-238d; Her- mann Joseph VII-266C; Hugh Faringdon VII-518C; Hum- phrey Middlemore VII-544d; Ignacio de Azevedo VTM39b; Innocent V VIII-18b; Isabel of France VIII-179b; Jacopo de V'oragine VIII-262b; James Thompson VIII-281d: Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney \ 111- 326d; Jean Gabriel Perbo>Te VIII-327C; Joanna of Portugal VIII-t09a; Joan of Arc VIII- 409d; John Colombini VII}- 458a; John do Britto VIII- l?td; John Feltpn VIII-i62a; John Fisher VIlI-»b2b; John Forest V 1 1 1-163d ; John Hough- ton VIII-465C; John Larke VIII-J66b; John Nelson },\\\- 466d; John of Fermo VIIl- 472b; John of Parma Vlll- 47.5c; John Payne VIII-lSSc: John Rochester VJJI^S^' John RuvBbrocck XIII-280d; JohS Sarkander VIII-184a; John Stone VIII-»8ob; John Stor%' VIIl-48.5b; Julie Bll- liart" VIII-5.59d; Ixiuis Alle- mand IX-376C; Louise Mane Grignion de Montfort IX- 3S4b; Madeline .Sophie Barat ll-283b; Margaret Mary Ala- coque IX-653b; Margaret of Hungary IX-0.54d; ^I3^garet of Lorraine IX-655b; Margaret


of Savov IX-O.i.ic; Margaret Pole IX^iSlic: M.iru? Chnstme of Savoy IX-r>iiGd; Marie de LTncarnation IX-6U7b; Mar- tyrs of CuncoUm IV-568a; ]VIarv Anne de Paredes IX- 735b; Meinwerk X-148a; Nich- olas Hermansson XVI-54a; Peter Canisius XI-756d; Peter of Mogliano XVI-6d; Peter of Montboissier X-525d ; Pierre do Castelnau XII-79d; Raba- nus Maurus XII-617a; Ralph Sherwood XII-636C; Richard Fetherston XIII-44C; Richard Thirkeld XIII-46C; Richard Whiting XIII-46d; Sebastian Newdigate XIII-668b; Sera- phina Sforza XIII-726b; Simon of Cascia XIII-798d; Teresian martyrs XIV-517a; Theo- phane V^nard XIV-623d; Thomas Abel XIV-659C; Thomas Ford XIV-689a; Thomas Johnson XIV-689b; Thomas More XIV-689d; Thomas Percy XIV-697a: Thomas Sherwood XIV-697C; Thomas Woodhouse XIV- 698a; Vincent Kadlubek Xy- 43Sd; Urban V. Pope XV- 214b; Victor III XV-410b -Venerables: Alfield, Thomas XIV-6U3b; Almond, John, con- fessor I-32Sb; Almond, John. niartjT I-32Sb; Anderton, Rob- ert I— 167c; Arrowsmith, Ed- mund V-293b; Bales, Chris- topher II-222c; Barkworth, Mark II-296d; Barrow, Wil- liam II-309d; Bell, Arthur II- 410c; BcUarmine Il-illc; Bic- kcrdike. Robert II-558b; Bo- dey, John II-608d; Boste. John II-702d; Bartholomew of Bra- ga II-314d; Buckley, John Vnl-S51b; Bus, C6sar de III- 86a;CadwalIador, Roger XIII- 116b; Chanel, Pierre-Louis III- 572c; Corbie, Ralph IV-35oc; Cornelius, John VIII-459a; Crockett. Ralph XII-636b; Davis. William IV-646b; Dean, William 1V-660C; Dingley, Sir Thomas IV-797d; Dowdall. James V-145c; Escobar, Man- na de V-534b; Eskil V-538c: Eudes, Jean V-596a; Eymard, Pierre-Julien V-735C; Finch, John VI-76b; Finglow, John VI-76c; Flathers, Matthew VI-98a; Freeman, William VI- 258c; Garcia. Anne yi-378d;

Garlick, Garnet. 386c; I 388a; C Goodiui Hartley. Haydock



VI-385d; VI-

VI- ,r.l Mil. Vl-467b; .loliii VI-647a; William VII-146b; oajuu.-, George VII-159b; Hill. Richard VII-354c; Hol- land. Thomas VII-393a; How- ard. Philip VII-503b; Howard, William VII-504a; Hunt, Thurston VII-563b; Inglehy, Francis VIII-7b; Ingram. John VIII-Sc; Ireland, William VIII-130b; Jones, Edward VIII-500b; Kemble, John VIII-616a; Knight, William VTII-670b; Lambton, Joseph VIII-761b; Langhorne, Rich- ard Vni-789b; Lapuente. Luis dc IX-3a; Lc Graa, Lomse IX- 133c; Leigh, Richard IX-138c: Libermann. Francis yip-jy l^" 223a; Lloyd. John IX-316d; Lobera. Ann IX-SlSc; Lock- wood. John IX-322c: Louis of Casoria IX-3S5a; Mahony, Charles IX-537d; Mane de rlncarnation IX-668a; Map' de Sales Chappuis l\;/->lb; Maxfield. Thomas X-'^b; Mavc. John Martin X-6n9a. Milncr. Ralph X-31(b; Mor- gan, Edward X-368c; Morse, Henrv X-57Sa; Morton. Rob- ert X-.582b; Xapper. George X-70.3b; Neumann. John Me- nomucene, X-773b; Oldcornc. fedward XI-237b; Pallott . Vincent Mary XI-429C; Paoli. Angelo XI-451a; Pibush. John XII-73b; Pickering. Thomas XII-75b; Pignatelli, Giuacppe

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c. d. quarter of page.