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Ex-Czech Consul Wants to Stay in U.S.

—Post-Gazette Photo

Consul Jozef Zak-Marusiak, son Svit Joseph, Mrs. Zak-Marusiak at Mt. Lebanon home.

Czech Consul Quits, Blasting Prague Communist Regime

(Continued from Page 1)

“I have received nasty note from the Czech ambassador in Washington denying what I said in my letter to him about pressure to be loyal to the Communist Party and Russia.” he said.

Resigning with Mr. Zak-Marusiak and thus closing the office were Mrs. Ludmilla Salay, a secretary; Mathew Gazdik, vice consul, both American citizens, and Ladislav Yankovic, a clerk and Crech subject, who has also petitioned Secretary Acheson for asylym in the United States.

Two Sons Served in War

The former consul said he did not know what he would do to support himself now. He has two sons, both of whom served as officers in the United States Army during World War II.

His resignation, he said, prevents him from receiving a pension he has been contributing toward in his 29 years with the Czech government.

“I kept going in my position for as long as I could because I thought it was important. Now,” he said, “I must keep going.”